
Uncovered White House Files - "The Reagans Despised Donald Trump and His Large Ego"


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jbb  •  7 years ago  •  11 comments

Uncovered White House Files - "The Reagans Despised Donald Trump and His Large Ego"


According to a Washington Post review of some long-lost Reagan White House files Donald Trump is a liar, liar — pants on fire. Trump has always maintained that the Reagans, much like the Chinese, the Mexicans, all black people and anyone else who can’t stand him, do, in fact, “love” him. We certainly know that’s not the case for the minorities he’s looking to kick out of the country or the black people he couldn’t give a sh*t less about, but the Reagans loving him was almost believable since when the veil of innocence is pulled away from them they were nothing more than money hungry puppets of the corporate elite and the military-industrial complex.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JBB    7 years ago

A little known fact, Nancy Reagan coined the term "Right Wing Nut Jobs" referencing Christian fundamentalists.

Sophomore Quiet
1.1  Skrekk  replied to  JBB @1    7 years ago

So did Barry Goldwater.    He couldn't stand bible-babblers and he knew that they'd cause the demise of the GOP.    He was right.

Professor Principal
1.1.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  Skrekk @1.1    7 years ago

Goldwater would be a social liberal today. He mellowed toward the end, too...

Professor Quiet
1.2  sixpick  replied to  JBB @1    7 years ago

Opposition Report

Opposition Report - Left Bias - Fake Newshttps://i1.wp.com/mediabiasfactcheck.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/extremeleft05.png?w=600&ssl=1 600w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" width="600" height="67">


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence ( Learn More ). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source.  See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Left, Propaganda

Notes: Opposition Report is a far left news and opinion website. Opposition Report uses sensational headlines with loaded words. The articles also contain loaded emotional words that are against conservatives and pro-liberal. Opposition Report does source their information, but many times it is to far left or questionable sources. Based on this we rate them questionable based on extreme left wing bias and propaganda promotion. (5/13/2017)

And I don't see a single person complaining about how the site is being pulled down.  That's very telling, isn't it?

Democrats I cant see anything Trump has done to MAGA.jpg

Professor Principal
2  seeder  JBB    7 years ago

Remember way back when world leaders respected our American President? Like, jus over a year ago...

Professor Quiet
2.1  sixpick  replied to  JBB @2    7 years ago

Professor Principal
3  seeder  JBB    7 years ago

Nancy would not let Ronnie be in the same room with Trump for fear Trump's sleaze would taint Reagan...

Professor Quiet
4  bbl-1    7 years ago

Premise of this article is rubbish.

"I'm like a really smart guy," DJT.  Nothing more you need to know.


Professor Principal
4.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  bbl-1 @4    7 years ago

"Premise of this article is rubbish"...

Actually, I just posted this as an example of the kind of, um, stuff the righties posts way way way too much of...

Still, what does it tell you none of the Bushs or Doles or Romneys or other Big R Republicans voted for Trump?

Professor Quiet
4.1.1  bbl-1  replied to  JBB @4.1    7 years ago

Am aware of all of that.

America has an cancer.  Trumpism is the symptom, but the disease is much deeper.  At the heart of it is the Russian oligarchy.

Professor Quiet
5  bbl-1    7 years ago

Actually, anybody that personally knows the Trumps and whose friendship is not based on personal gain, does not trust them or despises them. 


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