
The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters


Category:  Photography & Art

Via:  robert-in-ohio  •  10 years ago  •  7 comments

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Thanks to Budapest Poster Gallery I had the opportunity to take a very close look at the original oil paintings for the world famous Hungarian Star Wars movie posters. The three original artworks are going to be auctioned off this Sunday, May 31 , and now you too can examine them closer than ever.

Before you feast your eyes on the details I would like to clarify one thing. When Helnyis artwork is discussed it is often assumed that he probably hadnt even watched the movies before he painted these poster artworks. In an interview he refuted these accusations, saying that he did seeand enjoyedall of the movies, but he did not want to paint posters similar to the Western European and US posters, so he let his imagination and his own artistic vision work. He even added extraneous elements to the posters, just for his own amusement (look for the two tusked monsters below!).

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope Sold for 12,750 USD

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Luke in his X-Wing starfighter attacks the weak point of Death Star:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

The hand of Darth Vader, holding his lightsaber:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

A confusing easter egg. This scimitar holding tusked monster was created by Helnyi, basically just for fun:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

I wouldve thought this was his interpretation of a Tusken Raider


The head of Darth Vader:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

A major spoiler, the destruction of the Death Star:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Sold for 14,250 USD

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Imperial Star Destroyer:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Two AT-AT Imperial Walkers:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Tie fighters shooting lasers:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Imperial troopers led by Darth Vader:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Sold for 5,100 USD

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Imperial trooper on a speeder bike:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Star Destroyer:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Another tusked creature added by Helnyi:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters


The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

The second Death Star under construction, depicted as Darth Vaders eye:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Bonus: the Hungarian movie poster for Ridley Scotts Alien Sold for 2,200 USD

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

A spaceship, not seen in the movie:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Face of an alien creature, straight from Helnyis mind:

The Original Art Behind Some of the Craziest Star Wars Posters

Live Auctioneers Sci-Fi Posters Tibor



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Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

I love Star Wars and I love art

I have had posters over the years (the kids and grandkids have them now) and it was great to se this magnificent art work that led to those posters


Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man    10 years ago

I prefer more modern art....

b02.jpg Printer, paper & glue.

(and hundreds of hours in digital design)

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

Based on the AT Imperial Walkers shown above

It is a great design for sure, but the artwork in the article is the origin of ideas for all the cool posters and toys that results from the Star Wars franchise,

As always I appreciate your feedback and perspective

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

I just saw this on LinkedIn - dressed up for work taken toa new level


Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

I gotta admit those are pretty cool

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

This recruiting poster is pretty cool!

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

I am sure there is a deep message here, but it escapes me.


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