
Calling All Right Wing Nut Jobs, Circling the Airport


Category:  Entertainment

Via:  community  •  9 years ago  •  64 comments

Calling All Right Wing Nut Jobs, Circling the Airport

Find this title offensive?  Sorry, but that's my reaction to what some of you have published today.

My father, who served in the National Guard, the Army, and the US Army Reserves back in the 1960s, used to look over the front seat of the car on a road trip, when I was making too much noise in the back seat, and say, in his sternest Father-Voice, "At ease, Trainee".  Meaning:  Pipe down, don't make me come back there, and and if I have to stop the car, you're dead meat.  I piped down.  Immediately.  

There seems to be a bit too much free floating testosterone on the site today.  Most of you are ready for Armageddon, if not eagerly anticipating the opportunity to blow each other's heads off, and it has become hyperbolic terror.  Sort of like watching a train wreck in slow motion...


So, what's the point?  

We are not heading toward Armageddon.  The world is not about to come to an end, and we are all fine.  If you want to scare yourself, like little kids telling scary stories around the campfire, go indulge yourself in some YouTube therapy...  There are some things there that will make your skin crawl...  Like this:


And finally, for those among us who are sophomoric and wish to say, "Gross!"  here is a video just for you!


Let's everyone take a step back and a deep breath.  


Because I'm sick and tired of reading unending insults to one another, there are RED BOX RULES here-- no insults to one another.  Comments intended to inflame will be deleted.  Comments that denigrate other's feelings will also be removed...  In other words, be nice or be gone!

Thanks for coming by!


jrDiscussion - desc
Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    9 years ago

RED BOX RULES here-- no insults to one another.  Comments intended to inflame will be deleted.  Comments that denigrate other's feelings will also be removed...  In other words, be nice or be gone!

Let's all take a chill pill!

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    9 years ago

Or, as Daddy would say, "At ease, trainee!"

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

Dowser, we have a group of people here who happily throw facts and logic out the window.

If they confined their hate to the ISIS inspired terrorists it would be fine. But they have no interest in that. They want all Muslims deported from the US, or maybe worse.

It is what it is , and yes, it is ugly.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

And I'm tired of it.  We are all, supposedly, intelligent people, so let's act a bit more like intelligent adults.  Not that it's going to happen, but we can always hope!

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

Hey Girl, been tired of it for a long time, it's just some think their chosen facts trump real facts.

I don't deal in hyperbole anymore, (you know that already, I know) behaving like a child does not become me and is foolish.

I wish others felt the same way. Seems like they have an inability to communicate without pointing it at something or someone.

Very sad state of existence if you ask me.

Why do we even have a heated discussions group? It's for those that cannot control their emotions and think that typing nasty words into a keyboard at some visual bits on a screen makes them all better. (or more of a man)

I tend to think that the smarter man/woman avoids abuse. So asking to go to HD is self explanatory for the age/maturity of the person asking. And who wants to be invited to an insult party.

Love ya Marsha, Don't worry about it too much, they seem to want to reveal their age level every chance they get.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Nowhere Man   9 years ago

I love you, too!  Always have!!!

Maybe some of our more juvenile members will enjoy the ear wax video...  winking

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

Yeah we do John, And that is unfortunate, and current respondee is not excepted of course.

(mind your or's & ee's)


Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Nowhere Man   9 years ago

Thanks, y'all, for keeping it nicer...  We can disagree without killing each other!

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

Nice strawman, John! Way to help!

Masters Quiet
link   PJ    9 years ago

Loved the simulation of the world's destruction.  I hope I'm at the spot of impact.  I don't want to have time to think or feel anything.  The ear wax video was the best.  How in the world could anyone have that much ear wax and not realize it..... come to think of it I should go check my husband's ears.  He probably has wax in his ears and that's why he ignores me when I'm talking to him.  Hehehe

Thanks for the reminder dear Lady Dowser.  Things could always be worse!

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  PJ   9 years ago

Sometimes the site makes one wonder...  

Dearest PJ, I thought, I hope I'm at the point of impact, too!  No need to stagger about, on fire, and suffering...  Hopefully, it won't happen any time soon!  And the ear wax-- Egads and little fishes!  How could that person hear anything?  Pass the Q-tips, please...


Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    9 years ago

It is easy to have wax in your ear and not know it. You might not be able to tell until the wax completely blocks your hearing.

Doctors or nurses remove it easily by squirting a pressurized stream of water into your ear, which forces the wax out.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

I've heard of that--- this case, it must have been REALLY impacted!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    9 years ago

Comments intended to inflame will be deleted.

Your title is intended to inflame ...

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Petey Coober   9 years ago

A working title that is exactly how I feel right now...  So don't make it worse, ok?

I love you, Petey.  I really do!

