Via: johnrussell • 10 years ago • 3 comments
Will Destroying ISIS Make The World Safe From Terrorism?
Today, the world is obsessed with ISIS. On the three major cable news channels, little else has been featured for 6 days. "We have to get those $#@!s" is the national rallying cry in the US. (The fact that ISIS has never killed more than a handful of Americans is brushed aside.)
Good enough, they are $#@!s and from what we see, every last member of ISIS deserves to die. The US military is , of course, capable of accomplishing that. And at some point we probably will, alone or in combination with other forces.
What I would like to know now is why anyone thinks this will make the world safe ? Terrorism is a hydra, a many headed monster. Radical Islam , and other ideologies that promote terrorism, will still be here, as will be the after effect of ISIS' proselytizing on social media.
It is not that difficult to get guns and attack soft targets. This sort of thing is going to be around for a long long time.
The West should concentrate more of it's effort on promoting the reformation of Islam so that the radical element is reduced and eventually phased out. Even this would take decades if it was begun now.
Yes, we will blow the ISIS killers to smithereens, but terrorist attacks are likely here to stay.
As long as we continue to poke our nose where it doesn't belong and kill innocent civilians and call them enemy insurgents we will create more terrorists. 911 was a retaliatory act.
We as Americans need to think beyond ISIS to what our role as a nation should be in the middle east.
A serious question
Is it necessary that the U.S. have a socio/economic and political role in the Middle East?
What would our reaction be if Saudi Arabia wanted to have a socio/economic and political role in North America?
As long as we continue to poke our nose where it doesn't belong and kill innocent civilians and call them enemy insurgents we will create more terrorists. 911 was a retaliatory act.