
Ellen Ratner: Roger Ailes: A Man I Admire


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Via:  xxjefferson51  •  9 years ago  •  4 comments

Ellen Ratner: Roger Ailes: A Man I Admire

The headline in TVNewser about Roger Ailes saving the life of one of his reporters didnt surprise me a bit. Dont get me wrong: I was delighted to know the details of Rogers extensive, and expensive, efforts to help Greg Jarrett, but I wasnt surprised.

And yet its funny: In my travels around the world, I have learned that just about everyone has heard of Fox News but that most people dont truly know it.

  • Ellen Ratner: Roger Ailes: A Man I Admire


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link   seeder  XXJefferson51    9 years ago

I wasnt about to let a casual dig like that go unanswered.Actually, I said, I have been there for 17 years, and I would crawl though broken glass for Roger Ailes. He runs the best company, with the best corporate culture I had ever witnessed. The Brits at the dinner table looked at me as if I were mad. I told them, And theres more!I am a liberal and would never work for anyone else!

I could tell they were having thoughts about me going on a long swim in the crocodile-infested nearby Nile River, never to return.So then I changed the subject, and we had a pleasant chat about how best to help the people of South Sudan.

When I arrived back in the U.S. in mid-March, I naturally wanted to catch up on all the news stateside.And so, of course, I went to one of my favorite sites for industry info,TV Newser. And there, on March 26, I saw Mark Joyellas interview with Fox News longtime reporter and anchor, Greg Jarrett, headlined,Gregg Jarrett: I Might Not Have Survived Without Roger Ailes.In stark and candid terms, Gregg described his descent into alcoholism, and then the successful effort of his boss Roget Ailes, to get him to a place where he could get help.

I know full well that, to a lot of companies, a troubled employee is seen as a costly burden and nothing more. Indeed, corporate America is getting quite creative at finding ways to lay off and otherwise get rid of employees, even healthy ones. Indeed, as a political liberal, I think we should have stronger workplace protections, so that the livelihood, and the dignity, of workers is not jeopardized by hard-hearted employers. But at Fox under Roger, such rules arent needed, because Fox has a human resources policy that would make a Swede envious.

As Gregg said, he knew that he was family at Fox like any loyal Fox employee.And as in a family, when a family member hits a rough patch, the family digs deep to help out.At Fox, to borrow the lyric of that recent Bruce Springsteen song, We take care of our own.

Perhaps those British aid workers I met in South Sudan will never read this piece, but if they do, they should know that Fox has a genuinely benevolent corporate culture.I have seen it, up close and personal, for nearly two decades:Everyone is respected for what he or she does. It can be the security guard who opens the door, or the make-up artist on weekend shift, but everyone gets respect. People are the friendliest of any small or large corporate structure, and there is no tolerance for anyone not giving concern or equal treatment to all.

Fox News Channel is also welcoming to all. A friend of mine, an African-American working at a more liberal news venue who was looking to make a change, interviewed at Fox, counted the number of African-Americans in the newsroom and saw, to her surprise, that there were more at Fox.So much for the perception of intolerant conservatism!The channel has gay folk, as well as many liberals and single parents and all kinds of ethnic and racial minorities. What Roger cares about is what the viewers see at home: Everyones personal choices are their business not his. But, as the Greg Jarrett case demonstrates, once you become part of the Fox family, thats what you are family.

So yes, I am often asked, How can you work for such a conservative venue?And for the reasons I have stated, I am incredulous at such a question, as if someones political viewpoints reflect the way people are treated!

Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    9 years ago

She's one of many liberal democratswho work for Fox News and love it there.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    9 years ago

She must not be one of Gruber's Follies.Grin.gif

Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    9 years ago
Some progressives have a hard time accepting that there are democrat liberals and centrists working for Fox News channel and are very well treated and very happy there.

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