
Fox News anchor accuses White House of 'trying to cover up Michael Flynn scandal'


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  8 years ago  •  6 comments

Fox News anchor accuses White House of 'trying to cover up Michael Flynn scandal'

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A Fox News anchor has accused the White House of behaving in a way consistent with a “cover-up” over the actions of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

Although the network is frequently accused of being a cheerleader for President Donald Trump, host Shepard Smith did not hold back in his comments, made after the House Oversight Committee said Mr Flynn appeared to have broken the law in receiving payments from Russian organisations and the Turkish Government.

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jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    8 years ago

“The situation is unprecedented,” said Mr Smith. “Never in American history has a man so close to the President, on his cabinet, the National Security Advisor no less, been accused of committing a crime by taking money from a foreign entity, much less one connected to the Russians.”

He added: “At the core of all this is the Russians interfered with our elections.

“The White House at least is giving the appearance, according to these congressional leaders, of a lack of cooperation, which could give an overall appearance that they’re trying to cover something up."

Coming from a liberal news organization like, say, Huffington Post  this wouldn't be surprising. But when its coming from a right-wing site such as Fox....?


Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    8 years ago

Donald Trump supporters previously threatened to boycott Fox News when Mr Smith criticised the President over his camp’s alleged links to Russia.

There goes "Fox and Friends". That asshole himself watches it and if his supporters boycott it means he will, at least publicly, say he doesn't. Though he still will and say otherwise. He is such  fucking twit. He is Nixon blocking the release of the Watergate tapes, except they just showed him committing a crime. This, along with Carter Page (and who knows how many communicating with the FBI  and asking for immunity in secret right now) the first of many dominoes to fall that could show Trump committing an even worse crime. Collusion with Russia to cooperate and to work with them to help them to have them put their considerable thumb on the scale of the 2016 election.


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