Turning Autumn into Winter in Minutes
I take a lot of photos, and because publishers and private buyers are selective (and rightly so), I trash/delete as many, if not more, than I save/market.
Some photos in their original state have marketing potential/possibilities, but not as they come out of the camera; in the age of digital imaging, a "pretty nice" original can be transformed into a damned nice one.
This is not to say that a photographer should strive for less than the best with every click of the shutter with the idea in mind that "there's hope for everything by way of the digital darkroom" -- because some stuff is destined for deletion and that's a reality.
Having said all of this, below are TWO PICTURES … ACTUALLY, ONE PICTURE, the ORIGINAL and ONE DERIVATIVE from that ORIGINAL.
• The ORIGINAL was taken in early AUTUMN … I was happy with the composition but not happy with the lighting and colors.
• The DERIVATIVE is a "SNOW SCENE" … the very same ORIGINAL but "edited/manipulated" by me to look in every way like a STREAM IN WINTER … the uninspiring original colors transformed to SEPIA and a very pale BLUE-WHITE tint.
The pictures …
The Original
The Fake.
© A. Mac/A.G.
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Going down the road for coffee … back soon.
Great photos Mac.
I'll go with the summer photo.
I'm a hiker so photos of nature are my favorite. No one stages a picture better than mother nature. Interesting how you've manipulated the picture into the winter scene.
I'll have to say I go with the first photo as well because I prefer warmer weather and more colors, although both are very nice.
Amac.... I hope you don't mind me putting my one little photo I took last week. As I was heading to one of the small towns in South Carolina, I passed a gravel road I've been down a few times with a couple of friends before as we would spend several days and nights sitting around playing music, wandering around the trails and enjoying the somewhat freedom from civilization. One friend has since passed away due to Agent Orange and the other has to carry an oxygen tank with him everywhere he goes due to Agent Orange.
The day I turned down that gravel road was not the kind of weather I care for and the skies were not all blue with a beautiful sunset on the horizon, but standing there taking this photo with my phone was much more than any photo could recreate on the most beautiful day I've ever seen.
Feel free to add any image and/or comment to any of my discussions!
I love mirror reflections in lakes!
Really lovely photo, Six. I also like the reflection effect.
I find it really interesting how you could change an entire season digitally. I can't say that I have a favorite. I like them both, as they have a totally different feel.
See you tomorrow … "peace and tranquility" pix every day.