Need or Want a New Avatar? Here are some to use!
A while back, I put together a bunch of avatars for use by NT members, (I just typed NK, as a typo-- no, not North Korean avatars.) Sometimes, I hate my fingers.
I will include instructions on downloading and installing a new avatar on another article. Right now, I just want to get these in front of you, for your selection.
IF there is one you want to use, make a comment with the number of the avatar that you wish to use. I will attach the .jpg file in a reply to your comment.
So, here goes:
To use one of these avatars, please leave a comment, that includes the number of the avatar in the comment. I will answer as quickly as I can, and attach the file to my comment!
Thanks for coming by!
IF you don't see anything you like, I am happy to develop an avatar for you-- please contact me in the comments. Also, the companion to this article is coming! (I'm going to have to lie down for a bit-- I'm whipped!) But, I'll be back soon!
Dear Friend Dowser: Great images.
I think I will stick with me parting the Sea of Reeds.
It is twenty years to late for me to go with parting my hair.
Insufficient funds for that.
LOL, dear Enoch!
Love you!
Wow-- fantastic collection!
Thanks Dowser
I'm glad you like it! I hope it helps someone who is having trouble with their avatar!
I worked on these for days and days...
Of course I'm not mad! I've used the black cat eye, too-- it's my Andy Kitty! Yes, we still have our Tommy 2 tone, and Lulu, and Matthew is leaving for college in 2 weeks, and of course, I'm a basket case... He needs to get away from home, and it is the best thing that could happen to him, but GOLLY, I'm going to miss him! My dear husband is alive and well, and very patient with my ailments these days. I can't sit, stand, walk, lie down, or do much of anything comfortably. I will be having back surgery soon, I hope!
I just thought that someone may find something they could use for an avatar, if they needed one... I still wear my lucky crystal, every chance I get, and still think of you, every time I wear it!
Love you, John Galt! I'm so glad you're here!
Matthew is leaving for college in 2 weeks, and of course, I'm a basket case.
Gosh, time has flown!
I am sure that he will be fine. However, I can say that because I have already been through this back in 1998. Although my girls left home at the same time. One was almost 21 and getting married. The other one had graduated high school and was moving on to college. The married one went to Germany for 3 years and other one was only a phone call and an hour away and still is.
How far away will Matthew be? What is his major?
I'm sure he'll be fine, too. But, I'm not sure I will be...
Probably normal "Mom" anxiety! He needs to go, to find out who HE is.
He's planning on majoring in geoarchaeology. He'll take geology and archaeology classes-- which sounds like a lot of fun, to me! (Or course...) He has always been fascinated with archaeology. When all the other kids were playing with Power Rangers, he wanted Roman and Egyptian soldiers... Yeah, he's probably very weird, but he's my son-- how could he be otherwise? Mainly, I just want him to be happy and enthusiastic about his work. You spend so many hours at work through your life, it had better be something that you're interested in and enjoy! I've always been fortunate to have a career that I loved.
He's going to attend Murray State University, about 4 hours from home-- which isn't too far, but far enough that he'll have some privacy, I hope! He doesn't need his mother breathing down his neck, to say the least. It's in a beautiful part of the state, and the best thing-- Kentucky Lake is less than 30 minutes away. IF he gets sick of school, he can take an afternoon and go the lake, find a picnic table, and study there-- I did! Besides, it is a lot of fun to go to the lake...
I am so happy for Matthew and you. You have done a wonderful job as a Mom and have reached what can be the next most wondrous, exciting and terrifying event (second only to holding them in our arms for the first time) of motherhood - allowing our offspring to spread their wings and fly.
Thank you so much! He will be fine, I feel sure! He can't get into too much trouble at little Murray... And he'll be doing what he wants to do!
Hopefully, I'll get to read his textbooks!
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!!! I need them!
This will be the best thing for him, and is a necessary part of learning to be a productive citizen-- I'm just going to miss him! He helps me so much! I'm going to have to learn to do things on my own again... When I drive, he's my right eye, which lost its sight last year... Etc. BUT, I wouldn't deny him his life for any amount of $$... Still, I'll miss him! For a long time, he's been a reason to smile, every day...
I've been trying to get it all together-- and get the things he needs to survive. Having lived in a dorm, I know that a small tool box is a must. (Nothing like needing a screw driver to fix something, and not having one! Dimes don't always work...) While a labor of love, it is also a source of anxiety, for me... First Aid kit, etc. His room is crammed with stuff to take. But, at least he may feel more at home, there. His dorm is right across the street from where I lived when I was at the same college. That helps! At least I feel familiar with it!
