Via: krishna • 8 years ago • 7 comments
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said on Thursday they saw no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that the Obama administration tapped his phones during the 2016 presidential campaign.
"Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016," read a statement by Republican Chairman Richard Burr and Senator Mark Warner, the committee's Democratic vice chairman.
"Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016," read a statement by Republican Chairman Richard Burr and Senator Mark Warner, the committee's Democratic vice chairman.
Do you have a link to this?
Do you have a link to this?
Whooops...sorry. I had forgotten to insert link. Its HERE ).
But it's true because Trump said it was and Spicer will defend it to the death.
We should also be cautious when in the kitchen-- remember what Kellyanne Conway said about the danger of our microwaves spying on us: