
To ALL I have loved before..............


Category:  Other

By:  magnoliaave  •  8 years ago  •  23 comments

To ALL I have loved before..............

To All The Friends I've Loved Before who travelled in and out my door. I dedicate this Christmas to the joy you brought into my family's life.

I live alone and, sometimes, it can be tough.  The other night, I was sitting listening to music, drinking  a glass of Pinot Gregio and smoking a cigarette.  On the table were photo books and I started turning page by page seeing my friends and all the good times we had.  Oh, there were photos of my bridge friends, my travelling friends, my political friends, my family friends, my tennis friends, but most of them are gone now.  I never took my friends for granted and they became as much a part of me as my family.

How privileged we are when someone lets us enter their lives.  Do you know how precious that is?  They, actually, say to you....hey, you are pretty neat and I like you.  I like you, too.....let's get together.  Before you know it we are sharing birthdays, anniversaries, trips ....all the good things and some not so good.  But, we stick together through it all.

My two best buddies are still around.  Leah, I have known for 53 years.  Sandy, for 44 years.  We get together every other week for lunch.  Met Leah in N.O. and she has since moved to my town in AL.  Sandy, was my first friend when I moved from N.O.  Those two wonderful ladies mean the world to me.  Leah is the prima donna, the over the top ridiculously outgoing and fun.  Sandy, is the rock, the ultimate hostess, the nothing happens without her, the traveler. My Charlotte who left us this year, I had known for 44 years meeting her through Sandy.  My dear girl, I miss you. 

To All My Family I've Loved Before who travelled in and out my door.  I dedicate this Christmas to the joy you brought into my life and made me what I am today.

This is a tough one and one, I really don't handle too well.

My Mother who was magic and my brilliant Dad who worked his butt off for us,  I honor you and thank you.

My precious sister, Darlene.  Would it be enough to tell you that she was the essence of everything good in this world?  Would it be enough to tell you that everyday of my life I miss her?  I was always tagging along with her and she never complained.  Her children were my children and mine, hers.  I remember Mother telling me.....you think your sister can do no wrong.  I said, that's right.  Mother just smiled. 

My brother left us this year.  Pitiful.  Good looking, smart, but never seemed to get it together.  I saved his little butt from our sister many times as he was spoiled rotten.  He would do anything for you.  If I called from China that I was stranded he would find a way to get me home.  Took care of him the last couple of months of his life. 

My adorable niece left us this year.  She and her sister came to visit me and the next month she died of a heart attack at the age of 52,  She went to the doctor that morning not feeling well, he sent her home and she died three hours later. I don't understand it.  Cannot wrap my head around it.

To All My Precious Ones who are still travelling in and out my door.....I love you!

My two sons, two grandchildren.  and my niece.  You make every moment of my life worthwhile. You make me special.  I have no words strong enough nor beautiful enough to tell you what you mean to me.

Please, may I introduce to you....Michael, Mark, Caleb, River and Kathie. 

Merry Christmas!

I would love to hear about your loved ones.  Please share your stories with me.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  JohnRussell    8 years ago

Nice article Magnolia. 

I hope the friendships and the memories provide you with a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday season. 

Sophomore Quiet
1.1  author  magnoliaave  replied to  JohnRussell @1    8 years ago

Thank you, Mr. Russell.

Don't know why, but you are kinda special to me.

Merry Christmas!

Masters Quiet
2  Enoch    8 years ago

Dear Friend Magnoliaave: I concur with our good friend John  Russell. 

You have posted a heartfelt warm and contemplative article. 

We are grateful.

We wish you well on your holiday. 

Peace and Abundant Blessings.


Sophomore Quiet
2.1  author  magnoliaave  replied to  Enoch @2    8 years ago

Thank you, dear Sir!

It has been a tough year, but I have so many things to be thankful for.

Keep a candle in the window!

Peace to you, as well.  MeMe

Junior Quiet
4  Spikegary    8 years ago

Hi Magnolia,

I feel the pain in your words-I haven't lost all that you've lost-but you had those people in your life, which is a blessing, and dependent on your beliefs, those people are waiting for you in the next chapter.  Christmas can be a hard time for anyone-you have your sons and grandchildren and your niece.  Celebrate your love for them, celebrate the memory of those that have gone before you.

This year is different for me and mine-our first year without my dad.  We will have a lot more firsts before it is all said and done, but we will survive and bask in the memories we have of him.  We will re-tell his stories and we will laugh at the humorous things we did with him and we will continue to feel his love surround us.

I wish you a joyous Christmas, surrounded by the love in your life, both past and present.

Sophomore Quiet
4.1  author  magnoliaave  replied to  Spikegary @4    8 years ago


Yes, I remember your Dad's leaving you and your family.  I read your articles about the beautiful lake house and lovely photos.

It's tough to see the empty chair and even though you relive the love and joy you had together there will always be that void.  No one can take his place. 

Take care of yourself and your Mom.

