Jon Stewart Says Blame For Trump’s Win Goes Beyond Party Lines
“Hypocrisy is also real in our country. And so this is the fight that we wage against ourselves and each other.”
Yep, man's INHUMANITY to man is LEGENDARY & apparently
HABITUAL! ✌ & 🗽 require Sacrifice, Not Stoopid-ity😱
Do not leave out the fence sitters Independent's, Libertarian's & Green etc.
"Jon Stewart is not necessarily surprised by the results of the presidential election."
After 8 years of Evangelical surf-a-ttude & another 8 years Obstructed on the One Drop Rule - who Really is Surprised that 'one-terming' Cheats - who Whined like a Hawkish Chicago wind, those that felt the Bern of a lack of Senator Sanders Independent thought process - turned Democratic - blew up like Republican fiscal responsibility or Democrats that Still believe you can 'Reason' with this Intentional, Apathetic (Donor Sponsored) Crazy! Democrats also Voted to send young men & women to Invade a Sovereign Nation on a LIE that Mr. Wilson had already proven was A Lie!
"The ultimate irony of this election is the cynical strategy of the Republicans," he said. "Donald Trump is a reaction not just to Democrats but to Republicans. He's not a Republican. He's a repudiation of Republicans, but they will reap the benefits of his victory, in all of their cynicism."
Well, that's Rich just who the f🎉🎉k does he think he's tell this 🐑💩 to, I guess people who haven't bothered to read African (YOKE of 21st century - that's shade for the Hyphen) Americans: Many Rivers to Cross thus does not know of the elections of African representation after Emancipation, which Breed the Hate & 'strategy' Mr. Stewart speaks of - because while smiling in their faces (like @ Obama's 1st Inaugural & a secret meeting that some couldn't attend because they didn't like other(s) there) they were plotting their demise, plotting to undermining & reversing Full Fledge Freedom, which presently in November, 2016 -
Looks, Sounds & IS Reflective of how far "We" the Children of the Children of have traveled to get back to a similar disenfranchisement!
Why, I tell um what to do with their 'Othering' tool! I honor my ancestors that why - & in that regard - like Thurgood Marshall with their own words & laws & in the words of that 'Texas-Bama Queen Bee' that Rocked the CMA's with those Dixie-Chicks
'Middle fingers Up, raise um Real High' to those who ain't all there as Human beings - let alone American's!
My Alligences lay with "We" the people whatever skin, gender, sexual orientation (save predators) or ability
whether you are a rural, suburban, live under a bridge (cuz 2008 didn't get you a bail out noinoir did an obstructing Congress care bout cha missing limbs, PTSD or homeless patriot problems) dwellings
When you let me down with your bigotry, misygony & other tawdry,
when you Re-vote for Same failed policies of economy or more
Still, I rise & it encompasses them - that's how "We," grown up Americans Roll & like the passengers' on United 93,
"I am" ready to Roll - even if I must fight to protect some people's right to be democracy undermining 💩 - heels!
Any body who can excuse, justify, condone, turn blind eye/deaf ear to Sexual assault, abuse & intimidation is to Blame - that a man who boast about it & our Congress (since 2013 for sure see link) on our tax dime is spending time (esp. when they claimed to do 'Nothing') doing this
Heard Margaret Cho on Steve Harvey today (also a Survivor) say:
"Predators thrive in the Shadows..."
& anyone Not throwing a Light on that Enabling Shade is to blame Mr. Stewart (& America) -
Keep your perverted mittens away from Women's kittens are "get the Bail money ready!"
Watching idiots clamoring to repeat the Same asinine fiscal crap that made many rural/suburban & othered Americans of All stripes
Homeless, jobless, retirement impeded & money-less while
the Lobbying/Lobbied, Job creating, real estate Subprime, Investment (wink,wink) outsourcing, off shoring Bandit's had Millions upon Millions thrown @ them & while Doing Nothing, but taking 'All' the people's Tax money equally, but Not equally their own - as well.
As for this Muslim thing - when Valerie Plame was outed as CIA she had Muslims working undercover for us & the many who worked as Interpretor's in Afghanistan, Iraq & other Middle Eastern regions
The Real domestic terrorist on this plant are Evil people with their angry, angst of Superiority!
P. T. Barnum of the 21st century with perverted tendencies & narcissistic ego problems that lead to the Defamation "Birtherism" that beyond technically should be getting him Impeached - Reich now!
Look @ defamation, slander & libel along with the elements that determine punitive damages/harm & tell me Obama - doesn't HAVE a check by All!
Would serve um right!
"Leave it to Stewart to put the situation in perspective. I miss his keen insight." Blindside -11....
Although, I love Jon (& Kudos for forcing the a🎉🎉hats to pony up for the First Responders of 9/11), yet I very much MISS Tim Russert!
Yep, man's INHUMANITY to man is LEGENDARY & apparently
HABITUAL! ✌ & 🗽 require Sacrifice, Not Stoopid-ity😱
Do not leave out the fence sitters Independent's, Libertarian's & Green etc.
"Jon Stewart is not necessarily surprised by the results of the presidential election."
