Via: community • 9 years ago • 4 comments
The European Union's top migration official said Thursday that the 28-nation bloc's plan to manage a refugee crisis is not working and failure could have devastating consequences for European unity.
The events in Cologne are a consequence of the loss of control over immigrants caused by neglect on the part of Angela Merkel’s government, especially since the beginning of the migration crisis. They resulted from the subordination of policy (and the accompanying narrative) to the short-term political struggle of the German government, and thus both the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats, with anti-immigrant parties and movements. The Chancellor’s calculation that she would succeed in imposing a model of appropriate behaviour on the migrants (by making gestures of solidarity and by admitting the migrants resident in Hungary at the beginning of September 2015 to Germany) has failed. Attempts to stigmatise the backgrounds of groups opposing the admission of the migrants also failed.
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So very, very sad...:^(
The Poles understand:
The events in Cologne are a consequence of the loss of control over immigrants caused by neglect on the part of Angela Merkel’s government, especially since the beginning of the migration crisis. They resulted from the subordination of policy (and the accompanying narrative) to the short-term political struggle of the German government, and thus both the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats, with anti-immigrant parties and movements. The Chancellor’s calculation that she would succeed in imposing a model of appropriate behaviour on the migrants (by making gestures of solidarity and by admitting the migrants resident in Hungary at the beginning of September 2015 to Germany) has failed. Attempts to stigmatise the backgrounds of groups opposing the admission of the migrants also failed.