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty  replied to  Petey Coober   9 years ago

I agree Petey this should be moved to heated discussions.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Dean Moriarty   9 years ago

So you all wish to dish it out, but a title that puts the shoe on the other foot is reprehensible and needs to go to Heated Discussions?  If Perrie wishes to move it, she is free to do so.

I'm tired of listening to how all of you are so put upon by the left.  That the left is in league with the devil.  That all of America's problems are the fault of the left.  

Point the finger at yourself, too!  

And watch the ear wax video-- it's meant to be EW!

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

I was just kidding the red box rules should probably be removed considering the inflammatory headline. I thought the other article could have stayed on the front page too. 

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Dean Moriarty   9 years ago

DEar Dean-- the inflammatory title was a way to get both sides here--- and it worked!  

So far, anyway.  However, I do not wish to host an article where people behave badly.  I don't want to have to read, OR respond to a bunch of nastiness...  So, if the title pisses you off, I'm sorry, but I've felt pretty pissed off all day, too.  Can we still be friends?  I hope?

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

No the title doesn't bother me and yes we can be friends. I like these kind of articles. It is entertaining good article. 

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Dean Moriarty   9 years ago

I think because you're a nice person to everyone, PJ...  See?  To some people that is a terrible fault.  NOT to me, by the way...  Happy

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Dean Moriarty   9 years ago


Big hugs

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    9 years ago

A meta article implying that the right is solely responsible for insults and acrimony here? That's bullshit. I thought you were better than that.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Cerenkov   9 years ago

Nope.  But if the shoe fits, and all that.  (Or if the Foo shits, and all that...  Hoping you remember that old joke!)

All I've been reading all day is articles about how the left is in a league with the devil.  It's both sides who are at fault.  The title was just in response to some of the articles out and about today, and every day...  

I don't see it as just a left-wing or right-wing problem.  I do see part of it, on this site, as a testosterone problem...  

When I say circling the airport, I also mean, please come to earth and land.  Let's discuss this calmly, without pointing fingers...  Can we?

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

Can we? It's becoming doubtful. The harsh rhetoric directed across the aisle is evident in the most innocent of posts. There's at least one troll that attacks any statement, I make even on apolitical seeds. There are several people here that I can violently disagree with on some seeds and agree with on others (Amac, 1ofmany, NWM, etc) but most are just one-dimensional hacks.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Cerenkov   9 years ago

I have never seen any evidence that you have spent one minute trying to prove your points.

You think your word is gold.

Comment removed for CoC violation. [ph]

I spent half an hour finding out that 51% poll probably isn't worth the paper it is printed on. When have you done a single thing like that on this site? I am sick and tired of having to waste time debunking people like you.

Dowser, and Pj and Perrie can be nice to y'all.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

Please, be nice...  I know you're disgusted, so am I, today-- but we have to build bridges to talk to one another...

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

Thanks, John. Your worthless crap is typical of the left's position. Comment deleted due to violation of red box rules, per seeder. (Randy)


Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Cerenkov   9 years ago

Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]Other people spend time finding sources and evidence, you flap your gums. Maybe that impresses Dowser and some others, but you dont fool me.

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

And all you do is downplay trajedies and attack sources. Your blindness and disregard for human life is well known.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Cerenkov   9 years ago

STop this, please, now.  AGain, I realize that you are both angry at each other, and wish to kill one another, but not here.  Not today, and NOT on my article.

Masters Quiet
link   PJ  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

Hey, how did my initials get brought into this?  John don't drag me into your discussion as an example.  You're trying to make me feel bad because I communicate differently than you.  :0p. I think you're still smarting over the cubs losing to the nats.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  PJ   9 years ago

I think because you're a nice person to everyone...  See?  To some people that is a terrible fault.  NOT to me, by the way...  Happy

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Cerenkov   9 years ago

I agree with you!  But both of us are normal people.  We may be on opposing sides to the political spectrum, but we can nod at each other, across the aisle, and realize that we're more alike than we're different.

I have respect for you and care about you.  Isn't that all it takes for an honest dialogue?  We're really not all that far apart on the political spectrum, now that you mention it.  I'm a moderate-- which means that I manage to piss off both sides...  winking

In no way do I wish to silence the right-- but I'm pretty fed up with all the hysteria, too-- on BOTH sides of the aisle.  There is no need for us to dig a hole, put the world in, and bury it...  Watch this, if you will...  It is short and very funny!

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

You wouldn't have seen such a backlash here if some of the most inane posters hadn't continued with the insanely irrational position that the Orlando shooting wasn't the result of Islamic radicalism. When people stake out such an irrational position and defend it solely by calling us bigots and attacking Christians, you can expect flashback. Let me be clear. The anti-terrorism article onslaught was brought on by the left. 

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Cerenkov   9 years ago

The radical Islamists goaded this man into believing that if he killed everyone at a gay club, he would reap benefits in paradise.  (How many virgins is it today?  77?)

