The Top 5 Climate Change Myths Debunked
If there’s one point of contention between the left and the right, it’s on the subject of climate change. The environmentalists on the left have been screaming from the not-so-much melting polar ice caps that the ice caps are melting for eons.
In fact, the hysterical adherence to the climate change message has helped develop and unofficial pagan religion around the issue. It has all the necessary feathers, webbed feet, bills, and quacks to be able to accurately call it that kind of duck. Replete with priests like Bill Nye that believe heretics should be thrown in jail for disagreeing about climate, and bills that would allow deniers of the faith to be imprisoned. It’s a religion with high holy days, such as Earth day, where pagans celebrate together in cities where they pray to cities that they trash during the festivities. It even encourages, and even forgives extremism if it furthers the faith.
Of course, standing opposite of this environmental religion is the conservative conservationism that casts a skeptic eye on a lot of the propagandism touted by the left. Instead of jailing dissenters, we encourage debate and scientific research that furthers our understanding of Earth and her climate.
That’s too far for environmentalists who must be believed wholesale, however. Instead they push points that you cannot argue with, or else…they hope.
Steven Crowder recently released a video that tackles the top 5 myths pushed by environmentalists, including the myth about the Earth getting hotter, polar bears dying off, and how climate change is a consensus between scientists. It’s both educational, and as always, entertaining.
Watch and learn, and next time you’re confronted with some of these points, you’ll know not to buy the hysterics.
In fact, the hysterical adherence to the climate change message has helped develop and unofficial pagan religion around the issue. It has all the necessary feathers, webbed feet, bills, and quacks to be able to accurately call it that kind of duck. Replete with priests like Bill Nye that believe heretics should be thrown in jail for disagreeing about climate, and bills that would allow deniers of the faith to be imprisoned. It’s a religion with high holy days, such as Earth day, where pagans celebrate together in cities where they pray to cities that they trash during the festivities. It even encourages, and even forgives extremism if it furthers the faith.
Of course, standing opposite of this environmental religion is the conservative conservationism that casts a skeptic eye on a lot of the propagandism touted by the left. Instead of jailing dissenters, we encourage debate and scientific research that furthers our understanding of Earth and her climate.
That’s too far for environmentalists who must be believed wholesale, however. Instead they push points that you cannot argue with, or else…they hope.
Steven Crowder recently released a video that tackles the top 5 myths pushed by environmentalists, including the myth about the Earth getting hotter, polar bears dying off, and how climate change is a consensus between scientists. It’s both educational, and as always, entertaining.
Watch and learn, and next time you’re confronted with some of these points, you’ll know not to buy the hysterics.
Top 5 ‘Climate Change’ Myths Debunked 1
Sources? We have them.
Good news is these sources are renewable. The bad news is they’ll make you climate-change nuts look like the morons we always knew you were. Take these facts and put shove them your hybrid. Then push the hybrid off a cliff.
MYTH: The world is getting hotter at a significant rate.
TRUTH: The world has gotten 1.7 degrees hotter since 1880.
MYTH: Rise in CO2 is dangerous and can directly be traced to man-made emissions.
TRUTH: CO2 isn’t a pollutant. Most of the rise in CO2 is coming from natural sources.
MYTH: The Ice Sheets are MELTING AWAY!
TRUTH: Antarctic Ice Sheet is growing by billions of tons. Also FAIL: Scientist That Predicted Ice Caps Would Melt in 2013… Now Claims 2016?
MYTH: Climate change models are reliable.
TRUTH: NOAA has been caught skewing data. 1
MYTH: Climate change is the consensus of scientists.
FACT: Not all scientists are in agreement over climate change . Also, manmade climate change is still a theory .
MYTH: Hybrid cars are better for the environment.
TRUTH: Not exactly. Production emissions are much higher, the minerals mined for the battered are typically done with little oversight on “non-green ways” and you’re still hurting the environment FAAAAR more by buying a new hybrid than buying used gas .
MYTH: The polar bears are dying off!
TRUTH: There are more polar bears than ever before. Do not ask a polar bear for a coke . It might kill you.
The whole climate change fraud and global warming hoax is based on emotions and a desire to control others.
Didn't you know this was not up for scientific debate any longer?
The scientific method must be denied!