
Texas Passes Ban on Fracking Bans (Yes, You Read that Right)


Category:  Environment/Climate

Via:  one-miscreant  •  10 years ago  •  9 comments

Texas Passes Ban on Fracking Bans (Yes, You Read that Right)

Texas Passes Ban on Fracking Bans (Yes, You Read that Right)

Cole Mellino|May 5, 2015 10:04 am|

The Texasstate legislature voted yesterdayto banfrackingbans. Ever since the peopleof Denton, Texas voted to ban fracking last November, state lawmakersin cahoots with the oil and gasindustryand theAmerican Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, have attempted to strip municipalities like Denton ofhome rule authorityto override the citys ban.


Approved by the Texas House and Senate, the bill banning fracking bans is expected to be signed by Governor Greg Abbott.Photo credit: Shutterstock

In response, citizens banded together to formFrack Free Dentonto fight for home rule. The group has put together a powerful film, which premieres on Friday,documenting their fight to ban fracking within city limitsin the heart of oil and gas country. The vote comes despiterecent findingsbya team of researchers from Southern Methodist University thatlinked the earthquakes in onearea of Texas, which didnot have earthquakesprior to the frackingboom..

Marketplace sKai Ryssdaland Scott TrangdiscussTexass ban and other states consideringsimilar bills. The bill would provide whats called state preemption and that is state law here would trump anything that local jurisdictions, cities and towns pass, says Trang.

A similar bill, in Oklahoma, passed one chamber. The sponsor of that bill said he wants to get ahead of what were seeing in other states,' reports Trang. Ryssdal asks if there is a group connecting all these state lawmakers. Trangs response? You guessed it: ALEC.


jrDiscussion - desc
One Miscreant
Professor Silent
link   seeder  One Miscreant    10 years ago

Texas...yeee haww!

One Miscreant
Professor Silent
link   seeder  One Miscreant    10 years ago

I wonder how long has Texas been a red state?

One Miscreant
Professor Silent
link   seeder  One Miscreant    10 years ago

That's big government in action pushed by big Corporations.

Citizen's United [[[fist raised]]] rocks! /s

One Miscreant
Professor Silent
link   seeder  One Miscreant    10 years ago
One Miscreant
Professor Silent
link   seeder  One Miscreant    10 years ago

Taxass will do whatever it takes, ...

Do you mean? State constitutional changeslike:

Sec. 17. TAKING, DAMAGING, OR DESTROYING PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC USE; SPECIAL PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES; CONTROL OF PRIVILEGES AND FRANCHISES. (a) No person's property shall be taken, damaged, or destroyed for or applied to public use without adequate compensation being made, unless by the consent of such person, and only if the taking, damage, or destruction is for:

(1) the ownership, use, and enjoyment of the property, notwithstanding an incidental use, by:

(A) the State, a political subdivision of the State, or the public at large; or

(B) an entity granted the power of eminent domain under law; or

(2) the elimination of urban blight on a particular parcel of property.

(b) In this section, "public use" does not include the taking of property under Subsection (a) of this section for transfer to a private entity for the primary purpose of economic development or enhancement of tax revenues.

(c) On or after January 1, 2010, the legislature may enact a general, local, or special law granting the power of eminent domain to an entity only on a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to each house.

(d) When a person's property is taken under Subsection (a) of this section, except for the use of the State, compensation as described by Subsection (a) shall be first made, or secured by a deposit of money; and no irrevocable or uncontrollable grant of special privileges or immunities shall be made; but all privileges and franchises granted by the Legislature, or created under its authority, shall be subject to the control thereof.

( Amended Nov. 3, 2009 .)


Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    10 years ago

I've never been too crazy about this fracking. If you look at the gas lines and other lines running across the USA, if we ever do have a really big earthquake, we're going to burn up.


Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    10 years ago

When fracking is made illegal, then only illegal frackers will still be fracking.

One Miscreant
Professor Silent
link   seeder  One Miscreant    10 years ago

That kind of reminds me of the plaque in my arteries. Some states are unrecognizable.

The whole fracking argument is a house of cards and the same tactic used by the tobacco companies. In a world of infinite molecules, they want proof that the ones you're talking about are actually theirs.

Aren't states rights, repeatedly invoked by Texas, just an extension of home rule? The hypocrisy fascinating...and disturbing.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    10 years ago

Yeah, but the cigarette companies were right. Smoking doesn't cause cancer.

Does it?


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