
Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams calls Sunday’s fatal shooting of a 1-year-old boy a ‘senseless loss of life.’


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Via:  nona62  •  9 years ago  •  19 comments

Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams calls Sunday’s fatal shooting of a 1-year-old boy a ‘senseless loss of life.’

. Cleveland toddler gains control of 'untended' firearm, fatally shoots 1-year-old boy in head: Police BY Doyle Murphy / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS / Sunday, April 12, 2015, 5:40 PM A. A. A. . 104 330 36 Share this URL . A 1-year-old boy died of a gunshot wound to the head Sunday, and investigators believe it happened when a 3-year-old boy managed to get his hands on a loaded handgun and squeezed off a round, authorities in Cleveland said. Investigators suspect the a 3-year-old accidentally fired a fatal round into the baby boy's head after discovering a handgun inside a house in the citys East Side, ABC 5 reported. Its a sad day for Cleveland, Police Chief Calvin Williams told reporters outside the house on Sunday. The Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner's Office identified the 1-year-old boy as Braylon S. Robinson, according to the news website Cleveland.com. Cops are still trying to determine how the 3-year-old managed to gain possession of the weapon, but Williams described the firearm as untended." He said that at least one adult was home at the time of the fatal shooting, ABC 5 reported. Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams calls Sundays fatal shooting of a 1-year-old boy a senseless loss of life. A 1-year-old Cleveland boy died on Sunday after he was shot in the head possibly by a 3-year-old playing with an "untended" handgun, authorities say. Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams calls Sundays fatal shooting of a 1-year-old boy a senseless loss of life.. A 1-year-old Cleveland, Ohio, boy died on Sunday after he was shot in the head possibly by a 3-year-old playing with an untended handgun, authorities say.. . Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams calls Sundays fatal shooting of a 1-year-old boy a senseless loss of life. Williams did not name the homeowner, but said charges would likely be brought against the person responsible for the firearm. The somber chief also blasted gun culture in the Midwestern city and across the nation. This is a senseless loss of life for this city again, and its directly related to guns, Williams said. We need to really take a hard look at the things were doing out there on the state, local and the national level to get some of these guns out of our communities, because nothing good ever happens.

A 1-year-old Cleveland, Ohio, boy died on Sunday after he was shot in the head possibly by a 3-year-old playing with an untended handgun, authorities say.. . Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams calls Sundays fatal http://thenewstalkers.com/forum/topics/cleveland-police-chief-calvin-williams-calls-sunday-s-fatal/edit


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Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

We need to really take a hard look at the things were doing out there on the state, local and the national level to get some of these guns out of our communities, because nothing good ever happens.

Sophomore Participates
link   Randy    9 years ago

Charge the owner's of the gun with manslaughter! There is no such thing as accidental with children this young.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

The highest charge they could levy is Negligent Homicide, or it's equivalent.

And they should do it immediately.

That being said, they still take the opportunity to take this political. Like they can't resist the opportunity.

How it must really hurt to see the authorities both outraged and gleeful at the same time.

What ever happened to grieving for the child and family?

Unfortunately, another tragedy to use for their political purposes.

In the last 72 hours there have been 6 gun shootings in Cleveland, 12 in Ohio, not counting the posted one.

Why don't we get this kind of reaction to any of those?

Because those are the normal gangbangers shooting each other (and anyone that gets in their way) up.

Ban guns, then only the ganga banga's will have them. Besides, the gun didn't kill the toddler, the irresponsible adult did.

Sophomore Participates
link   Randy    9 years ago

It doesn't say if the children were related. Either way, even if it was the parent's of the one year old who owned the gun, they need to go to jail. My sympathies are for the children, not whoever left the gun unattended.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

There is a report out there that they were brothers, and the mother was in the room with her back turned....

I just saw a reference to in on a google search.

Correction, They were neighbors WKYC Cleveland reports The mother of the dead child was watching two friends children when one of the visiting children discovered guns stashed under a couch. The Mother of the child killed doesn't know how the guns got there. But they have a suspect on who put them there.

So yes it was a horrible accident. With a criminally negligent party, the parent was NOT responsible. A lawful gun owner was NOT responsible. Probably a thug relative I would suspect.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

Besides, the gun didn't kill the toddler, the irresponsible adult did. Make that the STUPID adult also...

Sophomore Participates
link   Randy    9 years ago

In that case I am sorry she lost her youngest son. I still believe she should go to jail. There is no excuse for leaving a gun within the reach of a child. This was not an accident. This was preventable.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

Another senseless death...

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

You should read the link before you condemn her to jail. She didn't do it.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

Read the link I posted sweets, it wasn't the responsible adult this time.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

Yes 100% agreed.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

WOW!! Someone stashed 2 guns under the sofa!!!!! Thanks for the link...

Sophomore Participates
link   Randy    9 years ago

She didn't do it.

WHOEVER left the guns under the couch needs to go to prison.

The link hadn't been posted yet when I commented the first time.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

Your welcome Girl, I just wanted to get the truthful basis out there before all the wacko's blew it up into something it wasn't.

It was obviously an unlawful gun possessor that put the guns there. I can't see a legal gun owner having a need to hide his guns in someone else's home without telling the resident they were there.

Obviously, it is criminally negligent homicide on the thug that stashed them there.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

Understood. That's why I posted the correction, before the rest of the gun banners drag the NRA into it.

Cleveland thug culture claims another innocent is the real story.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

The woman that was watching the children must feel horrible. (even though she did nothing wrong, just the fact thatthey were in her care, I'm sure she is devastated))

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

This should have never happened.

Sophomore Participates
link   Randy    9 years ago


Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

I'm sure she is, watching the news feed at the link, they suspect a friend of the family put the guns there and she know who it is...

That has got to be even worse. knowing that you were used that way and for something so tragic to come out of it without being able to do anything about it...

That is the height of hopelessness.

I Pray that she doesn't go off the end and she gets help, she is gonna need it.


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