
Donald Trump Appears On Newsweek Cover For A Record 48th Time


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  johnrussell  •  8 years ago  •  22 comments

Donald Trump Appears On Newsweek Cover For A Record 48th Time


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Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell    8 years ago


321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
link   321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu     8 years ago

Donald Trump Appears On Newsweek Cover For A Record 48th Time

LOL and on each one he looks worse that the one before.  

Perhaps he should ask them to stop.

The one of his death is gonna be my favorite one though.

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!    8 years ago

I wonder if Trump will use this new NEWSWEEK cover to replace the FAKE TIME magazine covers he had made-up and hung in his golf clubs and resort hotels.


Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

Talk about the ultimate in raw egotism! Fake Time Magazine covers! It fits with the fact that he lies about everything, even the things that are most easily disproven, like his lies about the biggest crowd at his inauguration or that he would have won the popular vote if not for 3 million illegals voting for Clinton or that his electoral college numbers were the biggest since Reagan. He is a compulsive liar. If he was in a room that was completely painted blue including the floor and ceiling, he would say the room was red just because he can not help but lie.

Given a choice between the truth or a lie, he will always lie because it's just what he is. A mentally sick, compulsive, helpless liar.

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!    8 years ago

Image result for trump magazine covers

A past Time Magazine cover of Trump.  People should Google "Trump magazine covers" and see what comes up.  There are some very interesting ones to look at.

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!    8 years ago

This is interesting.  Most of us remember the big controversy over the Kathy Griffin picture in March, right?  (I could post that here, but it is a bit gross so I won't.  Most of us remember what it looked like anyway.)

Well, that was at the end of March 2017. (the story I Googled was dated 5/30/2017).  Check out this cover of German magazine Der Spiegel that was published almost 2 months earlier on February 4, 2017.

Image result for trump magazine covers


Do you think maybe this is where Griffin got the idea for her photo shoot joke?

If you have the time you may want to Google or Bing "Trump magazine covers".  There are some really interesting ones out there.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

Kathy Griffrin was pilloried unfairly because she posed for a picture that has it opposite or worse by Trump supporters, except she happened to be more well known then the ghouls that show Obama in a coffin or lynched to a tree. What she posted was milder then what has been posted or printed or shown on signs about President Barack Obama, but she was jumped on as a convenient target.

I do not condone what she posted (though I give her extra clearance as she is at least a comedienne trying to make a political point), but to to show shock at her photo or to be "out raged" by it is completely phony out rage and nauseatingly hypocritical from those on the right that condemned her. What has been posted and shown and cheered by the right wing about President Obama has been infinitely worse and those who bitch about Griffin need to either look into their own black hearts or just plain shut the fuck up because they are hypocritical assholes.

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!  replied to  Randy   8 years ago

You mentioned some stark images used against Obama, and cheered by the right.  Those reminded me of the crosshairs image used by Palin that... which had real consquences.

Image result for palin target crosshairs


Thankfully neither the Der Spiegal or Kathy Griffen images had that kind of resultant consequence.  They make the Newsweek cover seem very very tame in comparison.

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

Still not much going on in this discussion, but I did find this on a Google search and , well, you decide.  What do you think?

Image result for trump magazine cover

For an explanation here is the link...

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!    8 years ago

Hi again Johnrussell!  It was suggested that I put a link to this discussion in another discussion stream, but I needed your okay to do that.  So, I won't do it unless you give me the Go-Ahead to do it.  However, the way it looks, just posting this comment here might put the link to this discussion on the front page anyway. Maybe I won't need to post that link at all. BTW, this is also a really good article.  Can't figure out why it's not as active as some others.  Good article though!

Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

go ahead

Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

Thanx!  It is done.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

Thanks to you and your kindness, I could find my way here!!!


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