List of Killers with the Middle Name of Wayne
My husband and I were talking last night, about how everyone that is a real criminal seems to go by 3 names, and that many murderers have the middle name of Wayne.
Is it coincidence? Probably. Statistically speaking, it is likely expected. Is it real? Certainly . Is it weird? Definitely!
Today, I did some research into it. Who are the killers, whose middle name is Wayne? A list is available, published by News of the Weird . It does not includes some really notable serial killers, such as John Wayne Gacy, pictured at right, who managed to confirm my lifelong fear of clowns. It also includes plenty of plain murderers, who aren't, perhaps, as well known.
Take a look! There are a lot of killers with the middle name Wayne! They are listed in the order in which they were convicted... Wish there was a list of dates, with this! I have highlighted those with the combination of John Wayne _____.
[This list of names is (as with everything else on copyrighted by Chuck Shepherd, with All Rights Reserved]
Michael Wayne Adams (Virginia)
Timothy Wayne Adams (Texas)
Shannon Wayne Agofsky (Texas)
Thomas Wayne Akers (North Carolina)
Matthew Wayne Almand (Florida)
Stephen Wayne Anderson (California)*
Joshua Wayne Andrews (Virginia)
David Wayne Arisman (California)
Dennis Wayne Bagwell (Texas)*
Timothy Wayne Barnett (Alabama)
Michael Wayne Baxter (Maryland)*
Kenneth Wayne Beck (Missouri)
Gerald Wayne Bivins (Indiana)
John Wayne Blair (Tennessee), pictured at right
Scott Wayne Blystone (Pennsylvania)
Donald Wayne Booth (Texas)
Elvis Wayne Botley (California)
Steven Wayne Bowman (South Carolina)
Larry Wayne Brigman (Minnesota)
Ricky Wayne Brown (Florida)
Michael Wayne Brown (Oklahoma)
Michael Wayne Brunner (Kentucky)
Edward Wayne Bryant (Oklahoma)
Dennis Wayne Bryant (Virginia)
Estell Wayne Buck (Ohio)
Bradley Wayne Cagle (Texas)
Curtis Wayne Campbell (Oklahoma)
Seth Wayne Campbell (Texas)
Darren Wayne Campbell (Oregon)
Mark Wayne Campmire (Connecticut)
Michael Wayne Carter (Indiana)
Rodger Wayne Chastain (California)*
Douglas Wayne Clark (Texas)
Ronald Wayne Clark, Jr. (Florida)
Darryl Wayne Claughton (Alberta)
Ira Wayne Cloninger (Virginia)
Timothy Wayne Coalson (Georgia)
Kevin Wayne Coffey (Texas)
David Wayne Cole (Pennsylvania)
Michael Wayne Cole (North Carolina)
Timothy Wayne Condrey (North Carolina)
Joseph Wayne Cook (North Carolina)
Billy Wayne Cope (South Carolina)
Alvin Wayne Crane (Texas)*
David Wayne Crews (Tennessee)
Donald Wayne Darling II (Alabama)
Christopher Wayne Davis (Louisiana)
Gary Wayne Davis (Kentucky)
Jerry Wayne Dean (Kentucky)
Aryan Wayne Duntley (California)
John Wayne Duvall (Oklahoma)*
Dennis Wayne Eaton (Virginia)*
Dale Wayne Eaton (Colorado)
Timothy Wayne Ebert (Texas)
Michael Wayne Eggers (Alabama)
Gary Wayne Etheridge (Texas)
Michael Wayne Farmer (Maryland)
Ellis Wayne Felker (Georgia)*
