Conservatives rebel against Trump-backed Republican healthcare plan
President Donald Trump on Tuesday endorsed Republican legislation to replace the Obamacare healthcare law but the measure faced a rebellion by conservative groups and lawmakers, complicating its chances for passage in the U.S. Congress.
Conservatives slammed the proposal, with Republican Senator Mike Lee calling it "exactly the type of back-room dealing and rushed process that we criticized Democrats for."
I toldya this was gonna happen.
I wonder what Ben Carson would say about this?
Carson is still inside the pyramids looking for grain. So he has nothing to say on this subject at the moment.
I hate to disappoint anyone, but Trump knows nothing about the topic of health insurance, and is playing the stooge in this drama
The worst part is that the Conservatives are against this Bill for the wrong reasons. They don't like it because it doesn't fuck over the poor an middle-class enough. They don't like it because it's not as cold-hearted and prickish enough for their tastes.
Are you sure about that?
Here's just one example:
Conservative lawmakers understand it, but some of them they just don’t like it.
“Obviously we have some serious concerns,” said Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C.
They’re balking at the bill’s tax credits, which are designed to help low and middle income Americans buy insurance. The credits range from $2-14,000 a year, depending on age and family size.
From your linked article:
Some conservative Republicans complained the bill did not go far enough in removing government from the healthcare industry.
In the Senate, where Republicans can afford to lose only two votes from their razor-thin majority, Republican Senator Rand Paul called the plan "Obamacare Lite" and said he wanted a repeal-only option.
They want a repeal only option. In other words taking healthcare back to here it was before Obamacare, where insurance companies could refuse insurance for pre-existing conditions (including charging women more because being a woman is a pre-existing condition), caps on yearly coverage amounts, lifetime coverage limits, cancelling for no stated reason, etc.
Well, the Republican plan definitely hurts poor & middle class families-- but its really great for the wealthy:
The House Republicans' health care bill adds up to big tax cuts for the rich.
The bill would cut more than 20 taxes enacted under President Barack Obama's heath law, saving taxpayers nearly $600 billion over the next decade. The bulk of the money would go to the wealthiest Americans.
(Read it all)
The new motto for the republicans...''Let them eat cake''....
Eventually the working class people who voed for Trump will begin to realize they've been lied to.