
EXCLUSIVE – NSA Whistleblower: Agency Has All of Clinton’s Deleted Emails


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  sixpick  •  8 years ago  •  37 comments

EXCLUSIVE – NSA Whistleblower: Agency Has All of Clinton’s Deleted Emails

William Binney, former intelligence official of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) turned whistleblower, arrives to testify at the Bundestag commission investigating the role of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) in Germany on July 3, 2014 in Berlin, Germany. The commission convened following revelations last year that the NSA had for years eavesdropped on the mobile phone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other leading German and European politicians. Recent documents released by former NSA employee Edward Snowden show strong activity by the NSA in Germany as well as cooperation between the NSA and the German intelligence service. (Photo by Adam Berry/Getty Images)

31 Jul 2016

PHILADELPHIA – The National Security Agency (NSA) has “all” of Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails and the FBI could gain access to them if they so desired, William Binney, a former highly placed NSA official, declared in a radio interview broadcast on Sunday.

Speaking as an analyst, Binney raised the possibility that the hack of the Democratic National Committee’s server was done not by Russia but by a disgruntled U.S. intelligence worker concerned about Clinton’s compromise of national security secrets via her personal email use.

Binney was an architect of the NSA’s surveillance program. He became a famed whistleblower when he resigned on October 31, 2001, after spending more than 30 years with the agency.

He was speaking on this reporter’s Sunday radio program, “ Aaron Klein Investigative Radio ,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990 AM.

Binney referenced testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee in March 2011 by then-FBI Director Robert S. Mueller in which Meuller spoke of the FBI’s ability to access various secretive databases “to track down known and suspected terrorists.”

Stated Binney: “Now what he (Mueller) is talking about is going into the NSA database, which is shown of course in the (Edward) Snowden material released, which shows a direct access into the NSA database by the FBI and the CIA. Which there is no oversight of by the way. So that means that NSA and a number of agencies in the U.S. government also have those emails.”

“So if the FBI really wanted them they can go into that database and get them right now,” he stated of Clinton’s emails as well as DNC emails.

Asked point blank if he believed the NSA has copies of “all” of Clinton’s emails, including the deleted correspondence, Binney replied in the affirmative.

“Yes,” he responded. “That would be my point. They have them all and the FBI can get them right there.”



jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick    8 years ago

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    8 years ago

Well, that IS scary. I just realized that my emails with my accountant asking for tax advice may well have been compromised. Lots of verbiage in that sound track, and I assume that Hillary's emails are available - but what I didn't hear is whether it was the Russians, or WHO has leaked the info to WikiLeaks.

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick    8 years ago

Well, that IS scary. I just realized that my emails with my accountant asking for tax advice may well have been compromised. Lots of verbiage in that sound track, and I assume that Hillary's emails are available - but what I didn't hear is whether it was the Russians, or WHO has leaked the info to WikiLeaks.

Binney said it could have been a disgruntled Intelligence employee.  There is a lot of verbiage in the audio interview.

The fact is Hillary has never suffered any consequences for anything she has ever done that was illegal, corrupt, or just plain unethical.  Why should we expect anything any different now with all the cards on her side of the table?

She has the support of the media, the news sources most Americans receive their information from, Wall Street who has given her more money than all the other candidates from the beginning received with the exception of Jeb Bush another establishment member who came in second to her, foreign countries from the darkest places on earth and the Foundation has received over $2 billion in donations and only uses 10% of it for aid.  That's no to mention all the billionaires who made millions and billions from her stint as Secretary of State. 

Comey's explanation to Congress was a forest at best.  Sometimes I wonder if these people who aren't quite as corrupt don't have a gun to their head or some bribe they couldn't bear to get out.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

Sometimes I wonder if these people who aren't quite as corrupt don't have a gun to their head or some bribe they couldn't bear to get out.

There is a third possibility.  Maybe they're just decent people who don't want to be a part of all this...  I mean, stranger things have happened.  Not everyone has an ulterior motive.  

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

There is a third possibility.  Maybe they're just decent people who don't want to be a part of all this...  I mean, stranger things have happened.  Not everyone has an ulterior motive.  

