Everybody Is A Critic
Inspired from a Tweet:
NewMexicoNomad (@505Nomad) tweeted at 9:19 AM on Wed, Apr 11, 2018:
There have always been critics.
( https://twitter.com/505Nomad/status/984058456427577344?s=03 )
Critic (n)
- A talent-less asshole flapping their trap in regards to your originality.
Critique (n)
- A French talent-less asshole flapping their trap in regards to your originality.
In our engineering office after being critiqued we say, "Where were you when the paper was blank?"
Dear Friend T.Fargo: Right up there with "You have a face for radio".
Critics are often bitter talentless individuals who are jealous of other people's talent and are bent on destroying them.
But i could be wrong
Do you actually mean that or was that just sarcasm?
Most people who are professional critics are very good writers. After he lost the ability to eat and talk due to jaw cancer, the film critic Roger Ebert became one of the most prolific writers in human history. There are many other examples of critics producing books, and other projects such as screenplays and music.
No I am not being sarcastic. With the exception of Ebert and a few others, most critics have failed at doing what they are critics of now or they zero credentials and their opinions matter no more than ours.
Case and point. Michael Cimino was ruined over "Heaven's Gate" here in the US. He had just too much success out of the gate with "The Deer Hunter", so they ruined him over a perfectly fine film. Meanwhile in Europe the film was a big success, since he was not one of theirs.
Yet a film like "The Cook, The Thief, His wife and Their Lover", was raved about, and probably the only film I ever walked out on. It was the worst piece of garbage I have ever seen and I was not alone in the theater who felt the same way. Same thing for the "Unbearable Lightness of Being".. talk about a pretty movie with no content.
But I listened to those critics and went. They thought they were being pseudo intellectuals by liking those movies and because of them, I will never get those 4 hours back of my life.
So no, I was not being sarcastic.
I could go on about architecture, and how the hell could Philip Johnson the hack, ever got a rave about anything he designed... of Jackson Pollock.. a trained monkey could do his paintings, but then I would have to write a dissertation and I don't have the time.
I tried to watch Heaven's Gate a couple times, including about 6 months ago. That is a ponderous movie.
Have you ever seen The Year Of The Dragon? A Michael Cimino movie with Mickey Rourke as a NYC detective in Chinatown there. That was a good movie though some critics said it was racist.
"Heaven's Gate "is a true story with a lot going on. It is not an instant coffee story. But neither was "The Deer Hunter". Both were deeply disturbing looks at a period and far superior to the other ones that I listed.
Try watching the much raved about "The Diving Bell and The Butterfly" and then you we can talk about ponderous movies.
I have to agree with you about art house movies. Generally, I don't care for them and would never go to a theater to see one. I occasionally check one out on tv if I have seen some good things about it.
Omigawd ... truer words were never spoken. Hell, pay me a ton of money and I'll tell you what I think about A LOT of stuff, not just movies, books and/or restaurants.
I forget who said it, but someone wise once shared that opinions are like penises; it's okay to have one and it's okay to be proud of it, but don't whip it out and shove it down my throat.
I'm not bitter....
Dear Friend Perrie: Or right.
....and John takes it personally......you can't make this stuff up!
Today, with social media, everyone is a critic.
Classic Mel Brooks
Professional critics are open to bribes and being slobbered over so disregard them.
Forgive the off topic comment, TF, but if you see Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimm-atosilphioparaomelitokatakechy, tell him formerstew is extremely happy to see him here.
Last I saw of him he was hanging out with Ninja Hamster.
I'll tell him you said hi!
'Critique' doesn't quite mean what you think it means.
What does it say about me if I critique myself?
Inevitable therapy?
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Lucky you. I ended up stuck inside a B&W cathode ray tube for four hours. Friggin' blotter. It wasn't bad, but sure was bland.
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You shudda put a picture of an Infinity on your tongue. They don't make Saturns anymore.
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Be sure to wash your hands when you'r finished