So sorry I haven't been back to reply on this comment sooner Dowser. I still have the vine, and I visit a few live streams with chats on them, and do a little research and read articles in between..Oh and watch my tomatoes grow (remember your first one? I do...).
I see who I knew as peep is now rockhound on here. Yes of course the mom has to let go, even tho it is not easy. Now he will make you proud that you are his Mom, and he will make Dad proud too. I like the part that he is far enough away to feel comfortable, but close enough to come home or have you go there.
When I drive, he's my right eye, which lost its sight last year...
I am so sorry about that. Is there a particular reason for the loss? I am kind of in the same boat.
He WILL be fine. You just have to counter that worry with positive thoughts and pat yourself on the back for the great job you and Mr. Dowser did to bring him to adulthood.
I had a stroke in my eye, dear John, that killed most of my retina... So I have a big brownish-gray blob and just a little peripheral vision around the southeast edge. It is QUITE the adjustment! Especially in driving... And photography is tough, too. But, I'm hanging in there!
Thanks for your kind words about Peep/aka RockHound. He's a good kid!
I had a stroke in my eye, dear John, that killed most of my retina... So I have a big brownish-gray blob and just a little peripheral vision around the southeast edge. It is QUITE the adjustment! Especially in driving... And photography is tough, too. But, I'm hanging in there!
I guess we Are both in the same boat on that issue Dear Dowser, altho yours is probably the worst one. I have AMD both eyes, worse in the left, which may be good, at least for now, as long as does not turn to what they call 'wet'. I use the right eye most of the time, but it's tough. I can't take pics anymore. Had cataract surg. and I am going to see if it is possible to get a new IOL. I started to have double vision a month after the surgery, and did get a scrip for prism glasses. They worked a bit better. Anyway, It just goes to show that we take or took those gifts of vision without thinking how wonderful and complex they are. I value every day what I have left and am thankful to the universe for allowing me to see it's colors and beauty all around me.
Thanks for your kind words about Peep/aka RockHound. He's a good kid!
Welcome dear lady. Of course he his, you're his mom.
I'm so sorry to hear this! LIke you, I never thought how awful it would be to not see-- now, at least I have one eye that sort of sees... But it is very difficult at times! MUCH love to you!
Hi Lady Dowser - Just a suggestion but you may want to take Yoda off the list of available avatars. 1ofmany is using him and I don't think I can take another 1ofmany. They'd probably spend all day arguing over whose stick glows the brightest and whose stick is the biggest.
I will! I can't adjust anything right now... I'm in Murray, with poor internet service at the hotel-- I can barely reply to emails, so I'll have to do it when I get home, tomorrow! Thanks!
Well, PJ, I'm having problems editing the article. It's now allowing me to select and delete the picture... I'll keep trying! But later, I'm all done in from driving back from Murray!
No worries Lady Dowser. I was just pointing out that 1ofmany was already using that avatar. You don't need to delete it.
Hope everything went well and your boy is settled in. What an exciting new adventure for him. I'm sure you and your husband have prepared him well.
IF I could fix it, I would. 1 of Many probably doesn't want to share his avatar... I'm still GAGA over the trip down there... Move in day is next weekend. HE may be prepared, but I'm not. He's freaking out about leaving home and leaving his cat, etc. I'm planning on lots of care packages... I know he will adjust and be fine-- it's me that is going to miss him every hour of every day!
I may be down there every now and then, as his geology professor is wanting me to talk to the students. YAY! I would love to meet the students and be of help to them! His professor that I met is a woman! Golly! There are so few of us around!
Love you, my dear sweet Pj!
I really appreciate those avatars, I tried to do something the other day and couldn't do it, but that could be my limited abilities. I was thinking of a113. Or g25. Thanks!
Lib50, I'm in Murray, KY with very poor internet service. I can't up load the files right now, but will when I get back to Louisville and all is working again... So tomorrow, I hope!
I had to bring my son down here for his freshman orientation!
I think the second one would be better, g25. I need to tone down my warrior side.
Here it is! Right click on it, and then select Save Image As. Be sure to put it in a place you can find it!
success! thanks so much!
You got it, dear Lib50! So glad to see your new avatar!!! Well done!