Weinstein ties to Clinton, Obama run deep
As Democratic lawmakers begin to distance themselves from disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, the break-up might be a bit tougher for the Clintons and Obamas – whose ties to the mega-producer and Democratic donor run deep.
Hillary Clinton, after facing mounting pressure to speak out, broke her silence on the allegations Tuesday. Five days after the Weinstein accusations emerged, Clinton released a statement saying she was “shocked and appalled.” Late Tuesday, the Obamas released a statement of their own, saying: “Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accoubtable, regardless of wealth or status.”
A deep and tangled history with Weinstein could help explain the delay.
The producer -- using his connections to the wealthy Hollywood and New York elite -- gave or helped raise more than $100,000 for Barack Obama and the Clintons since at least 1995, according to OpenSecrets.org. Roughly half of that went to Hillary Clinton's presidential and Senate campaigns, including a political committee she used to support other Democrats and a joint fund with the DNC in 2016.
In total, Weinstein gave or helped raise -- or “bundle” -- $1.5 million for Democratic candidates over that time, according to Open Secrets, the nonprofit Center for Responsive Politics’ website that tracks campaign finance.
Weinstein, who was fired from his own company Sunday following sexual misconduct allegations dating back decades, hosted two Hillary Clinton fundraisers just in the last election.
On Tuesday, Clinton denounced Weinstein’s actions and said such behavior "cannot be tolerated." But neither she nor Obama has revealed plans to return his money or donate it to charity, like New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and other congressional Democrats have done.
As with Clinton, Weinstein has been a significant donor and fundraiser for the 44th president -- having raised or helped raise roughly $56,000 for the former Democratic president’s Obama Victory Fund.
One memorable event was held in 2012 at Weinstein’s oceanfront estate in Connecticut, where he teamed up with Vogue editor Anna Wintour for a $35,800-a-plate fundraiser.
“Fighting for Planned Parenthood and protecting women's rights, this president has fought the good fight," Weinstein said in introducing Obama, according to a pool report at the time. "You can make the case that he's the Paul Newman of American presidents."
Obama’s daughter, Malia, also did an internship for the Weinstein Company in New York between high school and attending college this fall.
'You can make the case that he's the Paul Newman of American presidents.'
When it came time for Democratic heavyweights to rally around Clinton for the 2016 cycle, Weinstein was there in a big way.
The producer co-hosted one Clinton fundraiser in October 2015 -- again with Wintour -- that purportedly included a photo-op with Clinton attendees who paid at least $2,700.
He then hosted another about eight months later with wife Georgina Chapman in their New York City home. The event was reportedly co-hosted by such stars as Jennifer Lopez and Academy Award winner Leonardo DiCaprio.
Weinstein also attended a Wintour runway style event in fall 2016 that showcased designer Clinton campaign T-shirts and was attended by Clinton daughter Chelsea Clinton and fashion designer Michael Kors.
The 65-year-old Weinstein -- who broke into the film business in 1979 with his and brother Bob’s independent film company Miramax -- is also a major Clinton Foundation contributor, having given $100,000 to $250,000, according the group’s website.
Weinstein was ousted by the Weinstein Company’s board of directors following a New York Times exposé that detailed years of sexual harassment allegations against him.
The Times story states Weinstein reached settlements with at least eight women since 1990 over harassment allegations, including from actress Ashley Judd and several former employees. New accusations, some of them even including allegations of rape , emerged in a New Yorker story published Tuesday.
Weinstein has publicly apologized, though he and his lawyers have criticized some of the reporting. In response to The New Yorker report, a representative told the magazine: "Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr. Weinstein."
Beyond Schumer, Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Al Franken of Minnesota and others have donated some or all of their Weinstein money to women’s groups.
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So will Hillary and Obama be returning the funds he donated or raised....or will the other Democratic candidates?? Dont hold your breath!
"a major Clinton Foundation contributor, having given $100,000 to $250,000, according the group’s website."
Unless his name is BILL CLINTON
Nice distraction. How about the guy who was so smart, he actually admitted to sexual assaults on television???
Apparently we're not supposed to give him a pass for some reason.
Obama’s daughter, Malia, also did an internship for the Weinstein Company in New York between high school and attending college this fall.
Did he try anything with her or is he just a closet racist?
Mooshelle wanted Malaria to get some hands on experience before trotting off to Haaaarvard....
We will know in 20 years.
but she already learned TWERKING from Miley!
And, from her mama.
dont you mean her grammy??? Mrs Obama Sr sure loved twerking for Frank Davis in the nude!!
Oooops. Hadn't heard that!
Considering that Obama and Clinton are no longer in government this brouhaha about Weinstein is immaterial. What People really should be concerned with and what threatens our republic are Trump's deep ties to Vlad Putin...
Considering this it is understandable that the gop is obsessed with getting People to look away from the current train wreck being caused by the gop being in power and instead to hearken back to their olde and false propaganda points regarding Obama and the Clintons. The proplem for the damn gop with this is that People looking back see our leadership has devolved under the Trump and the gop. There are damn good reasons the Grand Olde Party of Abe Lincoln is now known merely as the gop. It should be noted that Obama's was the squeaky cleanest administration in history with exactly zero nada no ranking officials ever indicted for malfeaseance in office. How about them apples?
Considering it is the more than likely liberal leaning press that brought this "story" front and center AND the majority of the "offended" reporting his "behavior are of the Hollywood crowd of women persuasion, it would seem your post is a deflection.............and not a very good one.
Considering he donated money to BOTH of them and its in the article, it is a big deal....Hillary campaigned as a "Defender of Women" despite her vicious attack on the victim of her husband's perversions and her defense of child rapist who left his 12 yr old victim in a coma and Hillary said she seduced him and got him off??? May she burn in hell forever!!
So you are OK with Hillary's pay to play with Vlad?? I wonder what Putin is doing with all that Uranium???
Russian Uranium Deal (2009-2013): Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved a deal allowing a Russian company to control 20% of the uranium mining production capacity inside the United States , which was followed by millions of dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation from people associated with the transaction
Bill Clinton received half a million dollars in 2010 for a speech he gave in Moscow, paid by a Russian firm, Renaissance Capital, that has ties to Russian intelligence. The Clinton Foundation took money from Russian officials and oligarchs, including Victor Kekselberg, a Putin confidant. The Foundation also received millions of dollars from Uranium One , which was sold to the Russian government in 2010, giving Russia control of 20% of the uranium deposits in the U.S. — the sale required approval from Hillary Clinton's State Department. What's more, at least some of these donations weren't disclosed. "Ian Telfer, the head of the Russian government's uranium company, Uranium One, made four foreign donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all such donors ," the Times has reported .
JOHN PODESTA In March — that is, long after the election was over — it was revealed that Mrs. Clinton's campaign chairman had failed to disclose the receipt of 75,000 shares of stock from a Kremlin-financed company — Joule Unlimited — for which he served as director from 2010 to 2014, when he joined the Obama White House in 2014. Podesta apparently had a large chunk of the shares transferred to "Leonidio Holdings, a brand-new entity he incorporated only on Dec. 20, 2013, about 10 days before he entered the White House," according to a news account .
TONY PODESTA Mr. Podesta's brother, who has close personal and business relations with Mrs. Clinton, was "key lobbyist on behalf of Sberbank, according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms. His firm received more than $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it coming from foreign governments, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics," a March news story reported. The bank was "seeking to end one of the Obama administration's economic sanctions against that country." The report goes on to note that "Podesta's efforts were a key part of under-the-radar lobbying during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign led mainly by veteran Democratic strategists to remove sanctions against Sberbank and VTB Capital, Russia's second largest bank." Mr. Obama imposed the sanctions following the Russian seizure of the Crimean region of Ukraine in 2014.
THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN In March, Mr. Putin's spokesman said that Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak met with members of Mrs. Clinton's campaign several times while she was running for president in 2016. Further, the campaign never disclosed the number or nature of these secret meetings.
Mrs. Clinton and her associates can cry themselves hoarse that there is neither smoke nor fire here, and that Putin was behind her election loss. But all in all, the known facts suggest an unusually extensive network of relationships with a major foreign power. Anyone who cares about the credibility of the American electoral process should want a thorough investigation.
