
Who will watch the watchers in our intelligence agencies? Liberals aren't interested !


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  it-is-me  •  7 years ago  •  1 comments

Who will watch the watchers in our intelligence agencies? Liberals aren't interested !

I’m just old enough to remember when liberals and major media organizations believed America’s national security apparatus had to be closely monitored to protect our civil liberties.
The liberals and journalists brought to light the horrific abuses of power that J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI and the National Security Agency undertook in the 1960’s against Martin Luther King and others. A couple years ago they were shocked at revelations that shoddy forensic analysis by the FBI crime lab had contributed to more than one-quarter of 329 DNA-exoneration cases since 1989.

In the 1970s, liberal crusaders such as the late Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho, exposed controversial CIA covert actions against foreign leaders and U.S. citizens. More recently, while many liberals deplored Edward Snowden’s leaks revealing how extensive U.S. government snooping has become, they also agreed that information he revealed showed the need for reforms.

But all of that was forgotten this week as Washington liberals rushed to microphones to demand that the “Nunes memo” – from Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif. – be kept from the American people. Their sympathetic friends in the media were quick to give their complaints blanket and largely unskeptical coverage.

But to leading Democrats, the possible discussion of intelligence agency abuses is akin to Armageddon.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., sent a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., on Thursday claiming “dangerous partisanship among many House Republicans seems to have taken precedent over the oath we all take to protect our nation."
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called the Nunes memo "dangerous" and "illegitimate," and called on Ryan to remove Nunes as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.


Opponents of releasing the memo – mostly liberal Trump critics – say the president will endanger national security if he lets the memo become public.
The almost hysterical reaction of the critics to transparency is noteworthy. They either sincerely believe release of the memo is a dangerous blow to U.S. security, or they are very worried it will embarrass the Obama administration and the investigation into possible Russian collusion with Team Trump.
The media, which you would normally expect to be curious and prying about the Nunes memo, have often focused on discrediting Nunes.


If Americans are to have faith in their government it must have people who watch the watchers in our intelligence agencies. So far, this week we are seeing an awful lot of people blindly defend the bureaucracy rather than fulfill their duty to question authority.



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It Is ME
Masters Guide
1  seeder  It Is ME    7 years ago

How times have "Changed"stunned

Thank you Mr. "Apologist" Barrack Hussein Obama for this ! close call

I hear that the Left NOW doesn't think "Witch Hunts" were a bad thing. If we were only back in the days of Olde Salem, this might make sense.  laughing dude


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