
Looking for the Creator in All the "Wrong" Places?


Category:  Photography & Art

Via:  community  •  8 years ago  •  20 comments

Looking for the Creator in All the "Wrong" Places?

Every once-in-a-while I notice that God and prayer get inserted in political discussions … 

In my humble opinion, if that's where some folks are looking for, implicating, or otherwise "finding" some manifestation of a Creator … I urge them to look again, and look elsewhere … there is an abundance of circumstantial (and possibly even empirical) evidence of the existence and hand of such a Great Spirit.


Coreopsis Flowers after a Summer Rain

© A. Mac/A.G.


jrDiscussion - desc
A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   seeder  A. Macarthur    8 years ago

It's all around if one understands where to look.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     8 years ago

In Wildness is the preservation of mankind.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    8 years ago

It's a nice photo but I see no evidence of a creator.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Dean Moriarty   8 years ago

It's all in how you look at it...  I think, any way...

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   seeder  A. Macarthur  replied to  Dean Moriarty   8 years ago

It's a nice photo but I see no evidence of a creator.

Well, all right … let's then see you or any other entity, create any flower from scratch … if/when you do, I will join you in your doubtfulness.

Let me know when your flower is ready and functional.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

I would recommend looking into genetically modified organisms. 

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   seeder  A. Macarthur  replied to  Dean Moriarty   8 years ago

I would recommend looking into genetically modified organisms. 

Modified from originals, Dean … I'm not talking about variations on a theme, I'm talking about creating the theme itself from scratch.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

I think what Dean is saying is let's see God create a flower.  The flower is there, evidence of how it got there will never be seen.  Let's just enjoy its beauty without making claims about how it gets there.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   seeder  A. Macarthur  replied to  Hal A. Lujah   8 years ago

The flower is there, evidence of how it got there will never be seen.  Let's just enjoy its beauty without making claims about how it gets there.

Anyway you look at it, it had to come from somewhere/something … and that would refer to its origination or creation.

It doesn't have to imply religious belief … but something has to be attributed to the originator … unless empirically it can be demonstrated that anything can come from nothing.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

Technically, the flower itself was created by a parent flower, much like how every human on earth was created by their parents.  Millions or billions of mutations have occurred in that lineage to give it the appearance it has today.  How the origin began is of little interest to me personally.  That would be like having a fascination with an unknowable ancestor from the beginning of humanity itself.  I think we can all agree that every living thing is fascinating in its current state though.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   seeder  A. Macarthur  replied to  Hal A. Lujah   8 years ago

Technically, the flower itself was created by a parent flower,

And where did the first of the parent flowers originate?

How the origin began is of little interest to me personally.  That would be like having a fascination with an unknowable ancestor from the beginning of humanity itself.  I think we can all agree that every living thing is fascinating in its current state though.

I have advanced degrees in both Biology and Fine Art … that would indicate that I am fascinated with the way in which both the Cosmos, and, the human being who feels the need … the compulsion to be creative … whether Art Imitates Life, or, Life compels the creation of Art …  "Je pense, donc Je suis."

"Je pense donc je suis" by Descartes can be translated into English as "I think, therefore I am" and into Latin as "cogito ergo sum."

Descartes published this phrase in his Discourse on the Method in 1637, and the idea became central to the tenets of Western philosophy. The work addressed skepticism, a philosophical school of thought that questioned whether knowing something for sure was possible.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

This seems like an appropriate way to wrap up this thread.1499015569455.jpeg

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   seeder  A. Macarthur  replied to  Hal A. Lujah   8 years ago

Not sure about "wrapping it up," but it's an excellent continuation.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Hal A. Lujah   8 years ago

How lovely, Hal!  I love the color of the flowers!!  Well done!

By the way, have I told you lately that I love you?  Because I do.  You're my friend and I'm very grateful for you!  thumbs up

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  A. Macarthur   8 years ago

The only thing I know for sure is that I love my husband and my son, and they love me, too!  winking

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    8 years ago

I love the Coreopsis flower, and this is a perfect picture!  So lovely!

Being out "in" it, the wildness, even a park, is to enjoy one of the greatest gifts that God, or the Creator, has given us.  I am always grateful for the beauty and peace.  thumbs up

Thanks so much for this!

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    8 years ago

To me, this is one of the very best photos you have put on NT.

I don't concern myself with whether it is God's creation or a greater power than man's creation, nor do I concern myself with what anyone else thinks and if I can persuade them to see it the way I do.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   seeder  A. Macarthur  replied to  sixpick   8 years ago


I appreciate your liking of the photo, and appreciate even more, your presence in this discussion. We are far apart politically, but, that we are able to otherwise find common ground … gives me a good feeling.


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   seeder  A. Macarthur    8 years ago

That is beyond a wonderful compliment, badfish … there is a satisfaction and motivation beyond expression that comes from the kind words of good people.

A sincere "thank you" to everyone.


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