Think about it this way. The people investigating your "connection" cleared the Vegas shooter of ISIS connections in 12 hours. But after 10 months can't find anything on Trump and Putin. Give it up.
speaking of ISIS......why do we never hear any news reports on happenings there???
oh wait...they missed this story
ISIS Fighters, Having Pledged to Fight or Die, Surrender en Masse
Thanks NY Times...that had to hurt to admit the truth
More than a thousand prisoners determined to be Islamic State fighters passed through that room last week after they fled their crumbling Iraqi stronghold of Hawija . Instead of the martyrdom they had boasted was their only acceptable fate, they had voluntarily ended up here in the interrogation center of the Kurdish authorities in northern Iraq.
He had arrived in Dibis on Thursday afternoon with eight companions, seven Iraqis and an Egyptian, after they dropped their weapons in Hawija that morning. Since the beginning of the Iraqi offensive two weeks earlier, they had spent most of the time burrowed in foxholes to escape the relentless American bombing and shelling by advancing Iraqi forces, and had passed days without sanitary facilities or food.
Thanks to a REAL POTUS with BALLS! #TRUMPEDISIS This COULD have been accomplished YEARS ago!!! Obama has BLOOD on his hands!!
We should probably bring them ISIS fighters here to start a new life. They did give up there crusade and should be rewarded. That's what Obama would do.
And house them next door to Bammy and the girls.
My last unit just returned from Iraq and Syria. Here is what the local news had to say:
Whether or not Obama and Hillary are currently "in government" is immaterial. They and their spouses were close friends of Weinstein and accepted his political donations for many years. According to your logic, we should also not be concerned about Trump's tax returns prior to November 8, 2016, because until that date he was a private citizen just like Obama and Hillary currently are. See how this works?
Regarding the rest of your rant about Russia and Trump ... several people have asked you to prove your allegations and cite your sources by using "facts" not opinion. Add me to that list. Waiting but not holding my breath for your reply ....
Uh Oh....Hollywood is eating its own!! Karma found Ben Affleck...
Ben Affleck apologizes for groping actress Hilarie Burton
The actor was accused of groping Burton on Tuesday, hours after he said he was "saddened and angry" over allegations that Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein raped and sexually harassed women over decades.
Affleck wrote Tuesday that the news about the man who helped create his career "made me sick" and that we must "condemn this type of behavior when we see it."
A fan then accused Affleck of similar behavior tweeting, "[Affleck] also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Everyone forgot though."
Hah! I read about that this morning. Hollywood has always had filthy perverts.
There are two big stories here, the DNC's ties to Wienstien, and NBC's attempt to cover up the story since last August when they got the wire tap of Wienstien attempting to lure this woman into his room, and admitting to sexual assault. NBC deserves whatever happens to it now.
Not a shock. We have a story of a presidential candidate talking that when you are rich and famous you can grab a woman by the pussy or evidence that a Democratic donor actually grabbed women by the pussy.....lets run with the later.
Dont be so pious...you kept Billy BJ Boy in the white house! He actually RAPED women...and shoved cigars up Monica's crotch IN the ORAL Office!
You dont DITCH your Secret Service guys unless you have something to HIDE!!! Paying them off to LIE about underage sex could bankrupt the Clinton Foundation...and ruin HilLIARys chances at the White House!!
Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report
I bet Jared wishes he could have hired Hillary!! She got off a child molester who left his 12 yr old victim in a coma and said she asked for it??? Thats SOME defending of womens rights!!
15 years and 1.4 Million for paying teens for sex??? Billy got nothing!!
Ex-Subway Pitchman Jared Fogle's Sex Fantasies Don't Warrant Long Sentence: Lawyer
Fogle admitted that he paid for sex at New York City hotels with girls who were 16 or 17 years old and that he had received some child pornography produced by Taylor, former executive director of the Jared Foundation. Fogle also paid a total of $1.4 million to his 14 victims, with each getting $100,000.
Oh I wish I were an Anthony Weiner.... didnt he get 21 months??
Obviously my mockery of the left did not come across properly
no, sorry.
NBC slammed for passing on Harvey Weinstein sex harassment exposé
The Peacock's attempts to explain why former MSNBC host Ronan Farrow's expose on Weinstein never made it on the air, despite extensive, on-the-record interviews and a damning audiotape of Weinstein himself, have fallen flat as the story has exploded.
