
Alanis Obomsawin - a Woman of Magnificent Talents and Accomplishments


Category:  Other

Via:  buzz-of-the-orient  •  9 years ago  •  7 comments

Alanis Obomsawin - a Woman of Magnificent Talents and Accomplishments
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Alanis at home

It was in the mid to late 1960s that I first met Alanis Obomsawin. I drove to Toronto airport to pick up a person I was told was an Abenake princess in order to take her to the Mariposa Folk Festival where she was to perform. I was awed by her beauty and the sound of her speaking voice, but that was only my first impression as I was not yet aware of the full extent of her intelligence, knowledge and multiple talents. Back in Canada, unfortunately not with me here, are many great photographs I took of her performing with her hand-held drum while she sang at the festival, which she attended frequently thereafter. We met many times over the years, especially since she was appointed supervisor of the Native folk crafts and music section of that festival with which I became much involved, eventually to become its President. I recall being a guest in her home in Montreal, and even my daughter became friends with her daughter Kisos.

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Alanis at the Mariposa Folk Festival, when I first met her.

I am a very privileged person to have developed close relationships with First Nations persons who have not only excelled in their careers, but have received considerable awards therefor. One such person was the late Ojibwe Woodland Artist, Norval Morrisseau (I will be clipping a Newsvine article I wrote about him to this group), and Alanis - both of them have received Canadas highest and most coveted award in recognition of their great talents and importance to my country, the Order of Canada.

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Receiving one of her MANY university Doctorate degrees

I was not even aware of the greatness of her film making until I became aware of her film about the battle of the Mohawks against the government the Oka Crisis: Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance (1993), which was a feature-length film documenting the 1990 Mohawk uprising in Kanehsatake and Oka, which has won 18 international awards. Until I read the Canada archives article today, to which I provide a link below (and I suggest that everyone should read it), I was unaware that her name Obomsawin is translated to mean Pathfinder. The importance of and respect rendered to the Pathfinder as a leader in native culture I had learned by watching the movie Pathfinder which I watched again last night. She truly has lived up to, and perhaps even exceeded the meaning of her name.


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Besides that article which is part of the Government of Canada archives, there is a very complete Wikipedia article which is even more up-to-date:


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How Alanis performed at the Mariposa Folk Festival, beating her drum as she sang

And please do NOT miss clicking the National Film Board link at the bottom of this paragraph. It is a site which enables you to watch some of her films. Do not miss watching Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance seen on that web site. There are both French and English language versions. When I watched this film, and saw a young and beautiful very eloquent Mohawk woman say at a meeting with the Federal Minister of Native Affairs, I am proud to say that I am a Mohawk within the Mohawk Nation of the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy. She expressed the nave hope that the negotiation would lead to recognition of Native rights and finished by saying: As we say in Mohawk, Skaana which means Peace. Her heartfelt words made me burst out in tears at that point, because I knew that the conflict would not alleviate, but would become much more extreme.


(You may have to copy this link and paste it into your browser)

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The Mohawk woman speaking at the meeting with the Minister of Indian Affairs. She holds up the feather as she says the word "recognition".

The battle for recognition and peace has not yet ended.

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Tags: Abenake , Canada , Film-production , First-Nations , Oka , Quebec , Talent , artists , musicians , racial-discrimination , More

Views: 17

Replies to This Article/Seed

Permalink Reply by Buzz of the Orient on February 15, 2013 at 7:21pm Delete

They say of a man who has multiple superb talents that he is a "Renaissance Man". Alanis Obomsawin is a "Renaissance Woman".

Permalink Reply by Kavika on February 15, 2013 at 8:30pm

Once again, I enjoyed reading the article. She truly is a Renaissance Woman...

Thanks for the post Buzz.


jrDiscussion - desc
Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Buzz of the Orient    9 years ago

I was feeling a bit nostalgic lately, so I thought I would look back at some of the articles I posted on Newstalkers at least a couple of years ago, most of which were written by me and all have many photographs, and thought that perhaps some new members who have not delved back into the archives might enjoy seeing. Ive chosen one each from different groups where I have been posting over the years: Classic Car Collectors Corner; Anishinaabe - the First People; Discovery Group, Creative Arts; and Canada, the True North Strong and Free. In the comments, sometimes it will look as if Im talking to myself, but that is because the other persons who posted must have deleted their NT accounts and that will automatically delete their comments. Anyway, here is one of the articles.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio    9 years ago


She sounds like an amazing woman with many talents and a lot to offer back to society.

Thanks for sharing the story.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

Such a wonderful person Buzz. I remember this article well.

Alanis wish or recognition of Native rights just got closer in Canada. There will be two articles that I will be posting today, in her honor.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

She is truly a wonderful and gifted person Buzz.

Alanis wish for recognition of Native rights came a step closer in the last couple of days.

I will be posting article on this later today.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Buzz of the Orient    9 years ago

I look forward to reading them.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Buzz of the Orient    9 years ago

One of the many truly gifted persons I have known.


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