David Hogg: We will outlive the NRA
Senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, David Hogg, discusses creating a grassroots movement, his reaction to being called a crisis actor by conspiracy theorists and why he advocates for sensible gun reform.
Related Seed: Florida Shooting Survivor Emma Gonzalez Gains Nearly Twice As Many Twitter Followers As The NRA
I know, I know-- inna way its foolish to waste my time posting a video on NT< because the vast majority of users are KIAs and won't watch it... but heck, maybe a few are ,,,,???
This will be a generation long thing and this is just getting started...Millennials are some of the most politically active individuals I've ever met...
. . . and realizing what's wrong with America and trying to fix it because the previous generation won't . . .
The problem with this kid and the rest of those young people who we all watched on that press conference from Tallahassee last week is that they speak from emotion.
They saw many of their closest friends massacred in cold blood! And you find that fact that had an emotional response to that to be strange-- and inappropriate?
I had thought that this would be unnecessary-- but perhaps I should mention that not everyone is as cold and unfeeling as you apparently think they should be. Not everyone is that devoid of compassion for their fellow human beings!