A sticky mess: liquid chocolate spills onto Polish highway
Associated Press • May 9, 2018
WARSAW, Poland (AP) -- A tractor-trailer has overturned on a Polish highway, spilling tons of liquid chocolate that are solidifying into a huge sticky mess.
The private broadcaster TVN24 showed images of an overturned truck surrounded by brown chocolate covering six lanes on the A2 motorway, blocking traffic in both directions.
Rescue officials said the liquid chocolate was solidifying as it cooled and would require large amounts of hot water to clear away.
Senior brigadier Bogdan Kowalski with the fire brigade of Slupca, a town in western Poland, said, "the cooling chocolate is worse than snow."
TVN24 reported from the site of the accident that the driver was taken to a hospital with a broken arm. The accident occurred in the morning when there was little traffic and nobody else was hurt.
They're trying to build a 6 lane Hershey Highway in Poland?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The road to Warsaw is paved with 12 tons of chocolate and a possible vodka spritzer.
How come this never happens on my routes to work?
Because you work on the septic tank service route? THAT'S NOT CHOCOLATE!!!
Aerial view from Youtube screenshot
He was probably texting about the boring daily routine drive to...wwwhhhhhhhaaaaaaatthe fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG... What would Willy Wonka say?
He'd add a soccer shoe... "to give it a little kick!"
The Schnozberries taste like Schnozberries!