That is definitely a possibility, but I really desire these decent people, when dealing with justice, treat everyone the same and provide equality when crimes have been committed, don't you?

Comey basically said there would be consequences for anyone in the FBI who did the same thing that Hillary did, but when the name Hillary was inserted in the picture, he didn't have an opinion.  It may have been different if Hillary wasn't running for president or had been squeaky clean all these years, but she has suffered no consequences and has committed campaign fraud numerous times to say the very least of her crimes with only a $50,000 fine for example after receiving millions from the fraud. 

I see that all the time when people or companies commit crimes and are fined, but the fine is easily covered by the profits from the crime.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

Isn't that typically termed "the cost of doing business"?  I mean, you can't demand squeaky clean politicians and expect them to be politicians...

And yes, we both know tons of businesses, people, etc., for whom something might not be fraud, that we think of as fraud.  Or things we wouldn't do, in our daily lives, that other people see absolutely no problem with.  The thumb on the scales, the size reduction for the same price-- ever noticed how toilet paper sheets are getting smaller and smaller?  I'd gladly pay a bit more for a bit more...  

Don't you know people that know people?  I mean, ever played 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon?  I mean, I know a lady, taught school with her, who is Lilly Tomlin's first cousin and knew her well, and Lilly starred in Tea with Mussolini with Cher, so then I've got 3 degrees from Cher.  All of us know people that know people that we don't know.  (This is like that Friends episode...  They don't know that we know that they know we know.)  

I mean if Cher came down to KY to speak at a convention when I was running for office, would you say she colluded with me?  Or that my friend, Girtie, called her cousin, Lilly, who called her friend Cher and said, You need to be there...  Maybe its because KY doesn't have that huge a population, but I have many friends all over the state, who know people, so we have mutual friends, and are often related.  Back when the original Bruces had 9-12 kids-- I'm probably related to them, after 200 years...  Take those 9-12 kids, and all the different people they married, and it's more likely than not.  We may be 7th cousins twice removed, but we're still related...

There isn't always evil associated with knowing people, or them doing something nice for you.  Mr. Khan was probably glad to speak out.  His feelings are likely very hurt by Trump's desire to get rid of all Muslims, when he has done everything he could to fit in and be a model citizen, even unto his son dying for America.  I would be chomping at the bit to say something, in his place.

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

Sorry Dowser, but that was almost too much for me to handle.

All I was saying was Comey could have charged Hillary with lying, destroying, extreme careless (gross negligence, destroying government property and initially refusing to return government property, but he didn't.  He said anyone working for the FBI would suffer consequences for doing any of these things.  That's all.  Thanks for your comment.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

"...ever noticed how toilet paper sheets are getting smaller and smaller?"

Actually, Marsha, the sheets are not getting smaller, the cylindrical cardboard core of the toilet paper roll is increasing in diameter but the whole roll is the same size. That is the fraud being pulled by the manufacturers to make people think that they are getting the same as they got before. I would hope that the person who thought of that trick was given an all expense world-wide one year paid family vacation.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Buzz of the Orient   8 years ago

They probably did...  I mean, go to the grocery to buy things for an old recipe.  The can sizes are different, the oz. in just about anything, like, say, Vanilla Wafers, have gone down.  You can now buy 12 oz of Vanilla Wafers, and the recipe calls for 16 oz.  Down-sizing of quantities seem to be the rage, while the price goes up.  

There are a lot of things like this.  Liberty Mutual car insurance full replacement value, or State Farm's accident forgiveness policies-- you pay for those, up front.  The insurance company isn't doing you any favors, they're getting their money up front-- before you have that accident.  If you don't have that accident, the insurance company is ahead of the game...

Everything seems to be a rip off these days.

All I'm saying is that not everything that seems to be coincidental, is something evil.  Sometimes, there are logical explanations that we don't hear.  

I remember buying gifts for my former mother-in-law.  I bought her a HUGE, very expensive, bath set, with matching fragrance from her favorite perfume in soap, powder, bubble bath, shower gel, etc.  I meant for the gift to make her happy.  She took it that I thought she smelled.  It never occurred to me that she smelled, (she didn't), but she interpreted my loving gift as a slap in the face.  So, what does one do?  How can you do something nice for someone without it being misinterpreted as an evil deed?