Farrow, who took his story to The New Yorker with an 7,741-word opus that may have driven a stake through the heart of one of Hollywood's biggest power players, reportedly worked on the story for nearly a year.
Oppenheim issued a statement saying, among other things, “The notion that we would try to cover for a powerful person is deeply offensive to all of us… we didn’t feel we had all the elements that we needed to air it.” However, the HuffPost reporter who brought NBC’s decision to light responded to the statement, reminding readers that NBC News had audio of Weinstein admitting sexual assault.
Don't forget number 3: The New York Times suppressing the reporting of Weinstein's sexual harassment of women in 2004.
That's why it is probably the biggest of the 3 main takeaways from their story that they just released. They knew about this 13 years ago and kept it to themselves until now.
Yes and where are the NASTY WOMEN??? Ashley Judd not wearing a pussy head? Funny she didnt speak out before.... her career was more important??? Think of the countless women who could have been spared...and now the loser flees to Europe? Never to return!!
It doesn't matter if a person is political or a TV minister....people are just, sometimes, evil. And, pretty soon, it all comes out and people are surprised!
How could anyone be surprised or take the high road?
Every time I see one of these rightwing crap articles, I will remind them that they put a proudly admitted, serial sexual predator into the WH. And they still support him 100%.
Need we remind you that you kept Bill Clinton in the white house AND voted for Hillary to put him BACK in the white house!! How many women did he RAPE???
Is that why Billy BJ Boy paid 850k to his VICTIM and plead guilty to perjury and got impeached and lost his law license??? Some of these happened IN the white house!!!
* In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college. No charges were filed, but retired campus policemen contacted by Capitol Hill Blue confirmed the incident.
* In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law school instructor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. She complained to her faculty advisor who confronted Clinton, but Clinton claimed the student ”came on” to him. The student left the school shortly after the incident. Reached at her home in Texas, the former student confirmed the incident, but declined to go on the record with her account. Several former students at the University have confirmed the incident in confidential interviews and said there were other reports of Clinton attempting to force himself on female students;
*Broaddrick, a volunteer in Clinton’s gubernatorial campaign, said he raped her in 1978. Mrs. Broaddrick suffered a bruised and torn lip, which she said she suffered when Clinton bit her during the rape;
* From 1978-1980, during Clinton’s first term as governor of Arkansas, state troopers assigned to protect the governor were aware of at least seven complaints from women who said Clinton forced, or attempted to force, himself on them sexually. One retired state trooper said in an interview that the common joke among those assigned to protect Clinton was “who’s next?” One former state trooper said other troopers would often escort women to the governor’s hotel room after political events, often more than one an evening;
* Carolyn Moffet, a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met then-governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and shortly thereafter received an invitation to meet the governor in his hotel room. “I was escorted there by a state trooper. When I went in, he was sitting on a couch, wearing only an undershirt. He pointed at his penis and told me to suck it. I told him I didn’t even do that for my boyfriend and he got mad, grabbed my head and shoved it into his lap. I pulled away from him and ran out of the room.”
* Elizabeth Ward, the Miss Arkansas who won the Miss America crown in 1982, told friends she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won her state crown. Last year, Ward, who is now married with the last name of Gracen (from her first marriage), told an interviewer she did have sex with Clinton but said it was consensual. Close friends of Ward, however, say she still maintains privately that Clinton forced himself on her.
* Paula Corbin, an Arkansas state worker, filed a sexual harassment case against Clinton after an encounter in a Little Rock hotel room where the then-governor exposed himself and demanded oral sex. Clinton settled the case with Jones recently with an $850,000 cash payment.
* Sandra Allen James, a former Washington, DC, political fundraiser says Presidential candidate-to-be Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a political trip to the nation’s capital in 1991, pinned her against the wall and stuck his hand up her dress. She says she screamed loud enough for the Arkansas State Trooper stationed outside the hotel suite to bang on the door and ask if everything was all right, at which point Clinton released her and she fled the room. When she reported the incident to her boss, he advised her to keep her mouth shut if she wanted to keep working. Miss James has since married and left Washington. Reached at her home last week, the former Miss James said she later learned that other women suffered the same fate at Clinton’s hands when he was in Washington during his Presidential run.