There, I said it.  It wasn't me that refused to use the words Radical Muslims.  But, then, I'm not fond of radicals, period.  No radical Christians, no radical Hindus, no radical Buddhists, (are there such a thing?), etc.  Extremists of all ilk are a bane on society.  

I, too, am a gun owner, and a Christian, and have no wish to take guns away from anyone, except maybe those who are diagnosed paranoid schizophrenics who may have a psychotic break at any moment.  There is much middle ground here-- why don't we step on it and stop shouting at each other?  Happy

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

Of course radical Islam "goaded" him! That was their intent and they and he were responsible! The conflating of "radical" Christianity (harsh sermons!) And radical Islam (multiple failed nations in war, routine stoning and torture) also tends to irritate the rational right.

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
link   Mark in Wyoming   replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

wait a sec..... they GOADED? no , HE made that choice HE made the decision to believe what he was told , HE acted on those beliefs , it all falls on him and his beliefs which I feel are fundamentalist militant , and those kinds run through all religions , but this , this is on the asswipe  that acted .not the gun , not his victims , not others of the muslim faith , but HIM and HIM alone. he doesn't get off from blame and no one should try to lighten what he chose to do.


Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Mark in Wyoming   9 years ago

Probably a poor choice of words...  How about inflamed?  Is that better?  

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  Mark in Wyoming   9 years ago

One of these days they will get it Mark, there is no excuse and one should not be created for him. He made his choice and has to live or not live with the consequences.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Nowhere Man   9 years ago

Or thankfully, die by them.  He deserved to die-- no excuses.  I am makingno excuses for his behavior.  Again, it was a ;poor choice of words...

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

I don't fault your words. But he acted based on his belief in a radical Islamic philosophy requiring that gays be killed. Whether he was straight and accepted that philosophy or was gay and tormented by that philosophy makes no difference. He is ultimately responsible for his actions but so our his mentors that encouraged the deed.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Cerenkov   9 years ago

It is always our free will to follow or not.  In his case, he made a terrible decision.  He paid for it with his life, as is right and proper, and he should have...

No excuses here.

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
link   Mark in Wyoming     9 years ago

When I read rightwing nut jobs in a title I usually add AND leftwing , if I don't , I would HAVE to take it that someone is telling the right wing to shut up and sit down ,  the right wing is only PART of the problem, the other half sits on the left.

 I hope that was civil enough and conveyed what it was meant to.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Mark in Wyoming   9 years ago

I agree, absolutely!

What I've been reading all day is that all the fault is on the left, when it is really both sides who are at fault...  

Thank you for plain speaking without calling names!!!

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    9 years ago

Extremists, of whatever colour or creed, are a bane. 

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Buzz of the Orient   9 years ago

That's how I feel!!!


Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
link   Mark in Wyoming     9 years ago

well I didn't go to an antebellum southern grace and charm school I grew up in south boston near the docks , the military saw fit to make me an NCO , all that really means to me is that it didn't take an act of congress to make me a gentleman ( which I have been accused of), but I always try to be nice , right up to the point , I no longer have to be and let people know where the bear craps in the woods. If you have reached that point , you most likely had it coming long before it was given.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Mark in Wyoming   9 years ago

Me, either.  winking

But I was reared by a wonderful family, most of whom were born when Victoria was still queen...  Hope you're doing fine in Wyoming!

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
link   Mark in Wyoming   replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

95 degrees , suns out , waiting on my homemade pizza dough and marinara sauce to be ready to cook. and now I have had the pleasure of talking to 3 gracious ladies today , I must have done something good in a past life.


Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Mark in Wyoming   9 years ago

It's always my pleasure to speak to you!  You're a great guy!

Masters Quiet
link   PJ    9 years ago

I'm BACK!  Sorry but I had this overwhelming desire to clean my ears  out for some reason.   

I don't want to be a one dimensional hack....eek!  :0(    Can I fall under the "other" category?

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  PJ   9 years ago

YOU, dear PJ, are not a one-dimensional hack!  You're a grand person!  A pleasure to interact with!  I love you dearly!

Big hugs

I, too, hope that I fall under the "other" category...

Masters Quiet
link   PJ  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

You're always gracious Lady Dowser.  I bow to you

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  PJ   9 years ago

FAr from it!

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  PJ   9 years ago

  I don't want to be a one dimensional hack....eek!  :0(    Can I fall under the "other" category?

Your STILL not foolin' me Girl!

And no your not an other either! Big hugs chuckle

But if you two insist, how does one go about joining you?

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Nowhere Man   9 years ago

AS they say on the game shows-- Come one down!!!

We're all in this together, birds of a feather, ready for some wonderful weather...

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

I don't consider either Dowser or PJ to be one-dimensional hacks.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Cerenkov   9 years ago

Thank you, dear friend!!!


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