Merry Christmas 

Junior Quiet
4.1.1  Spikegary  replied to  magnoliaave @4.1    8 years ago

Thank you.  My brothers and I try to do that, she flew out to Indy to my brother's for Christmas this year, better for her not to be in the condo or at the lake.  There's a funny story, if you'll indulge me for a minute.  My nephew and I were up at the lake closing up in October and were looking for these nails with a plastic grommet on them like this:

Nail and Grommet.jpg

We need these as we close off the end of the porch with a tarp to block the snow a little form blowing in.  We were in one of the back sheds looking....now, my dad had a tendency to collect things for re-purposing (I think that's the polite way to say 'pack rat').  We're looking all around for these nails, finding things we had no idea what function they served....I found a chunk of cut wood, about 6 inches in diameter about 15 inches tall with a section of branch about 3 inches in diameter coming up, both were cut off flat-my dad cut this when my folks first bought the lake house, it sat next to his chair and rested his drink on the smaller level top.....I grabbed it and showed it to my nephew, set it on the table saw and my nephew put his beer and we both said Cheers to my dad.  I looked down at the floor, and there were all the nails with grommets I was looking for.

I don't try to push my beliefs on others-everyone is free to believe or not believe whatever they want.  My nephew and I both know my dad was with us that afternoon.

Sophomore Quiet
4.1.2  author  magnoliaave  replied to  Spikegary @4.1.1    8 years ago

I can sure relate to that story!

Have a few about my precious sister, but last weekend my niece flew here from Memphis to visit me and we are sitting in the LR talking about stuff and the radio goes on by itself....we look at one another and I say, ok, Darlene.  The radio goes off by itself. 

That's nice your Mom is going to Indy. 

Thanks for sharing your story.

Junior Quiet
4.1.3  Spikegary  replied to  magnoliaave @4.1.2    8 years ago

A presence there with you, watching over you.  Very nice.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
6  Perrie Halpern R.A.    8 years ago

Hi Mag,

That was a beautiful article you wrote. It is always at the holidays that we think of those that used to be with us. Your article reminded me of this song:

Sophomore Quiet
6.1  author  magnoliaave  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @6    8 years ago

Oh, what a lovely peaceful song.  Thank you.

Just returned from a visit with my son, Mark, and my two grandchildren.  Saw my son, Michael, earlier this morning. Additionally, received a present from Kathie.  I have had quite a nice day. 

Hope your daughters will be with you this Christmas.....getting away from intense studies and home with their Mom.

Merry Christmas!

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
7  A. Macarthur    8 years ago


Sophomore Quiet
7.1  author  magnoliaave  replied to  A. Macarthur @7    8 years ago

Mac, you did it.....thank you.

I walked the path by closing my eyes and remembering the many walks I had on a very similar path at our farm.  My sister, mother and I walked this path.  Brooks, our wonderful dog would be right behind us.

Such beautiful memories.  Thank you, again.

Merry Christmas and have a great time with your family at Disney.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8  It Is ME    8 years ago

Big hugs

Sophomore Quiet
8.1  author  magnoliaave  replied to  It Is ME @8    8 years ago

Hi....I enjoyed the music and the winter scenes so very much.

Thank you and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8.1.1  It Is ME  replied to  magnoliaave @8.1    8 years ago

praying  Merry, Merry, MERRY CHRISTMAS to you magnoliaave !

Professor Quiet
9  Sunshine    8 years ago

Family is everything important in our lives.  Sounds like you have a warm and loving family which is a reflection of yourself. 

My Father passed when I was only 13 years old.  My Mother is still with me though, she is 86 years young now.  My brother, my only sibling, passed away in 2012 from liver disease.  I still have a few uncles and aunts living, but we are spread all over the states so I don't get to see them.  

As with most Grandparents, my two grandchildren are the apple of my eye.  They are indeed spoiled rotten by me.  Not sure who enjoys it more me or them.  Christopher will be nine soon and Allie just turned six.  My other daughter lives in Florida.  I only get to see her about twice a year. That is hard, but she is happy there. And all we want for our family is for them to be healthy and happy.  

Please, may I introduce to you....Michael, Mark, Caleb, River and Kathie. 

I like those names Caleb and River...very unique.

Merry Christmas Mags 

Sophomore Quiet
9.1  author  magnoliaave  replied to  Sunshine @9    8 years ago

Hello to you, Merry Christmas!

Our families grow smaller and smaller and our love grows stronger, particularly, for those we can touch and "spoil".

I know what you mean about grandchildren.....Caleb is 16 and River is 10.  Yesterday, what a hoot it was to hear Caleb talk about high school. 

Hope you are going to be with your family Christmas.  Have a splendid and joyous day!

Merry Christmas!

Professor Silent
10  lib50    8 years ago

This is the mags I like and respect.  I've been thinking about you and me and others  who are missing loved ones this time of year.  My heart is with you here,  very happy you've got such great friends and family, they really are what life is all about.  This is our connection (well, that and the wine and cig), and no matter what political debates we all have, we really have to be in touch with what we have in common.  Have a wonderful Christmas.  Sending light to you.

Sophomore Quiet
10.1  author  magnoliaave  replied to  lib50 @10    8 years ago

Thank you, Lib, for the beautiful thoughts.

Some days are tough, but most aren't....I hope that is the way for you.

I am sending some of that light back to you.

A very Merry Christmas to you and yours.


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