The Democratic leader of the state Senate blasted the “unacceptable” response by law enforcement after officers were allegedly instructed to stand down.
“I can tell you that the Democratic staff who were yelled at by the protesters and called illegals definitely felt harassed and were not satisfied with the response,” Senate Minority Leader Katie Hobbs (D-Phoenix) wrote in a letter to Senate President Steve Yarbrough (R-Chandler).
“They did not feel safe,” Rep. Hobbs noted.
“This is a public place. When armed protesters aggressively go after members, staff and visitors, there needs to be a response that ensures the safety of everyone involved,” Rep. Hobbs wrote. “I have seen instances here at the capital (sic) when peaceful protesters with a different agenda were surrounded by many more law enforcement officers with a much more aggressive response.”
Another swing and a miss. No proof they were Trump supporters. And anyway, outlier radicals don't speak for the vast majority of Trump supporters.
Denial isn't a river in Egypt. Questioning people who have more melanin in their skin than Wonder bread is SOP for Trump and his supporters.
Do you want to claim that the UK Independent is lying?
Who do they speak for, Obama supporters ?
Putin, Russia, and the entire World, have just got to be truly amazed as to how ignorant and down right stupid, the citizens of our once so great country has been exposed to be.
Hey Rex, theses ARE Trump supporters, and no, they do not speak for ALL, but isn't it painfully apparent that,
they speak for FAR TOO MANY ... ?
Judge a person for their character and deeds, not the pigment content in their skin, especially since, either of Navajo, or Mexican/Latin American decent, they were still both here long before White immigrants, as this IS Arizona for Pete's Sake
The videos show MAGA hats and a Trump/Pence flag.
That was a deep state operation that was being managed from the basement of a DC pizza shop by Hillary.
Do you get the feeling that some of the conservative opinions are posted by GOP/Russian bots? The bots are easy to spot on Facebook because they almost never have friends and their replies are almost all political.
Then a lot my family must be russian bots. LOL.
Every family has a few of them. I don't often post on Facebook because it just isn't healthy.
I wonder if they (MAGA Hats) were legal...I want to see their papers...
LOL, moosh noosh chimook...
The Few, The Proud, the First Americans.
I know what that means.....
sounds like sex(y)
Those damn dark skinned furriners were just 'Americans for the war. We kicked them out in '46.
If my photoshop skills were better, Id put a MAGA hat on this TEAbag.
"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for.."
Imagine - John Lennon
Imagine there is no southern boundary to the United States , artificially created as the result of war and conquest.
Then the Navajo descendant , politician or not, would not seem out of place, would he?
America is not a "white" country. The segment of our population that thinks it is need to get over themselves.