Nine Hurt in Minnesota Mall Knife Attack
Nine people were hurt in a knife rampage at a Minnesota mall during which the attacker made references to Allah, authorities said.
"We're currently investigating this as a potential act of terrorism, and I do say 'potential,'" FBI agent Richard Thornton, of the agency's Minneapolis office, said at the news conference.
An ISIS-affiliated news outlet claimed that the attacker was "a soldier of the Islamic State," according to NBC News terrorism analyst Flashpoint Intelligence, a global security firm.
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So far there's no indication as to motive. A jilted lover? A disgruntled employee? (For that matter, it might even be a totally gruntled employee).
But so far the cops don't have a clue-- They're totally clueless
"We're currently investigating this as a potential act of terrorism, and I do say 'potential,'" FBI agent Richard Thornton, of the agency's Minneapolis office, said at the news conference.
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." (Voltaire)
if this is about the St Cloud mall attack a couple things I glommed from the news since it happened was , the perp , was a 22 year old Kenyan born somali , who had a couple insignificant scrapes with the law ( traffic violations?) and that the mall from its own web site states it is a gun free zone, that's about as much as I have heard other than the FBI are looking into the matter as a possible terror incident , and I think that is only because ISIS stated the perp was a ISIS soldier , but then again they will claim responsibility for things that are not nessisarily true so I have my grain of salt ready.
Several times in the past, some in the Somali community there have traveled abroad to join terror groups (not ISIS, but Al Shabaab, a terror group in Somalia). Most in that community are not extremists by any means, but on several occasions some get radicalized. (Unlike ISIS, I believe most (all?) were not raidicalized on social media).
Workplace violence.
don't see how its workplace violence , he didn't work as a security guard at the mall , but he did at the Electrolux factory down the street which he hadn't worked for since june , its also been said he was going to school but hasn't been registered since spring. my thoughts gunfree zone with little chance of resistance until he ran into an off duty officer who was legally carrying something I bet he didn't count on. he most likely thought he picked a soft target.
I'm sure Cerenkov was being sarcastic - emulating what Obama would say about it even if were obviously a RADICAL ISLAMIC act.
it wasn't lost on me buzz , just saying it cant be called that at all in any way shape or form .
Well, as I said before:
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." (Voltaire)
Been tough to comment about this since it happened. We were at this mall earlier this spring; along with our daughter, her husband, and two little ones. St. Cloud is out of the Twin cities a ways, starting to enter the thick of woods and lakes. It gets no more mid-american than there. I'm actually sorta heart broken over this. An innocence has been lost here...
Concealed Carry all the way.
Must've been a strange feeling for you.
(Actually I've often driven by very close to the Pentagon many, many times, visited the site of the WTC once. Been at many sites of terror attacks in Israel, there have so many especially in Jerusalem. Sometimes I've felt a really heavy negative vibe at some places....).
I wanted to visit Auschwitz but never got to Poland.
Watching the local news, it was rather surreal. Our first instinct was to worry about family that live by the cities to make sure they were safe, and gratefully nobody was even close to that area. Then concern because it was ongoing (it was actually over though not yet cleared) and, hoping that there was nothing else going on. We also have family in Fargo, where it now appears the terrorist once lived.
The wave of violence also concerns me, both here and in New York. I have heard conversations lately concerning the influence of foreign governments in our election process this year. Will we perhaps one day also consider islamic terrorism as a foreign influence in this election cycle as well?
Put all Muslims in the gas chamber. That is the hope, isn't it?
Nobody said anything about ALL Muslims. You really should try to get treatments for your obsessive hallucinations.
Put all Muslims in the gas chamber. That is the hope, isn't it?
Well, for many* Trump supporters yes.
BUt follow the directions i gave buzz and do a search for that site. You just might gain some insights in this election that most peope dont know.
(*not all, but a large enough number to make me feel very, very nervous)
What many people dont realize is that what you incite a mob to exterminate any one minorty, once that kinetic energy is in play it can easily be shifted to any other group. (Don't believe me? Ask any of the non-Jewish Holocaust survivors.