Another photo try. Also posted in Creative Arts.
All of the these three are the same shot. The first one is what I took without a flash when I should have. The second one is the same photo after moving it to Photoshop Elements and lightening it up a bit. The third one is what happens after an expert of cropping, composition and editing like Mac gets a hold of the same one. My goal (and what I am working toward) is to move from photo A to photo C by myself. Baby steps. It really is an art form and one that must be learned.
I think I can understand the cropping to get rid of the corner of the breakfast bar on her right and the dog toys on her upper left. What I can't understand Mac, is how you got rid of that small piece of plant leaf right next to the left of her body. Where did it go?
BTW everyone isn't that a great shot of an adorable dog! That's my 3 year old Shih-Tzu mix mutt, right after her spring haircut, Molly!
Baby steps. Patience. Work. Trying. Setting it aside when it become frustrating. It will come in it's own time.
In 1983, I took a job as newspaper editor; on day one, the employer informed me …
"We have no staff photographer … but the previous editor left a camera in your desk drawer."
I had never taken a photograph prior to that … the point being … I am self-taught and literally trained myself while on-the-job.
You're off to a good start and part of succeeding is getting it wrong before you get it right.