
Mommas Don't let Your Babies Drive Cement Trucks


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Via:  community  •  9 years ago  •  5 comments

Mommas Don't let Your Babies Drive Cement Trucks

Kid steals cement mixer for high-speed chase through three Minnesota towns


By this time, the truck was missing one of its tires. No big deal.


As escape vehicles go, you could do better than a cement mixer. Say, something with a bit more get-up-and-go when you're trying to lose the cops on your tail.

Then again, you could do worse. After all, who's going to try to stop the motion of a 10-ton truck? And how would they even try?

Some of this reasoning might have been involved in the thinking — if that's the right word — of a Minnesota juvenile who stole a cement mixer yesterday and went for a Sunday joyride. Police and the Minnesota State Patrol did not think this was such a fun idea.

They chased the kid from his point of order in Dodge Center, through Kasson (five miles away), Byron (another six miles), then back to Dodge Center (12 more miles, for a total round trip of 23 miles), where he was finally caught and placed in custody, the Rochester Post-Bulletin reports




jrDiscussion - desc
Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   seeder  Larry Hampton    9 years ago

During his last stretch driving in the town of Dodge Center, the youth in the truck came barreling down the street in front of Dustin Johnson, who captured the moment on his cell phone camera. Johnson describes the cement mixer as already having blown a tire and "riding on the rim" at that point.

The tire was blown out by police-lain "stop sticks," which didn't quite live up to their name in this chase.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    9 years ago

Well, the advantage is that they are very hard to stop. The disadvantage is that they do get stopped sooner or later. Next time steal a Porsche'.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

He had frost bite of the brain.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    9 years ago

Stupid is as stupid does!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    9 years ago

This was just good clean fun , a lot like this event from a few years back :


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