Via: nona62 • 9 years ago • 56 comments
Would you be willing to spend 2 months alone on a beautiful Island with everything provided for you, but not even see another person while on the island, and no phone?
Your parameters indicated that "everything would be provided" - which is different than a Robinson Crusoe or Tom Hanks in Cast Away situation so perhaps if that were so it would be more difficult.
Perhaps you should also have said no computer with internet as well, although I think that as a means of communication we should assume it would not be available.
I don't know that I could. Don't get me wrong, I love my alone time. I don't need someone to entertain me and I appreciate quiet. I wouldn't need conversation but it would make me feel at peace with the simple knowledge that someone else was there even if they were at the other side of the island. :o)
Sign me up! Couldn't care less to see another person but would like to have my animals...they're so much more tolerant than most people that I know anyways!
Hal - I think there's already a show on t.v. about that. Wait a minute........have you been on that show? Let me know which episode so I can check you.....I mean it out.
Would you be willing to spend 2 months alone on a beautiful Island with everything provided for you, but not even see another person while on the island, and no phone?
That pretty much sums up the way I've lived for the last 10 years.
I make a supply run down to town every 6 to 8 weeks, ( a 3 to 4 hour round trip, depending what's on my list), leaving the cabin around 4am to avoid people as much as possible even then.
Months of never speaking a word out loud or interacting with another living human works just fine for me.
Because I can live this way I fell like I'm getting to have the "life of Riley".
Eat, sleep and crap whatever, whenever & wherever I want. Get black out drunk, shoot my shotgun at the moon before passing out to wake up buck naked on the back porch two days later, (true story), If I happen to be in the mood to do so.
It helps to have a lot of nature and natural beauty surrounding me. Sometimes I shoot it, (squirrels eat the crap out of my place if I don't keep them at bay), but mostly I just take great solace in my environment.
Two months? Pfft.
Let me win a Lotto & I'll stretch my current two months of blissful isolation into years at a time. (smile)
Assuming the island is not in a brackish lake, everyone has their own idea "beautiful"...I'd be perfectly fine for a couple months. Any more than that, no thank you.
I'd seek out areas to explore, critters to encounter, flora to marvel, sand castles to be built, waves to mesmerize, star-lit sky to gaze upon, probably contemplate the laundry, cooking and mundane daily stuff and smile - a broad smile as I twirl around on the sand
Personally, I don't think I could do it.
I would. I'm used to being with people with whom I cannot communicate, and besides, ever since childhood I've been somewhat of a "loner".
I'm kind of a "loner', but 2 months is a LONG time, I don't think I could do it!!
Your parameters indicated that "everything would be provided" - which is different than a Robinson Crusoe or Tom Hanks in Cast Away situation so perhaps if that were so it would be more difficult.
Yes all of the luxuries would be available to you, except a phone.
Perhaps you should also have said no computer with internet as well, although I think that as a means of communication we should assume it would not be available.
Good point Buzz!
I don't know that I could. Don't get me wrong, I love my alone time. I don't need someone to entertain me and I appreciate quiet. I wouldn't need conversation but it would make me feel at peace with the simple knowledge that someone else was there even if they were at the other side of the island. :o)
I enjoy my "alone time " too, but I couldn't enjoy 2 months worth.
Sign me up! Couldn't care less to see another person but would like to have my animals...they're so much more tolerant than most people that I know anyways!
Sorry Uppy "No Pets Allowed"
I would really miss B&B if I couldn't have them with me,......
but but didn't say no animals! You changed the rules...not fair! LOL
LOL Like I used to tell my daughters "Life Isn't Fair"
Nope!!! I spend enough time alone. Like Uppy, I need my animals, too!
I forget how to interact, socially, if I'm not around people...
LOL...rather talk to my animals! So far I've never heard a snarky word from them!
B & B get a little sassy once in a while......sigh
I completely understand!
I would go mad. I am a social being and being alone without people or my pets to engage with is like a nightmare for me.
While I'm not that much of a social person, I couldn't handle not having someone to talk to once in a while.
It is easy to say, I could do it, or I wouldn't like it, until it happens or someone has to do it.
I am sure I could do it without any problem, but probably wouldn't like it.
That's true, one wouldn't know until they actually experienced it, I KNOW that I wouldn't like it.
I'd do it buck naked.
You might get sunburned in places that you wouldn't want to get sun burned!! lol
Hal - I think there's already a show on t.v. about that. Wait a minute........have you been on that show? Let me know which episode so I can check you.....I mean it out.
ROFLOL !! Good one!!
Would you be willing to spend 2 months alone on a beautiful Island with everything provided for you, but not even see another person while on the island, and no phone?
That pretty much sums up the way I've lived for the last 10 years.
I make a supply run down to town every 6 to 8 weeks, ( a 3 to 4 hour round trip, depending what's on my list), leaving the cabin around 4am to avoid people as much as possible even then.
Months of never speaking a word out loud or interacting with another living human works just fine for me.
Because I can live this way I fell like I'm getting to have the "life of Riley".
Eat, sleep and crap whatever, whenever & wherever I want. Get black out drunk, shoot my shotgun at the moon before passing out to wake up buck naked on the back porch two days later, (true story), If I happen to be in the mood to do so.
It helps to have a lot of nature and natural beauty surrounding me. Sometimes I shoot it, (squirrels eat the crap out of my place if I don't keep them at bay), but mostly I just take great solace in my environment.
Two months? Pfft.
Let me win a Lotto & I'll stretch my current two months of blissful isolation into years at a time. (smile)
You would be in Paradise!!
Assuming the island is not in a brackish lake, everyone has their own idea "beautiful"...I'd be perfectly fine for a couple months. Any more than that, no thank you.
I'd seek out areas to explore, critters to encounter, flora to marvel, sand castles to be built, waves to mesmerize, star-lit sky to gaze upon, probably contemplate the laundry, cooking and mundane daily stuff and smile - a broad smile as I twirl around on the sand
I LOVE your description of the Island!!! That would be GREAT to be in a place like that!