
Trump causes 'major' shift in global view of US: Pew


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  arkansashermit-too  •  8 years ago  •  9 comments

Trump causes 'major' shift in global view of US: Pew

Donald Trump's presidency has had a "major impact on how the world sees the United States", a large new study says.

The survey, by the Pew Research Center, interviewed more than 40,000 people in 37 countries this year.

It concluded that the US president and his policies "are broadly unpopular around the globe".

The survey shows only two of the 37 countries have a better opinion of Mr Trump than they had of his predecessor Barack Obama: Israel and Russia .

But the report indicates many feel their country's relationship with the US will not change over the coming years.

The key findings from the survey, carried out between 16 February and 8 May, include:

People have less faith in Trump than Obama

People were surveyed at the end of Barack Obama's eight-year presidency, and after the start of Mr Trump's term - they were asked if they had faith that the president would do the right thing for world affairs.

This is how some US allies (and Russia) responded:





Most countries see Trump in an unfavourable light

Responders were asked if they viewed Mr Trump in seven particular ways. Here is a sample of answers from three random countries from three continents:

Do you think of Trump as...

"Across all the characteristics tested, positive and negative, President Trump is most likely to be described as arrogant," the Pew report says.

In 26 of the 37 countries, more than half of respondents consider Mr Trump dangerous.




People may be worried about what Trump means for their country, many may see him as arrogant or dangerous - but that doesn't mean they think his presidency will have any effect on them.

This is not true of everyone of course, but a median of 41% of people think their country's relationship with the US will stay the same.

While only 15% think ties will improve, some countries are extremely optimistic, especially in Africa - 54% of Nigerians and 51% Ghanaians think things will get better (as do 53% of Russians, who are generally optimistic about the world with Trump in the White House, according to the survey ).

The country with the bleakest outlook for their ties with the US? Mexico, by some distance.


jrDiscussion - desc
Old Hermit
Sophomore Silent
link   seeder  Old Hermit    8 years ago

Well, there you go.

Unpopular with a majority of Americans and, (now we know), just as unpopular with the rest of the world.

Putin sure got his money's worth when he helped Trump lose the popular vote last year, (his Presidency and Policies soundly rejected by the majority), and become President.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy  replied to  Old Hermit   8 years ago


Putin and his minions, along with I suspect the cooperation of the Trump Campaign and Trump himself, engaged in a campaign of lies, half-truths and propaganda during the 2016 election. Yes some of the emails were true, but there is little doubt that many of them were also mixed in with ones from Wikileaks that were outright lies created by Russia. Russia also released a large amount of propaganda through right wing media to confuse gullible American voters. No they did not actually hack American voting machines, but they did not have to. They had already had the desired effect. Now they have an active Russian asset in the Oval Office to do their bidding and America is short one President.

Trump knows that Russia did these things, yet he denies it or even comes up with silly stories that it might have been the Chinese or even some 400lb hacker on a bed somewhere. The proof that he knows it is that all 17 of our Intelligence Agencies agree that it happened and yet he is doing absolutely nothing to protect the integrity of our election system and democracy for the upcoming 2018 and 2020 election years. Why? Because he wants it to happen again and he is ready, willing and able to help it happen once again to his advantage.

What happened in 2016 and what will happen in 2018 and 2020 if real Americans don't step forward and stop it will not be elections, they will be the completion of the take over of our nation by a foreign power!

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    8 years ago

Not bad. 

However, there is still strong support for Mr Trump among his own party: 81% of those who lean or are Republican say he has been doing well, rising to 88% among those who consider themselves more staunchly conservative.

Old Hermit
Sophomore Silent
link   seeder  Old Hermit  replied to  Dean Moriarty   8 years ago

However, there is still strong support for Mr Trump among his own party: 81% of those who lean or are Republican say he has been doing well, rising to 88% among those who consider themselves more staunchly conservative.

81% of those who lean or are Republican say he has been doing well, rising to 88% among those who consider themselves more staunchly conservative.


Good point Dean.

I too have seen those polls showing how the R's are still behind Pres Trumps, even after his daily, buffoonish behavior.  


However I did see one poll a few days back that had his Republican approval down into the high 70's, plus it broke the question further down to "Strongly Approve" and "Somewhat Approve". 

I haven't been able to find the poll I was thinking of but I did locate this;


75% approval from Republicans but only 41% strongly approve?   Early signs that he's even losing his base? 

Ah O.


Underwater with the D's, (of course), Independents as well, and now even showing signs of a weakening support within the R's. 

How low can he go?

However, there is still strong support for Mr Trump among his own party
Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    8 years ago

Blondi loved his owner too. Until he tested cyanide on him.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    8 years ago

I didnt see this yesterday AH. One of the flaws here is that articles can be pushed out of sight so fast. I will direct people to your seed and close the other one.


Old Hermit
Sophomore Silent
link   seeder  Old Hermit  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

I will direct people to your seed and close the other one.


No, no John.  Please don't close your seed.

Let a new day enjoy a new start and leave your seed up.  If folk want to comment on one, or the other or both, it's all good.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    8 years ago

South Korea has gone from 88 percent confidence in Obama to 17 percent confidence in Trump.  So much for the worth of his bluster about North Korea.

Masters Quiet
link   Enoch    8 years ago

Dear Friend Arkansas Hermit: Vox Poipuli.

Let the voice of thr people be heard.

All best regards.



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