
It's a GRAND Morning.


Category:  Photography & Art

Via:  community  •  9 years ago  •  1 comments

It's a GRAND Morning.

The overwhelming vastness of the Grand Canyon, in my opinion, in terms of photography, is best represented in horizontal ("landscape" orientation) as opposed to vertical ("portrait" orientation).

I believe this to be the case since our vision is elliptical  and consequently, horizontal vs. vertical in the viewing of graphic art, as, in reality, is inherently more "normal".

This something I considered as part of my Masters thesis … "The Role of Presupposition in the Perception of Art," mostly as the question … Since our vision is elliptical, why are so many paintings, photos, etc., rectangular or square ?

In the art world, canvases that are oval or round, or other than rectangular, are referred to as "shaped" … and, since rectangles and squares are "shapes," why are they not referred to also, as shaped?

I apologize for my addiction AND LOVE of analytical assessments of art … it's that Gemini right-brain/left brain continuous battle with self.



Grand Canyon, View from the South Rim, Late Afternoon

© A. Mac/A.G.

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A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   seeder  A. Macarthur    9 years ago

Hopefully this is a good beginning in the shape of your day.


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