
Not Every Soldier Has A Dog


Category:  Other

Via:  petey-coober  •  9 years ago  •  12 comments

Not Every Soldier Has A Dog

Some of them come home to cats :


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Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    9 years ago

Videos of a soldier returning home to a faithful dog are uncountably numerous . But some soldiers come home to a cat . Are cats as faithful as dogs ? Judge for yourself in the above video ...

Happy July 4th to all , even dog owners !

Stephi Cantley
Freshman Silent
link   Stephi Cantley    9 years ago

Awwwww! SO sweet!Grin.gif

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

Cool video Petey.

Larry Hampton
Professor Participates
link   Larry Hampton    9 years ago

Great video! Damn big cat, looks like it's part bobcat or sumptin'.


Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio    9 years ago

Very nice!

Professor Guide
link   FLYNAVY1    9 years ago

Things been eating good that's for sure.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    9 years ago

This has been one of the most enjoyable threads I've done . Thanks all for your participation .

Freshman Silent
link   LoneRanger01    9 years ago


You're right, not all soldiers own dogs.....

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    9 years ago

That particular "dog" seems to have his "owner" well trained to provide transportation .

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    9 years ago

So cool.

Professor Guide
link   FLYNAVY1    9 years ago

You know it doesn't just stop with transportation either Petey.......

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    9 years ago

I can speak to that from personal experience :



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