Mr. Khan knew someone, and Mrs. Clinton knew someone, and it's not necessarily a conspiracy, it's just knowing people.  Business here in KY is based on good ole American Know-Who.  I got my first job as a geologist because a friend from Sunday School, had a best friend, whose father was a geologist, and who knew about another geologist who was looking for a staff geologist.  So, I learned about the job and applied for it.  Was that a conspiracy?  Nope.  It was just knowing people...

I know that the people that hate Hillary Clinton are looking for anything they can blame on her-- anything that is seemingly innocent is used to nail her to the wall.  Yes, she has lied.  Who hasn't?  What politician hasn't told a lie or two, or three, or every other word out of their mouth...  If you don't like her, don't vote for her.  Vote for someone you feel is more honest.  But, not everything she does is a conspiracy-- or done with evil intent-- even though, through dislike of her, you wish it were so.

Perhaps the main difference between us is that I still believe that most people are decent and good.  There are a few that give the rest of us a bad name-- but most of us are just decent, honorable people who try their best to do the right thing.  

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

"Perhaps the main difference between us is that I still believe that most people are decent and good."

"Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?" (Robert diNero, Taxi Driver)

Did I say I believe that most people are evil and bad?

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Buzz of the Orient   8 years ago

I'm sorry, dear Buzz.  I should have prefaced that paragraph with:  Six, the difference between...  No, sweet Buzz, I was talking to Six, and should have said so.  I'm sorry I wasn't more clear in my communication.

Take care, and please don't hold it against me.  Nor you, either, Six.  It's hard to disagree when you really care about the people you're disagreeing with...  

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick    8 years ago

This appears to be a very reliable source. I can't think of anyone affiliated with National Security who would know better.

It certainly sounds like William Binney has the credentials to be someone who would be in the know.

Masters Quiet
link   PJ    8 years ago

I'm going to wait for a little bit more information before I weigh in completely and take a position.  I'm wouldn't be surprised if this is true.  What I will say is there may be a security risk if the emails are found/released and that could be why Comey has taken a passive position while also trying to use as strong a language he could without revealing anything.

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany    8 years ago

Binney resigned in 2001 but he "knows" the NSA has Hillary's deleted emails because it has the ability to access secret databases (implying that accessing an existing database is the same as accessing one that's been wiped). He then raises the entirely speculative possibility that the hack "may" have been done by a disgruntled employee of the NSA itself rather than the Russians. This sounds like something I'd read in the National Enquirer and I'm certainly not willing to replace one unproven assertion (that the Russians did it) with something entirely speculative (that a disgruntled NSA employee did it). I'll wait and see if any proof surfaces to back up his speculation.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah  replied to  1ofmany   8 years ago

That is precisely why the NSA's surveillance tools were such a horrible idea.  It's a Pandora's box, and anything could be true now that the box is open.

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick    8 years ago

This sounds like something I'd read in the National Enquirer and I'm certainly not willing to replace one unproven assertion (that the Russians did it) with something entirely speculative (that a disgruntled NSA employee did it). I'll wait and see if any proof surfaces to back up his speculation.

1ofmany, the Democrats were hacked and you've seen some of the emails, right?  Suppose they destroy all those hard drives or any server they used.  Do you think all those emails you've seen will disappear?

Let me tell you another National Enquirer story.  Hillary's emails are on another computer right now somewhere, but it would be a national disaster to admit this to the public.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

I didn't think Binnie said it WAS a disgruntled NSA employee who hacked, but that it COULD HAVE been a disgruntled employee. After all, wasn't Snowden an example of that?

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany    8 years ago

1ofmany, the Democrats were hacked and you've seen some of the emails, right?  Suppose they destroy all those hard drives or any server they used.  Do you think all those emails you've seen will disappear? Let me tell you another National Enquirer story. Hillary's emails are on another computer right now somewhere, but it would be a national disaster to admit this to the public.

