Name That Classic Movie Contest
Name That Classic Movie Contest
Let's see how well you know your classic movies. Identify the movies from the pictures I posted. There are 30 classic movies to guess your answers.
Click this link to go to the contest, which is posted on the Classic Cinema group. You need to be a member to post your comment, but it's easy to join. Go to the Classic Cinema group page and apply for membership. You are automatically accepted as a member, and then you can post your answers.
This takes you directly to the contest:
This takes you directly to the Classic Cinema group page:
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Hope to see you there.
In case you missed this contest, a reminder.
In case you missed this contest, a reminder.
Another day, another reminder. (Let's see how many times this will post with just one click on "Post Your Comment")
Morning Buzz - I checked out the contest the other day and was a little overwhelmed by the number (30) of them. I will try to see what I can come up with. It will most likely only result in exposing how little I know about the classics.