
The Top Ten Unhinged Right Wing Stories Of The Year As Compiled By Right Wing Watch


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  johnrussell  •  7 years ago  •  5 comments

The Top Ten Unhinged Right Wing Stories Of The Year As Compiled By Right Wing Watch

It’s been a weird year.

At Right Wing Watch, we’re used to bizarre conspiracy theories, extremist ideologies, wild misinformation, and the strange twisting of scripture to support political aims. But this year, we saw those things coming not just from the fringes of the Right, but from the White House itself. This was the year that the extreme Right fully embraced President Trump, and President Trump embraced it back.

This year, we published in-depth reports on the Right’s love of Russian President Vladimir Putin , the “prophetic” Religious Right leaders forming a “POTUS Shield” around Trump , how alt-right white supremacists are using YouTube to get famous , and the extremist record of failed Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore .

We also watched day by day as the alt-right fractured in post-election infighting and the Religious Right all but moved into the White House .

Below are the 10 most popular RWW posts of the year, and a few more of our personal favorites.

  1. Pat Robertson: People Who Oppose Trump Are Revolting Against God
  2. Pat Robertson Blames Vegas Shooting On Disrespect For Trump, The National Anthem And God
  3. Mark Taylor: Freemasons And Illuminati Are Using A Special Frequency To Change DNA And Make People Hate Trump
  4. Larry Klayman Is Outraged By Michelle Obama’s Shoulders
  5. 10 Right-Wing Predictions About Obama That Never Came True
  6. Mary Colbert: God Will Curse Trump’s Opponents And Their Children And Grandchildren
  7. Rick Wiles: Barack Obama Is Personally Orchestrating A Satanic Sedition Against President Trump
  8. Wayne Allyn Root Tells Men Never To Date A Liberal Woman Who Hates Trump Because ‘She’ll Cut Your Pee-Pee Off’
  9. Cindy Jacobs: God Wants Christians To Be Rich So Jews Become Jealous And Convert
  10. Pat Robertson: Multiple Sclerosis Is ‘Demonic’ And Can Be Healed Once Rebuked

Honorable Mentions:


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    7 years ago

Aug 31, 2017

Last week, “ firefighter prophet ” and right-wing conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor appeared on Sheila Zilinsky’s radio program, where he warned that the Freemasons and the Illuminati are using a Satanic frequency to change people’s DNA in order to make them oppose President Trump.

“I believe what happened on November 8 is the enemy has literally sent out a frequency,” Taylor said, “and it agitated and took control, basically, of those who have their DNA that was turned over to the enemy. That’s what’s happening. The Illuminati, the Freemasons, all these people, their main goal is to change the DNA of man and they’re doing it through these frequencies.”

Taylor claimed that he is getting “bombarded with emails” from Christians who are being isolated by their friends and families because of their support for Trump and that is “because their DNA is being controlled by the enemy.”

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
2  Hal A. Lujah    7 years ago

The Year The Religious Right Moved Into The White House

We have zealots here who claim Dominionists aren’t even real.  

Professor Principal
3  Kavika     7 years ago

And we have some  (religious zealots) right here on NT.

Professor Principal
3.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Kavika @3    7 years ago

I wonder how many of them secretly believe in some of this garbage. We should take a survey.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3.1.1  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1    7 years ago

You would think that they would be flocking here to attack you for seeding this kind of nuttery, if they didn’t believe it themselves.


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