Failed 'D' List Celebrity And Trump Toadie Scott Baio And His Wife Are In A Twitter Feud With Sandy Hook Parents
Do you remember Scott Baio. He was that terrible actor who played the Fonzie wannabe character Chachi on Happy Days and then the ill advised and never watched spinoff which was called ( I think) Joannie Loves Chachi. Since those shows ended 30 years ago he has kicked around the lowest levels of Hollywood turning up on reality shows about D list celebrities and drug rehab shows.
For some strange reason he gained some teeny weeny notoriety last year as a celebrity spokesperson endorsing Donald Trump. Baio would go on Fox News and tell everyone how great Trump was. What Baio's credentials are for determining this remain a mystery to this day. Baio was even given a role as a speaker at the Republican convention that nominated Trump for president.
Now Baio has squandered away what is left of his brain cells in an insane attempt to suggest that Susan Bro, the mother of Charlottesville murder victim Heather Heyer, is actually an actress who also appeared 5 years ago as the mother of one of the Sandy Hook teachers killed in 2012 in that gun violence massacre in that grade school.
Baio retweeted this
The sister of Vicki Soto , the murdered teacher, said this about Baio
“To be honest, it’s heartbreaking… My family has been attacked over and over. What people don’t understand is that no matter what they believe, every time this comes up, it rips my family apart to see my mom being attacked yet again,” Soto told the New York Daily News .
And when the mother of one of the murdered children of Sandy Hook saw all this she sent out a tweet decrying Baio and his conspiracy theories about the murder of 26 children and teachers.
Baio's wife got in on the act, tweeting this to the mother of the dead child.
One newspaper summed it all up like this
"...the dispute started Thursday with Baio’s retweet of the online meme, which implies that the deaths at Sandy Hook and at the recent Charlottesville white supremacist rally were either faked or government orchestrated.
The meme is inspired by various online conspiracy theorists — including Alex Jones, among others — who have tormented the parents and family members of the 20 children and six adults killed in the Sandy Hook massacre.
The meme showed similar-looking photos of Donna Soto, the mother of slain Sandy Hook teacher Vicky Soto, and of Susan Bro, the mother of slain Charlottesville protester Heather Heyer. The meme suggested they were the same woman.
In his retweet, which appears to have since been deleted, Baio wrote “Thoughts,” according to the Daily Mail.
In response, Marquz-Greene shared a tweet from Donna Soto, saying, “Why on earth would a celebrity like @ScottBaio do something like this?”"
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Sums up a lot of what is wrong with America.
Failed celebrities tweeting conspiratorial nonsense on behalf of a failed incompetent president and insane far right media figures like Alex Jones.
Nothing is real or sincere from this crowd.
Here are a few relevant links
This is all too painful. Just painful all around.
The Baio's are a couple that need to be bitch slapped. Simple as that.
Repeatedly, and with force. What horrible excuses for human beings.
Actually, no.
They deserve to have their social media accounts closed, and forced to live in isolation. The lack of attention is what would hurt them the most.
Attention whores.
HA! Tansi, tawnshi kiya, Kavika?
Tansi calbab, niiya ni si boon, maarsii. Kiiya? (Hello calbab, I'm good, thanks..You?)
Nimiyou ayawn, Kavika. (-:
Sorry JR, didn't mean to derail your article.
Not at all.
And what is the point of this "trottin" conspiracy? That the two mothers did not have daughters to die? Can ANYBODY really be so low? Are Suzi Goldberg or Scott Baio parents of children? If so, how could they do this? It smacks of great evil or drug delusions.
Wouldn't this qualify as an abuse of freedom of speech?
These two people barely look alike.
What is wrong with someone that they would annoy if not torment the families of murder victims? For what? To show the world how superficial, uninformed and unintelligent they are?
It is the conduct of people with misplaced consciences!
Reminds me of Ann Coulter going after 9/11 widows. These people have no shame.
These people, the original tweeter Suzi Goldberg, search these things out looking for ways to steal another's power. We have all heard of lessening pain through laughter. Well, this kind of bold shock is intended to stun the public (and bloggers) into distraction and forgetfulness about the true root of the pain: hatred.
Put another way, this gives Right-wing conservatives something to deflect and fake ponder, until their stricken consciences can 'heal over.'
Put yet another way: If RW conservatives are too busy attacking and watching others attack then there won't be any time left over for deep reflection!
Scott Baio is not a rocket scientist. Anyone who would marry him probably isn't either. I don't think they know any better.
Or they were trying to attract Trump's attention on twitter so he would throw them some sort of bone.