NRA sues Florida over gun bill same day Gov. Scott signed it into law
The National Rifle Association sued in federal court Friday to block a new Florida law, just signed by Gov. Rick Scott, that prohibits gun sales to anyone under 21.
"We filed a lawsuit against the state for violating the constitutional rights of 18- to 21-year-olds ," said Marion Hammer, lobbyist for the NRA in Florida. NRA lawyers in Tallahassee and Washington, D.C., were working on the complaint Friday afternoon, and filed the complaint moments before the court's deadline.
But if that is the case-- doesn't it also violate the constitutional rights of 14-17 tear olds as well?
Why Rick Scott’s A-plus NRA rating may haunt him this week
After the recent gun massacre there are numerous signs that "The Time They are a Changin'" (Bob Dylan's v2.0, 2018 Update - lyrics)
"We filed a lawsuit against the state for violating the constitutional rights of 18- to 21-year-olds ," said Marion Hammer, lobbyist for the NRA in Florida. NRA lawyers in Tallahassee and Washington, D.C., were working on the complaint Friday afternoon, and filed the complaint moments before the court's deadline.
But if that is the case-- doesn't it also violate the constitutional rights of 14-17 tear olds as well?
This reminds me of the lyric line in summer time blues, " my congressman said , ild like to help you son but your too young to vote.
anyone 17 and under unless emancipated by the courts , is still considered a minor and under their parents care and toutalage (sp), they have very limited "constitutionally " protected rights , until they reach the age of majority ( legal adulthood). but the laws and regulations still have to be followed . they by law cant buy tobacco or alcohol , or guns . a good reason why is they most likely are not mature enough emotionally or physically to handle the responsabilities that go with it yet.
IF the age to purchase a firearm is raised to 21 , that would open the door for a lot of other laws on the books to be changed , such as selective service registration, since 1980 every male 18 or older has to register , no exemptions ( and yes it even says that aliens , both legal and illegal have to register , if they don't they lose certain benefits such as education loans and a few other things. I can see the argument arising that if they cant buy a firearm at 18 ,m they should not be required to register for anything for the government.
Now the government legislatures CAN make exemptions such as someone in that 18-20 age group that meet certain criteria , can still buy firearms of a more classic design ( hunting rifles and shotguns) and there would be no infringement on that age groups constitutionally protected rights, another exemption could be , those in military service , be it active duty or guard and reserve status .
Another thing that would have to be considered is how many in the effected group already are exersizing their right to own a firearm , so some sort of grandfathering would have to be considered so as to not infringe on a constitutionally exersized right already being exersized, it is after all only 3 years.
The devil they say is in the details .
The NRA is showing they are outside the mainstream of American thought.
as they've done for years
but now, even some of the more fanatical are beginning to see common sense is not gonna come snatch their gunz away
"We filed a lawsuit against the state for violating the constitutional rights of 18- to 21-year-olds ," said Marion Hammer, lobbyist for the NRA in Florida. NRA lawyers in Tallahassee and Washington, D.C., were working on the complaint Friday afternoon, and filed the complaint moments before the court's deadline.
But if that is the case-- doesn't it also violate the constitutional rights of 14-17 tear olds as well?
See 2.1 above, answered , even if its not the one you wanted to hear.