Darrell Wayne Ferguson (Ohio)*
Matthew Wayne Ferman (Ohio)
Lewis Wayne Fielder Jr. (South Carolina)
Michael Wayne Fisher (Pennsylvania)
Earl Wayne Flowers (North Carolina)
Terry Wayne Freeman (Illinois)
Percy Wayne Froman (Alabama)
Ronald Wayne Frye (North Carolina)*
John Wayne Glover (Australia)*, pictured at right
Richard Wayne Godwin (Oregon)
Arthur Wayne Goodman, Jr. (Texas)
Richard Wayne Gorrie (New Zealand)
Jeffrey Wayne Gorton (Michigan)
Keith Wayne Graham (California)
Coleman Wayne Gray (Virginia)*
Charles Wayne Green (Arkansas)
Kenneth Wayne Gregory (Florida)
Christopher Wayne Gregory (Texas)
Ralph Wayne Grimes (Kentucky)
Anthony Wayne Grimm (Illinois)
Randall Wayne Hafdahl (Texas)*
Conan Wayne Hale (Oregon)
Kenneth Wayne Hall Sr. (South Carolina)
Michael Wayne Hall (Texas)
Steven Wayne Hall (Alabama)
Bradley Wayne Hamrick (Washington)
Jerald Wayne Harjo (Oklahoma)*
Emmanuel Wayne Harris (Arizona)
Robert Wayne Harris (Texas)
Nathaniel Wayne Hart (Texas)
Jerald Wayne Harvel II (Oklahoma)
Mark Wayne Hauseur (California)
Billy Wayne Hayes (Tennessee)
Carl Wayne Heath (Maine)
Brandon Wayne Hedrick (Virginia)
Michael Wayne Henry (Texas)
Rodney Wayne Henry (Kansas)
David Wayne Hickman (Texas)
Donald Wayne Holt (Maryland)
Jeremy Wayne Hopkins (Texas)
Bryant Wayne Howard (Oregon)
Christopher Wayne Hudson (Australia)
Calvin Wayne Inman (Texas)
Derek Wayne Jackson (Pennsylvania)
Kenneth Wayne Jackson (Texas)
Eric Wayne Jacobs (California)*
Allen Wayne Jenecka (Texas)*
Mark Wayne Jennings (Virginia)
Robert Wayne Jiles (New York)
Timothy Wayne Johnson (North Carolina)
Terry Wayne Johnson (Florida)
Jason Wayne Johnson (Texas)
Mark Wayne Jones (Ohio)
Tyler Wayne Justice (Texas)
Kenneth Wayne Keller (Texas)
Gary Wayne Kleypas (Kansas)
Bruce Wayne Koenig (Maryland)
Derrick Wayne Kualapai, Sr. (California)
Dudley Wayne Kyzer (Alabama)
Ronald Wayne Lail (North Carolina)
Monty Wayne Lamb (Texas)
Robert Wayne Lambert (Oklahoma)
Jonathan Wayne Larrabee (South Dakota)
Jeffrey Wayne Leaf (Oklahoma)
Bobby Wayne Ledbetter (Alabama)
Darrell Wayne Lewis (Arizona)
John Wayne Lewis (Oklahoma)
Christopher Wayne Lippard (North Carolina)
Kenny Wayne Lockwood (Texas)*
Mark Wayne Lomax (Texas)
Christopher Wayne Luttrell (Kentucky)
Darrell Wayne Maness (North Carolina)
Shelly Wayne Martin (Maryland)
Donald Wayne Martin (Texas)*
Randall Wayne Mays (Texas)
Steven Wayne McBride (Minnesota)
George Wayne McBroom (Arizona)
David Wayne McCall (Texas)
Rocky Wayne McGowan (Kentucky)
Robert Wayne McMillion (Florida)
Jason Wayne McVean (Colorado)
David Wayne Mears (Michigan)
Wesley Wayne Miller (Texas)
Jimmy Wayne Miller (Texas)
Don Wayne Moody (Texas)*
John Wayne Moore, Jr. (Missouri)
John Wayne Moses (North Carolina)
Dustin Wayne Nall (Texas)
Jack Wayne Napier (Kentucky)
Michael Wayne Nelson (Florida)
David Wayne Nelson (Alaska)*
Oral Wayne Nobles (Massachusetts)
