Conversation is going 'round
People talking 'bout the GUY who's come to town
He's fresh exciting
He's so exciting to me
He's fresh exciting
He's so inviting to me yeah
He's fresh as a summer breeze
He'll take you by surprise
Going after one side and the other !
Going after Dinosaur politicians !
Going after other leaders of the world!
Going after Tradition that got the world where it's at now !
Going after NATO for having the money to build a monument to themselves, yet can't seem to fund the defense of the world !
Going after Terrorists for real !
Not sugar coating for Political reasons !
Shutting down "ILLEGAL" entry into this country !
Not being a Typical pansy Politician!
Going after world leaders for NOT paying their fair share !
Saying what WE always say, although some won't admit they talk like Trump does !
Willing to call a stupidass....a STUPIDASS !
SO FRESH (Literally) for a REAL CHANGE !
It was time we had a leader that wasn't afraid to say what was on their mind.....right or wrong.....he puts it out their.
Enough of these "Ballpark Frank" (weenie) politician types. They are the ones that have gotten us to the point we are at now.....ALL OF THEM !
"Buck Up" sissy pant folks. Time for the population to put on their big boy and girl pants, and get your own family in order first...for a CHANGE !
Even the airlines have known forever:
"You are instructed to put on your mask before helping anyone sitting with you. Supply yourself with good air and you'll be in better condition to deal with those around you."
Time folks started getting themselves in order, before requiring others to do it for them !
There are many ways to say things, some of them you can say to someone's face, others you say you get your face pushed in. In the case of Trump, he uses Twitter to say things that would get his face pushed in, if he said it to someone's face, what this does is cause other country's that we are trying to get to do things to say to us, "Fuck you Asshole", like we see with North Korea. When your the leader of a country and, you tell your chief diplomat, "Your wasting your time talking to them." about North Korea, the North Koreans can take that as a FU from the U.S., which with them leaves only one option.
If you look throughout History, the U.S.A., and other countries for that matter, have been telling North Korea to "F" off for quite some time. This isn't a new thing.