After 8 years of Evangelical surf-a-ttude & another 8 years Obstructed on the One Drop Rule - who Really is Surprised that 'one-terming' Cheats - who Whined like a Hawkish Chicago wind, those that felt the Bern of a lack of Senator Sanders Independent thought process - turned Democratic - blew up like Republican fiscal responsibility or Democrats that Still believe you can 'Reason' with this Intentional, Apathetic (Donor Sponsored) Crazy! Democrats also Voted to send young men & women to Invade a Sovereign Nation on a LIE that Mr. Wilson had already proven was A Lie!
"The ultimate irony of this election is the cynical strategy of the Republicans," he said. "Donald Trump is a reaction not just to Democrats but to Republicans. He's not a Republican. He's a repudiation of Republicans, but they will reap the benefits of his victory, in all of their cynicism."
Well, that's Rich just who the f🎉🎉k does he think he's tell this 🐑💩 to, I guess people who haven't bothered to read African (YOKE of 21st century - that's shade for the Hyphen) Americans: Many Rivers to Cross thus does not know of the elections of African representation after Emancipation, which Breed the Hate & 'strategy' Mr. Stewart speaks of - because while smiling in their faces (like @ Obama's 1st Inaugural & a secret meeting that some couldn't attend because they didn't like other(s) there) they were plotting their demise, plotting to undermining & reversing Full Fledge Freedom, which presently in November, 2016 -
Looks, Sounds & IS Reflective of how far "We" the Children of the Children of have traveled to get back to a similar disenfranchisement!
Why, I tell um what to do with their 'Othering' tool! I honor my ancestors that why - & in that regard - like Thurgood Marshall with their own words & laws & in the words of that 'Texas-Bama Queen Bee' that Rocked the CMA's with those Dixie-Chicks
'Middle fingers Up, raise um Real High' to those who ain't all there as Human beings - let alone American's!
My Alligences lay with "We" the people whatever skin, gender, sexual orientation (save predators) or ability
whether you are a rural, suburban, live under a bridge (cuz 2008 didn't get you a bail out noinoir did an obstructing Congress care bout cha missing limbs, PTSD or homeless patriot problems) dwellings
When you let me down with your bigotry, misygony & other tawdry,
when you Re-vote for Same failed policies of economy or more
Still, I rise & it encompasses them - that's how "We," grown up Americans Roll & like the passengers' on United 93,
"I am" ready to Roll - even if I must fight to protect some people's right to be democracy undermining 💩 - heels!
Any body who can excuse, justify, condone, turn blind eye/deaf ear to Sexual assault, abuse & intimidation is to Blame - that a man who boast about it & our Congress (since 2013 for sure see link) on our tax dime is spending time (esp. when they claimed to do 'Nothing') doing this
Heard Margaret Cho on Steve Harvey today (also a Survivor) say:
"Predators thrive in the Shadows..."
& anyone Not throwing a Light on that Enabling Shade is to blame Mr. Stewart (& America) -
Keep your perverted mittens away from Women's kittens are "get the Bail money ready!"
Watching idiots clamoring to repeat the Same asinine fiscal crap that made many rural/suburban & othered Americans of All stripes
Homeless, jobless, retirement impeded & money-less while
the Lobbying/Lobbied, Job creating, real estate Subprime, Investment (wink,wink) outsourcing, off shoring Bandit's had Millions upon Millions thrown @ them & while Doing Nothing, but taking 'All' the people's Tax money equally, but Not equally their own - as well.
As for this Muslim thing - when Valerie Plame was outed as CIA she had Muslims working undercover for us & the many who worked as Interpretor's in Afghanistan, Iraq & other Middle Eastern regions
The Real domestic terrorist on this plant are Evil people with their angry, angst of Superiority!
P. T. Barnum of the 21st century with perverted tendencies & narcissistic ego problems that lead to the Defamation "Birtherism" that beyond technically should be getting him Impeached - Reich now!
Look @ defamation, slander & libel along with the elements that determine punitive damages/harm & tell me Obama - doesn't HAVE a check by All!
Would serve um right!
"Leave it to Stewart to put the situation in perspective. I miss his keen insight." Blindside -11....
Although, I love Jon (& Kudos for forcing the a🎉🎉hats to pony up for the First Responders of 9/11), yet I very much MISS Tim Russert!
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My Alligences lay with "We" the people whatever skin, gender, sexual orientation (save predators) or ability
whether you are a rural, suburban, live under a bridge (cuz 2008 didn't get you a bail out noinoir did an obstructing Congress care bout cha missing limbs, PTSD or homeless patriot problems) dwellings
When you let me down with your bigotry, misygony & other tawdry,
when you Re-vote for Same failed policies of economy or more
Still, I rise & it encompasses them - that's how "We," grown up Americans Roll & like the passengers' on United 93,
"I am" ready to Roll - even if I must fight to protect some people's right to be democracy undermining 💩 - heels!
He's not wrong. He's also as guilty as anyone else in engaging in that behavior,
Trump won because he flipped fully 1/3 of th counties that supported obama to his column. Lots of racists must have been voting for obama.
Thanks, for the comments!
"We" the humans know better, the dancing has been done before. People who wish to deflect while Laying in wait (like a TX speed trap) & contributing NOTHING - even Humor - really aren't interested in anything I say
must be the Cigar smoke, but the
'Ode to American Greed' avatar, speaks volumes!