Amazing comments from the Pope- considering Vatican City is 100% surrounded by massive walls.
That's not quite true, though, said several Catholics familiar with the layout at Vatican City.
Yes, the Vatican does have walls, and some are quite large. But anyone can stroll through the Pope's front yard -- St. Peter's Square -- at nearly any time. Only metal detectors stand between the iconic landmark and the millions of tourists who come to see the historic headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church.
In other words, Vatican City may have walls, but the front door is always open, said the Rev. James Martin, a Catholic priest and editor at large at America magazine.
The Pope, 'the Donald,' and the wall between them
"The fortifications were built a very long time ago," Martin said. "This Pope didn't build them -- and he certainly didn't build them to keep out poor migrants.
To emphasize his point, Martin tweeted a picture of St. Peter's Square.
There are walls and then there are walls. The walls around the Vatican were built more then 1200 years ago to protect the Pope and the Vatican from military invasions. Not to keep out immigrants. To try to compare them to the wall Trump is saying he's going to build on our Southern border (It's bullshit, he's not going to, even if the nation lost it's mind and elected him) to the walls around the Vatican shows an ignorance surprising even for Trump supporters.
But Trump fired back.
"No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man's religion or faith," Trump said, calling the Pope's remarks "disgraceful."
Earlier this year:
Donald Trump questioned GOP presidential primary rival Ted Cruz’s Christianity early Friday, asking if his “lies” disqualify him from the faith.
“How can Ted Cruz be an Evangelical Christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest?” he tweeted .
Ah, the nauseating smell of GOP hypocrisy. I guess Trump will now drop out of the race since he can't be a "leader" by saying that.
Oh well another group (Catholic's) that he's pissing off.
Trump seems to be implying that the Pope is not a REAL Christian like himself. How hilarious is that?
Atheists everywhere are probably peeing their pants with laughter. This is the epitome of such arguments among Christians over who is a real one and who is a CINO.
I've known many, many, many CINO's in my day. In fact just about everyone of them I know has been one. Not all, but far to many to claim any oral status for their brand. Then again it does seem to fit most every religion.