Photography & Art
9 years ago
When I took this shot, I thought, "This little bird looks as if he's a kind of lookout, or guard of the feeder on which he's perched.
© A. Mac/A.G.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Best Look at this Link
jrDiscussion - desc
Hold down the fort, little bird.
Dear Friend AMac:
UCAF (United Chickadee Air Force).
SCC (Strategic Chickadee Command).
You get my drift.
Air-ticulately stated, Enoch!
LOL, you guys are too funny.
Guarding the fort, ''Courageous Chickadee'' is the new super hero.
Great photo Mac.
What a darling, brave little bird! GREAT picture!
Come to the WREN-aissance … second photo posted.
Wren am I going to find a bird to photograph?
Wren am I going to find a bird to photograph?
Wrenever your flight of fancy moves you to take wing and TERN to your camera.
Looks like the Wren should find Carolina. It's probably warmer and no snow.
Great color on the Wren...
Love the Guard-Bird, AMac. Caught him working hard! As brave as he is, though, he is a cutie!
He's adorable Mac. I nice relief from the front page.
Good night.
By the way, I find that the site is slow to post and to connect to notification lnks over the last two days. Anyone else having this problem?
EVERYTHING on the computer is slow these days, to me... I can barely get my email, and trying to send a reply is a hit or miss proposition...