Danny Wayne Owens (Alabama)
Bryan Wayne Padd (Arizona)
David Wayne Pallister (England)
Jeffrey Wayne Paschall (Utah)
John Wayne Peck (Virginia)
Douglas Wayne Pepper (North Carolina)
Michael Wayne Perry (Tennessee)
Jason Wayne Petershagen (Texas)
Michael Wayne Poe (Tennessee)
Curtis Wayne Pope (Texas)
Bruce Wayne Potts (Texas)
Lonnie Wayne Pursley (Texas)*
Donald Wayne Rainey (Mexico)
Gary Wayne Ray Jr. (Oklahoma)
Earl Wayne Reynolds (Virginia)
Michael Wayne Richard (Texas)*
Randy Wayne Richards (Canada)
Barry Wayne Riley (British Columbia)
Robert Wayne Rotramel (Oklahoma)
Roy Wayne Russell (Washington)
David Wayne Satterfield (Texas)
Christopher Wayne Scarber (Kentucky)
Patrick Wayne Schroeder (Nebraska)
Randy Wayne Seal (Florida)
Michael Wayne Sears (Virginia)
Timothy Wayne Shepherd (Texas)
Kenith Wayne Sherrill (Washington)
Donald Wayne Shipe (Virginia)
Dallas Wayne Shults (Tennessee)
Mark Wayne Silvers (South Carolina)
Daryl Wayne Smith (West Virginia)
Justin Wayne Smith (Texas)
David Wayne Smith (Virginia)
Richard Wayne Smith (Texas)*
Richard Wayne Snell (Arkansas)*
Ronald Wayne Spencer Jr. (Texas)
Richard Wayne Spicknall (Alabama)
Jerrell Wayne Stanley (Texas)
Randall Wayne Stevens (Illinois)
John Wayne Stockdall (Missouri)
Michael Wayne Summers (Missouri)
John Wayne Surratt Jr. (North Carolina)
Gary Wayne Sutton (Tennessee)
Bobby Wayne Swisher (Virginia)*
Charles Wayne Thomas Jr. (Texas)
Reginald Wayne Thomas (Texas)
Michael Wayne Thompson (Indiana)
John Wayne Thomson (Washington)
Andrew Wayne Toler (Texas)
Robert Wayne Vickers (Arizona)*
Russell Wayne Wagner (Maryland)*
Billy Wayne Waldrop (Alabama)*
Jerry Wayne Walker (Kentucky)
Anthony Wayne Walker (Ohio)
Jessie Wayne Walker (North Carolina)
Chadwick Wayne Wallace (Illinois)
Daniel Wayne Warfield (Virginia)
John Wayne Warrener (Colorado)
Alexander Wayne Watson Jr. (Maryland)
Louis Wayne Watters, Jr. (Texas)
Anthony Wayne Welch (Florida)
Coy Wayne Wesbrook (Texas)
Melvin Wayne White (Texas)*
Larry Wayne White (Texas)*
Timothy Wayne Widman (Pennsylvania)
Michael Wayne Williams (Virginia)
Richard Wayne Willoughby (Maryland)
Kenneth Wayne Woodfin (Virginia)
Bobby Wayne Woods (Texas)
William Wayne Wright (Texas)
Darrell Wayne Wright (Texas)
Jerry Wayne Wright (Tennessee)
Robert Wayne Wyant (Virginia)
So, where is John Wayne Gacy on this list? Can't find him-- so I assume he is on some other kind of list...
Anyway, do you think that having the middle name of Wayne actually turns people into murderers, or that something about families that name their sons "Wayne" promotes an environment the produces killers? I mean, too, that I know a whole slew of "Waynes" and none of them are killers...
Just a bit weird.
Please be nice to one another on this article! If any of our members have the middle name of Wayne, this is not a slam article to you!
Thanks for coming by!
