Women Can Stop Trump...and will.
Don't have much to add to this video. It says enough. I hope sanity prevails in this country.
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Don't have much to add to this video. It says enough. I hope sanity prevails in this country.
45 visitors
Excellent video, dear Neetu! Right now, I'd like to vote early to get it over with...
Wish I could vote early, dearest Dowser! I want this anxiety over and done with, too.
The greatest nation in the world, huh? This is what it has come to.
Talk about cutting off their noses to spite their faces. Now we see why our brilliant founding fathers didn't let women vote.
Trump would cut off his nose to spite his feces.
Another educated response from a typical liberal...
I didn't realize that you were 100 years old. Should I get barefoot and pregnant now?
My little Grandma, who was 30 years old when she got to vote for the first time, took it very seriously. As do I!
You can't take women's votes from them, and expect to even have a government. Times have changed, Dean. That you would even say this is reprehensible. I well remember going door to door, while in high school, to lower the voting age here in KY to 18. You can't send men and women off to war, before they can even vote for their government.
All this is going to have a real backlash, some day soon. You may look down on women, you may hate them, but not everyone is awful like your ex-wife... Most of us are pretty decent!
I was just kidding. Yes I too believe women should be able to vote.
Dear Dean, sometimes a /s tag helps...
Good to know Dean! You had me worried there.
Now we see why our brilliant founding fathers didn't let women vote.
That's all you've got? I'm almost too embarrassed to admit that I'm embarrassed for you.
(((((((((Pj)))))))))))) Good to see you, my friend! I know you will vote and vote the right way. Mind you, it does seem like a screwed up election this year, but at least I know which candidate I DON'T want.
Women can also stop Bernie Sanders ... in fact they can stop any male from becoming POTUS . Why is that a good thing ?
Ummmm... isn't that true about men, too? I mean the population is 50/50. And I am not sure I understand your about Bernie. He had plenty of women supporting him. It was an age gap thing.
2016 - Women - 164,345,000; men - 156,691,000 - women still have the lead by almost 9M.
He had plenty of women supporting him.
But even more women were supporting a particular woman . And it was not about merit for the job . It was about anti-male sexism . This election has finally revealed all the androgyny that exists among the populace ...
Petey, men have stopped women all the time! Is that a good thing?
Wow, this was just a few months ago! The world is changing and those who think it's going to get better are going to see that it is not. We are not heading towards peace and prosperity. Women and men are in this together.
No doubt that women will lead the way against Trump.
I hope so, John. I wish I could feel confident about that. I have recently come across many women who are so brainwashed they have stopped thinking for themselves.
I drove through a peaceful and friendly demonstration today. It was in a small city, in an ethnically diverse community. It was very unexpected, and a clear sign that demonstrating against Trump is going to be as commonplace as going to church. I love it.
Looks like demonstrations are the new reality in Trump times, Hal. Can't blame them at all. Reckless executive orders that spell tyranny in any language will lead to chaos and resistance.