Via: hal-a-lujah • 7 years ago • 5 comments
A scene that was deleted from one of the greatest movies ever made. It's hard to believe that this scene was cut over concerns of offending Zionists, considering the nature of the entire movie.
I had the privilege of attending a presentation by Graham Chapman before his untimely death. He was doing a big college tour, and showed up at my college almost unannounced. The event was free, and the house was absolutely packed. I honestly don't remember much about the speech, because I honestly don't remember much of anything from my college days , but I was so glad I went because it was hysterical and culturally illuminating. He passed away very soon afterward from an aggressive cancer that took everyone by surprise.
If you've got some time to spare, this is the commentary from the making of Life of Brian. It's worth the watch.
That helmet is something else....
They talk about the symbol in the commentary above. The whole costume is a mish-mash of dichotomy and random influences.
I had the privilege of attending a presentation by Graham Chapman before his untimely death. He was doing a big college tour, and showed up at my college almost unannounced. The event was free, and the house was absolutely packed. I honestly don't remember much about the speech, because I honestly don't remember much of anything from my college days
, but I was so glad I went because it was hysterical and culturally illuminating. He passed away very soon afterward from an aggressive cancer that took everyone by surprise.