It's hard finding mugshots of these people! I got lucky in a few instances...
So, what do you think? Is it environmental, genetic, or just a coincidence?
Please be nice to one another on this article! If any of our members have the middle name of Wayne, this is not a slam article to you!
WOW !! That is really weird!! Spooky even.....Is it environmental, genetic, or just a coincidence?
I have no idea...
I'm wondering, for sure!
I almost think it is environmental-- maybe.
Interesting coincidence...or is it a coincidence?
I have always been fascinated by this sort of thing. Well, actually a broader topic-- correlation. Situations where two things are correlated-- when those two things are related. (In this case, people who study this sort of thing would say that "there's a strong correlation between people being killers and people having 'Wayne' in a name").
When there's a strong correlation, the first question that usually comes up is: Is there something causing this? Is there some reason why these are correlated? Or is it really just a coincidence?
Sometimes there is a real reason, even if its not known at first. But its also true that sometimes it really is a coincidence-- "coincidences" really do exist.
Actually I do see one possibility that might explain this ....
Stephen King should write a story...
I don't know, Krish. I, too, see a possibility, but I surely don't want to hurt the feelings of people whose name may be Wayne...
Ooooooh, that would be fun!
Ok, I found out that this list is from 1995 to now-- no telling who would show up, if we went back to the 1960s!
Do we have to be nice to NT members whose middle name is Wayne ?!
Absolutely! (It may be dangerous not to be nice to them....
Are you thinking what I'm thinking...LOL
Actually, What I see as a possibility (I'm not really sure of it yet) is in no way insulting to anyone named Wayne.
Actually you gave me the idea when you brought up John Wayne. A powerful figure, one that brings up strong associations for some people. One association some people have is a man of action.Very strong, Very macho. Dynamic. So he's probably a hero to some folks.
Now, possibly , many of these killers have felt powerless as a child, and are compensating by becoming a killer (OK-- I admit that may be a bit overly psychological
. Or maybe they weren't powerless but merely want to feel powerful and dynamic.
So they adopt a nickname-- a figure that represents those qualities. Perhaps a middle name like "Superman". Or "Powerhouse" or "Schwartzenegger" Or.."Rocky"???
And since "John Wayne" is a bit long as its two middle names, maybe they just shorten it to Wayne-- letting them indulge in the fantasy that they are, or are like, John Wayne.
This is mere speculation. Of course I could be wrong.
There might be a totally different reason.
It might be one of those situations where it really is a true coincidences.
Yeah. That makes sense!
I'm thinking, though, that these were the given names of people. I feel sure that most of them weren't named for the Revolutionary War General, Mad Anthony Wayne...
Well, I supppose we could make associations with various famous people named Wayne. Some woud be negative, so usig them would "prove" the theory that killers are named Wayne because "Wayne" is a killer's name.
But we could also find Waynes who have positive associations (I think John Wayne used to have mostly positive associations-- but perhaps not so much in today's more politically correct world).
"Good" Waynes: Wayne Gretsky? Wayne Coyne?, Wayne Newton...? ( LINK )
A longer list of famous Waynes LINK
A lot of these are musicians. Hmmmm....
There's a well known saying amongst statisticians:
Its not so much about lying. Rather, the point is that two people can take the same set of data and each prove the opposite thing. Sometimes its not intentional, but sometimes it is.
One easy way to do this: write a paper or post something online trying to support an agenda. Then use footnotes/links from sources that support your biases. OK so far...
But then -- merely ignore any information that contradicts your biases!
To do a fair statistical analysis one would need to look at the prevalence of other middle names amongst known killers ... How about George or Harry or even Dave ?
Eh, too much trouble. I'm interested if someone else does the statistical analysis, but not if I have to!
But, it is a good idea-- maybe it just seems that way.
You were supposed to say " NO ! Not Dave ! "
Moral of the story, never give your kid the middle name of Wayne.
That's what I was thinking...
Gosh yes!