I assume you're saying that, if Hillary sent me an email, then I have it even if she deletes it on her end. True. However, that's like saying a rock continues to exist even though I threw it out of a plane window while flying over the ocean. What good is knowing that the rock exists if you don't know where to look? Nobody is going to examine every rock at the bottom of the sea looking for mine so effectively the rock is unrecoverable. Hillary's outbox is one record and every inbox she sent email to is a different record. It's impossible to examine every inbox in the government (or the world) randomly looking for Hillary's emails. So, unless I'm missing something, her deleted emails are as unrecoverable as my rock. 


Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  1ofmany   8 years ago

I assume you're saying that, if Hillary sent me an email, then I have it even if she deletes it on her end.

Not quite, it's more like you send someone an email and someone who has hacked your computer copies it and lets it go on its merry way or someone actually copies all emails coming and going to your computer.  Just the act of copying all incoming email gives enough information to hack the sender's computer as well if they desire to do so.

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago

But that's if someone hacked it. The NSA didn't know about Hillary's private server and, even if they did, they wouldn't have gotten authorization from a soul in the Obama administration to monitor her email. Now maybe the NSA was hacking the Russians while the Russians were hacking Hillary but that's getting even more speculative.


Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  1ofmany   8 years ago

Any mail server that transmits/receives e-mail to/from foreign sources is tracked by the NSA.

Black letter law.

AS far as the NSA having the missing e-mails?

Probably not the actual e-mails at least not all of them, but it probably does have the server e-mail indices which will list all the e-mails and the sending and receiving servers. The traces are there and do exist for every single one.

They have been tracking/keeping this intelligence ever since the Bush Administration.

It is the one of the points of building that huge server storage complex in the Utah desert.

Mr Binney, from his position is probably one of the few persons who will actually know this for a fact.

I would withhold judgment on any potential release of said e-mails until they are actually released, but rest assured, by act of congress and massive expenditures of money, they DO exist.

It was one of the points of the whole NSA ideal in the first place. Track foreign communications into and out of the nation. It has subsequently been expanded to cover certain domestic transmissions also as far as they communicate in the same threads and instances.

The only way you CAN completely wipe e-mails off the face of the planet to an unrecoverable state is have absolute physical control of each and every server in the chain of transmission. If you do not have such control, then they exists somewhere out there on a hard drive somewhere.

There are hundreds of software programs out there capable of rebuilding an e-mail servers indices and emails from the indices.

the thing is getting your hands on the indices.

This is also in all probability how the DNC's emails were sent to Wikileaks, in the form of indices which had to be rebuilt. The hack the Hillary Campaign is claiming the Russians did was concerning backdoor recording and forwarding software. and what that does is forward every e-mail sent to a specific e-mail address from a specific e-mail address. that is script kiddie hacking. and is the biggest indicator that the Russian Government had nothing to do with it. The Russians especially their military intelligence would have went to copy the indices off the hard drive leaving nothing behind. Knowing that they could rebuild the e-mails from the indices.

That is what told me it (the whole Russian/Trump hacking thing) was a fraud in the first place. Besides the time lines are not right. The hack took place at the end of May, the DNC discovered in the middle of June and shut it down. It wasn't until the middle end of July by the time Wikileaks released them.

Storm front was hired by the Hillary campaign to find any connection they could use to blame Trump, Stormfront brought two other companies to lend credence to their report and a security writer/editor at ARS Technica was brought on board to do the same thing. HE brought on board another security company to get their opinion.

Their opinions on the stormfront report (as I posted on another article) was to remain skeptical of the Russian connection as there is way to much smoke and mirrors to definitively claim as the Hillary Campaign was doing that it was the Russians.

And then highly a respected security blog reviewed the same information and some they obtained for themselves and completely debunked the Russian Connection.

The missing Hillary E-mails, the ones from her private server, are out there on a hard drive somewhere, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit that the NSA has them...

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Nowhere Man   8 years ago

Thank you very much Nowhere Man.  Your understanding and knowledge of this is far beyond mine.

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick    8 years ago

Now maybe the NSA was hacking the Russians while the Russians were hacking Hillary but that's getting even more speculative.

We can get as speculative as we want.  You don't believe Obama let Hillary run around with her own server and didn't know exactly what she was doing.  These people always keep a knife handy, not literally, but they don't even trust each other and will make sure they have the goods if they have the power to obtain them.

Snowden didn't ask permission.


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