* Christy Zercher, a flight attendant on Clinton’s leased campaign plane in 1992, says Presidential candidate Clinton exposed himself to her, grabbed her breasts and made explicit remarks about oral sex. A video shot on board the plane by ABC News shows an obviously inebriated Clinton with his hand between another young flight attendant’s legs. Zercher said later in an interview that White House attorney Bruce Lindsey tried to pressure her into not going public about the assault.
* Kathleen Willey, a White House volunteer, reported that Clinton grabbed her, fondled her breast and pressed her hand against his genitals during an Oval Office meeting in November, 1993. Willey, who told her story in a 60 Minutes interview, became a target of a White House-directed smear campaign after she went public.
Read more:
These are the sexual assault allegations against Bill Clinton. This does not include his consensual affairs (e.g. Gennifer Flowers)
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidation, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcome sexual advance, intimidation
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcome sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault (Bill paid Ms. Jones $850k settlement & plead guilty to perjury.)
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcome sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcome physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Ouch! ^^^^^
There was a concerted hate campaign on many levels against Clinton and mostly driven by demonstrably politically motivated rightwing elements. Most of his accusers had connections in one way or another with the political groups attacking Clinton. That made their claims less credible than they might otherwise have been. Trump had many such women in his past as well who made their claims long before Trump ran for president. But we have Trump himself on tape admitting to doing these things and you people had no qualms whatsoever in not only attacking the women who had previously accused him (as he had done for years) but dismissing his own admission and happily giving him the prize he sought. No way are you going to get away by trying to make this "just like Clinton" or equivalent to Weinstein.
Yet, Clinton agreed to give up his law license for 5 years and pay Paula Jones hundreds of thousands of dollars to settle the Whitewater Investigation after surviving impeachment.
We know what Clinton did...too many victims have come forth...during the time the assaults were taking place and afterward.
We know what Trump said he might have done...no proof at all of his ever having done those things. Women claiming victimhood after the release of the tape.
In some people's brains, "might have done" and "actually did" mean the same thing.
We know what Trump did because he told us.
So you are going with the "but, but, but....Trump" direction?
I guess you need reminding that none of those allegations were anything but unsubstantiated rumors generated by longstanding anti-Clinton political enemies until after Clinton had been re-elected in 1996. And the only one that held up was the Lewinsky claim and that didn't hit the newsstands until August 1997.
After that, the only remedy was the impeachment and subsequent trial in the Senate, which was under Republican control, could not get enough republicans could bring themselves to vote for conviction on either of the two charges. Even after all that failed, Dianne Feinstein tried to get the Senate to vote on a measure to censure Clinton and that even failed miserably due to not enough Republicans. So, the voters bear no responsibility for Clinton remaining in office. If anything, Republicans are to blame.
But we certainly got punished for Clinton's sins with the election of George Bush in 2000. If it weren't for having to carry the Clinton curse that year, Al Gore would have been the next president.
I hope you are at least getting paid to whore your credibility. ,
You really need to read up on a couple of things. First, you need to remember that to convict in the Senate requires a 2/3rds majority vote, and at the time of Clinton's impeachment there were 100 Senators. That means it required 67 Senators to vote "Guilty" on any of the two charges:
The relevant clause of Article 1 Section 3 of the US Constitution:
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.
Second, you need to remember that there were not 67 Republicans in office at the time. Heck, there has NEVER been 67 Republicans in the Senate at any one time. The most Republicans in the Senate was 61 back in the 41st and 60th Congresses from 1869 to 1871 and from 1907 to 1909, respectively. In fact, only the DEMOCRATS have had 67 or more members in the Senate at any time:
There was no way for the Republicans to win an impeachment vote of Clinton along straight party lines. At the time, there were only 55 Republicans in office, so they needed 12 Democrats to cross the aisle and vote against their party's desire for power.
There were 55 and not even all 55 voted to convict on either count. But even before that the Senate threw out two of the four House articles. Five Rs voted with the Ds on the obstruction charge and 10 of them voted with Dems on the perjury charge. So your memory isn't faulty, tom. As usual it's always just your basic facts.
