Musk Said No One Has Died Since Aid Was Cut. That Isn't True.
Via: bob-nelson
World News
one week ago
Only a fool or a psychopath could imagine that people who have been surviving - barely - on USAid supply food and medicine, won't be harmed when that ais stops. President Musk is not a...
Draft List for New Travel Ban Proposes Trump Target 43 Countries
Via: bob-nelson
World News
2 weeks ago
Not to worry, all you Very Good (White) People: aside from Russia and Belarus, these are all Black/Brown/Yellow countries. Riff-raff, y'a know... If you personally are...
Trump's disdain for South American allies is China's gain
Via: bob-nelson
World News
one month ago
Trump seems to understand absolutely nothing about international affairs. That's not surprising: he's a Reality-TV personality, not a diplomat. He only hears "advice" that agrees with his...
Trump's assault on USAID leaves China soft power opening in Southeast Asia | Poverty and Development News | Al Jazeera
Via: bob-nelson
World News
one month ago
So far, I've seen similar articles about South America and the EU. But no problem!! Trump is doing stuff. He's giving Ukraine to his dear friend Vladimir.
Lula and Xi sign dozens of trade deals as Brazil-China ties deepen
Via: bob-nelson
World News
4 months ago
Why would any country trust Trump? Why would any country make deals that engage their future, with a man so obviously determined to destroy the world. I'm sure that Lula doesn't want to...