
2017 What I learned


Category:  Other

By:  ballew74  •  8 years ago  •  6 comments

2017 What I learned

Ah 2017 what a year! Just like so many I got to see most of the years news unfold through all sorts of media. And whether it was beamed to me via social media on my phone or force fed to me by an overzealous member of the news media I saw the good and mostly the BAD unfold much to my amusement but mostly my chagrin. So without further ado here are just a few things I learned in the year 2017.

I learned liberals, the media, Democrats, and Republicans of the RINO ilk despise President Trump. If I knew a word that was harsher or stronger than despise I would use it. It seems that the same people who probably thought he was kind of an asshole but in the whole scheme of things OK dude when he was firing people on The Apprentice or donating his cash to them or their favorite politician turned on him quickly after he ran against and subsequently dispatched their chosen one Hillary Clinton. In fact in my voting years I have never seen a group of people hate a person as much as they despise (meanest word I know) President Trump. It almost borders on insane. The fact that the same group of people who complained of the numerous probes into Hillary Clinton are A-OK with all the investigations and probes into alleged Russian Collusion. Or drink the koolaide as the media parades out victims of alleged sexual exploits from years past and scream for his resignation. These people have no issue putting the country on hold just so they can get rid of him by hook or by crook. I for one never liked Barrack Hussien Obama or his agenda but after a few months I got over it and moved on to more important things like living my life and raising my children. Sure I hoped he lost the next election but never wished ill of him or his family and surely the hell didn't prefer him to fail even if it meant I had to eat a little crow. Yes I'm a Republican but I love my country more than I love or hate any politician or party. I'm also a functioning adult and have very little issue getting my life back on track after being disappointed. 

Another thing I learned is that people are fucking sheep. If you are like me you take everything politicians, the media, and Hollywood tell you with a grain of salt. But it seems the vast majority of Americans eat the shit these people spoon up like it's giant medium rare porterhouse steak (or a tasty veggie steak patty thing for my vegan friends). A big for instance here is the story of that poor Jones kid who's anti-bullying video went viral. People were rushing to his aid, calling him a hero. Now a few days later we find out his mother might not be so wholesome as picks of her with the "evil" Confederate flag are posted and there are rumblings she is in fact an evil racist bully herself. I am sure all those people who laid the love down on the poor kids now are pissed off and it won't be long until people are screaming for their heads. Sadly most people don't care to look into things before they let their emotions take over. And when a few people start bleating about insert cause here  more and more will get involved. This leads to sometimes hurt feelings and anger when they find that the cause they so strongly stood up for is in fact shit spooned up to them. The whole Jones kid thing here is an example. I really don't know what in the world his mother has done (nor do I care). To be honest I prefer to wait and see before I lay the hero or villain tag on anyone. I wish more people would learn to wait and see but if that happened then the whole "court of public opinion" would be shut down and maybe some good people would not lose their job, families or life because an allegation that has yet to be proven. But that is to much to ask of a populace filled with bleating sheep waiting to destroy the next icon.

I also picked up on the fact that some terrorist groups are worse than others. On a faithful day this summer it came to my attention that the seldom heard of neo-Nazis had a clash with BLM and ANTIFA in Virginia. I hate Nazis as much as the next guy, in fact maybe even more than the next guy. But I will also say without a shadow of a doubt I can't stand any group who causes chaos and violence to push a political or any other agenda. So in my opinion there were no "good guys" in that mess. Yet some when prompted have the belief that violence is cool if you are bashing a Nazi's heads in and the property of the innocent be damned as long as those Nazis are bleeding out. Well as much as I like seeing a bleeding Nazi I also don't like seeing property damage and innocent people being hurt. Couple that with the fact that no matter how repulsed you are by Nazis and their belief as Americans they have the same rights as anyone else to protest and rally peaceably. Had BLM and ANTIFA stayed away that horrible summer day wouldn't have even been a big deal and the life lost and people hurt wouldn't have even happened and whatever hateful rhetoric they spewed would have fallen on the few ears that attended their rally. What I'm saying here is had ANTIFA and BLM not showed up the whole rally would have been nothing more than a neo-Nazi circle jerk that very few people would have witnessed. Instead the media, BLM and ANTIFA got what they wanted and America lost that day. At least in my eyes. OH and all terrorists are assholes.

What I mostly learned this year is that unless we get our heads out of our asses and start working together and quit letting the elites in politics, the media, and Hollywood divide us this country is royally screwed. Anger and despair are king right now and it has little to do with who is President and more to do with what we as country have allowed to become the norm. We need to hold everyone in Washington even those we agree with accountable and expect the same across the board. To often we as Americans play the "GOTCHA GAME" acting as if our party or politicians shit don't stink when in fact they are probably just as corrupt as the other guy. We also need to learn to wait it out before we start going off the deep end about allegations. To often on both sides these days we are quick to convict (in that damn court of public opinion) with no due process. And gleefully cheer as we watch another insert political party  icon fall to allegations. We all do it but at some point we need to stop and wait until the evidence is out and that person is guilty or vindicated. Whenever things get tough I always tell my kids all you can do is put your head down and keep moving forward. That is what this country needs to do. Keep looking ahead and take a step at a time until we get where we need to be. Maybe that is a naive way to think but I think in times like these sometimes the best answers are the simple ones.

Here's hoping 2018 is better for all of us.


jrDiscussion - desc
Freshman Silent
1  author  Ballew74    8 years ago

Many might remember me from newsvine. Although I am sure quite a few won't. Thought tonight was the night to give this site a whirl and see what happens. Thank to all that stop by and to those who comment. Also feel free to add what you like just be respectful to one another.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Ballew74 @1    8 years ago

Good post. A step at a time (as Jodi Foster's father told her in the movie "Contact": "Small steps, Sparks, small steps.") can be the same for both positive and negative directions, but it is certainly more successful than a blustering explosion.

Junior Quiet
3  Spikegary    8 years ago

Hi Rob, nicely written.  It's a sad state of affairs when, even after the Alabama election is over, we are still seeing stories about Moore on the Front Page, though I'm sure the True Believers will have their next 'Trump did _______' article up soon and Moore (and his accusers) will fade away.  And yet, there are lots of things going on that are being roundly ignored by the intelligentsia here (I say that with a chuckle, as they think they are more than they are) like movement in North Korea/Russia/U.S. talks, Fires in California and so many other things.

Have to wonder what the next 'shiny object' will be.......


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