And, you said blame Republicans for the failure to convict, when the Democrats wholly own it due to marching in lockstep as to convict there needed to be Democrats crossing the aisle regardless of how many Republicans voted to convict. 67 are needed only 55 voted to convict. The evidence was there and Democrats weren’t concerned about justice only about power.
Tom, there are sooo many things you fail to understand. Impeachment is a political matter. With one exception, it's always been an attempt by the party in power in Congress to remove a president it didn't like. The exception was Nixon who was so guilty and knew he was not only going to get impeached and convicted for numerous high crimes but that he needed a pardon in order not to face criminal charges after he left office so he cut a deal before Congress had had a chance to remove him. My point about Clinton was the charges were so weak that not even several republicans who despised him could bring themselves to vote for conviction in the Senate.
Most often impeachment tends not to be political but based off the crimes of the person in office whom committed them. When you get to the leader of the country, THEN it becomes political. Just look at all of the judges that have been impeached over the years. Then, compare those to Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton. If the charges were so weak, why did Clinton then cut a deal after he survived the impeachment to give up his law license for 5 years and give Paula Jones nearly $1 million? The reason why those Republicans didn't vote to convict was because they knew Clinton would skate and because they didn't want to vote against a President that was seemingly very popular.
Let's break it down:
John Chafee R-RI (from the liberal Northeast)
Susan Collins R-ME (another from the liberal Northeast)
Slade Gorton R-WA (from liberal Washington split his vote, voted not guilty on perjury; but guilty on obstruction)
James Jeffords R-VT (from the VERY liberal Northeast and eventually left the Republican Party)
Richard Shelby R-AL (was a Democrat before 1994, was Republican after and split his vote the same way as Gorton)
Olympia Snowe R-ME (from the liberal Northeast)
Arlen Specter R-PA (former Democrat, who became Republican, then switched back to being a Democrat because it would be easier for him to win re-election)
Ted Stevens R- AK (split his vote same as Gorton, but Alaskan politicians have almost all been somewhat crazy)
Fred Thompson R-TN (split his vote the same as Gorton, and spent a lot of time in Hollywood as an actor before becoming a Senator)
John Warner R-VA (split his vote the same as Gorton and Virginia was heading towards liberalism at the time)
Notice the theme here? All of these people either were making their votes in a way to help insulate them from being kicked out of office on re-election because of their locales or have had ties with the Democratic Party. To me, most of them did not listen to the evidence as it was clear that Clinton perjured himself and that he also obstructed justice by doing so. These people made political votes not true votes based on evidence.
Well, one of those "rumors" cost him $850,000! And the other pay-outs are buried in legalese. \
You're funny.
Jones's sexual harassment case was dismissed but she had big Clinton-hater money behind her so that got appealed. The $850k was to make her go away and she snapped it up. It would have cost the Clintons much more to keep fighting off the charges so they got a bargain. Jones was only and always about getting some cash. Carville pegged her perfectly.
Actually, that was part of the agreement with the Ken Starr's replacement as to why they paid Paula Jones the $850k and that included Clinton giving up his law license for 5 years.
See, you rightwingers think everyone has to agree to play along with your fevered fantasy dreams. But those of us in the real and mentally healthy world do not.
And, what world would that be? The world you live in? No, thank you.
The world I live in is tuff enough without jumping into the fire!
Nope. It's called reality. Not rightwing myths, lies and hypocrisy.
No sir. I live in the world where everything is not a protest. I live in a world where good conquers evil. I live in a world where you work for what you want. I live in a world of reality. I don't have safe spaces. I can't blame the police or the government for my plight in life. I can't blame insurance companies because I get sick and have to pay the bill. I can't blame inequalities because I didn't realize my dream of being a rocket scientist. I live in a world where evil people do evil things. I live in a world where my religion is ridiculed.
Yes, sir. I live in this world just like you do and you aren't going to take away my share of it.
You deny you live in a make believe rightwing world and then you list all the make-believe things in it. I can't add a single thing to make my case.
Am I the first one to point out to the rightwing hamsters that it was their hated NYTimes that broke this story? Yep, that librul bastion the NYT--not Fox, not Breitbart, not the Washington Times or any other rightwing septic tank of propaganda.
And it's been reported that the personnel file of abuse was given to the NYT by...wait for it...Harvey's brother. Bob.
Let's not anoint the NYT for sainthood just yet.