
Wycinanki Embroidery: Polish Folk Art for the Ages


Category:  Photography & Art

Via:  robert-in-ohio  •  10 years ago  •  5 comments

Wycinanki Embroidery: Polish Folk Art for the Ages

Folk art is a longtime favorite among textile artisans. Wycinanki, Polish folk art popular as paper cuttings, has been reproduced into beautiful machine embroidery. Even centuries later, its bright colors and whimsical depictions make the designs popular as ever.

embroidery library wycinanki birdhouse

Folk art has become some of the most loved artwork. Once considered the creation of peasantry, the art form of common people has become much beloved and highly coveted.

wycinanki birds birdhouse

What is Wycinanki embroidery?

Wycinanki, pronounced vee-chee-non-kee, is Polish folk art originally exhibited in paper cuttings.

wycinanki flowers

Popular in the mid-1800s, subjects often included flowers, birds, medallions and holiday motifs. Designs were highly intricate and considered some of the most beautiful paper cutouts in the world.

wycinanki hearts

Wycinanki was created during relaxation after the days work was done, much like reading or hand stitching in later years. Patterns are thought to have originated from sheep skin window coverings. Countryside cottages used sheep shears to cut the decorative decorative patterns as a way to let in air and light.

polish folk peyote patterns

Photos via Craftsy member Magicbeading

In these examples, Wycinanki designs were sewn in the peyote embroidery technique using beads.


Wycinanki designs are of two basic types, each attributed to different regions of Poland.

wycinanki circles

Kurpie patterns are a single color while those from Lowicz territory include several layered colors. Both lend themselves beautifully to embroidery.

wycinanki 2



jrDiscussion - desc
Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

Going back several generations the ladies in my family have produced beautiful embroidery, but nothing of this magnitude.

Though I love the pieces (and have bought a number of them) that show at out county fair every year, I now see a different level o skill and beauty


Professor Silent
link   Nona62    10 years ago

OMG!!! These are beyond beautiful!! I would never have the patience to do something so imtricate.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


Thanks for the feedback

My bride does cross stitch to relax and creates a lot of beautiful family memories in the process, Christmas decorations, wedding announcements, birth announcements, etc

My mother-in-law used to embroider and quilt, but her eyesight and dexterity ar e no longer up to the challenge

I am glad you liked the images

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


Thanks for the feedback

I am with you there I lack both the patience and the talent so I am really out of luck

I must be content to admire the beauty created by others


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