
Trumps Arizona speech: ONE BIG LIE


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  coral-atlas  •  8 years ago  •  0 comments

Trumps Arizona speech: ONE BIG LIE

If there was any doubt about Trumps stability in the minds of normal Americans there is none left after his Phoenix tirade.

Anyone listening to Trump becomes an instant mouth breather Sad

The good news is that less than one in five Americans voted for Trump and only 26% of eligible voters.

This is what happens to American democracy when you elect a narcissistic, unstable, incompetent individual as President.

The GOP has always been the party of old white male supremacists but now  thanks to Trump is recruiting voters from fringe elements  like KKK,  white nationalists and every alt right white hate group that exists in the USA.

How do Republicans distance themselves from themselves?

They don't.

They hold their noses and look the other way.

The 74% of eligible voters who didn't vote for Trump had better get registered for 2018 in order to evoke the 25th amendment.

Republicans lack the moral character to risk their jobs for the sake of our country.


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