Neetu thank you for the reminder to reflect. Your words always bring out an emotion, melancholy a sense of serene or a feeling of gratefulness. Thank you!
MAC - thank you for sharing your special talent to snap great pictures.
Much love to you, Neetu! I am better-- these steroid shots are helping! I go back on Wednesday for another one-- I just hope they last for a while... Being able to walk again, without excruciating pain is such a blessing! I was just about ready to throw in the towel! But now, I have hope... I can do a lot of things, if I have hope!
So, I'm rickety and weird, but thankful to be alive and up and about! Your collaboration with dear A. Mac reminded me of how much I missed my husband while we were on our trip! It was perfect-- the picture and the words!
I am so glad to hear the shots are helping you, dear Dowser! Pain is an awful thing to live with and you don't deserve it at all. You work so hard, take care of so many things and deal with all kinds of crap that pain is the last thing that should interfere with life. I hope it keeps improving, my dear, and I shall keep you in my thoughts. (((((((((((Dowser)))))))))))
Cast your bread upon the waters … or …
… just enjoy at no cost whatsoever.
Thank you, Mac!!! Perfect image and layout.
Beautiful words, so well matched visually. Thank you both.
Thank you, Buzz.
Very nice !
Glad you like it, Pat. Thanks!
Neetu thank you for the reminder to reflect. Your words always bring out an emotion, melancholy a sense of serene or a feeling of gratefulness. Thank you!
MAC - thank you for sharing your special talent to snap great pictures.
I reflect a lot, Pj! Thank you.
Absolutely perfect! What a wonderful collaboration!
Thank you, dearest Dowser. Hope you are well, my dear friend.
Much love to you, Neetu! I am better-- these steroid shots are helping! I go back on Wednesday for another one-- I just hope they last for a while... Being able to walk again, without excruciating pain is such a blessing! I was just about ready to throw in the towel! But now, I have hope... I can do a lot of things, if I have hope!
So, I'm rickety and weird, but thankful to be alive and up and about! Your collaboration with dear A. Mac reminded me of how much I missed my husband while we were on our trip! It was perfect-- the picture and the words!
I am so glad to hear the shots are helping you, dear Dowser! Pain is an awful thing to live with and you don't deserve it at all. You work so hard, take care of so many things and deal with all kinds of crap that pain is the last thing that should interfere with life. I hope it keeps improving, my dear, and I shall keep you in my thoughts. (((((((((((Dowser)))))))))))
Thanks, Neetu! That helps-- as much as the shots do, because the support is in my mind!!! Thank you, very much!
Oh Dowser dearest, you are most welcome! I hate to see you in pain!
Thanks, Kat!
Thank you guys,,,,simply beautiful!
Happy to give you something pleasing to look at and enjoy, Larry. Thank you!
So nice to read words of inspiration along with such a peaceful and beautiful photo.
Thank you, my dear Perrie.