Gas, fuel supply to Gaza resumed after Palestinians sabotaged crossing (WTF???)
Israel partially renewed the supply of gas and fuel to the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom border crossing on Thursday after it was repeatedly set ablaze by Palestinian rioters.
The Border Crossings Authority, in conjunction with the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories and the District Coordination and Liaison in the Gaza Strip, resumed the transfer of cooking gas and diesel fuel into the strip.
" resumed the transfer of cooking gas and diesel fuel into Gaza". But how could that be? Resumed means they had been transferring gas and diesel fuel from Israel into Gaza before the crossing was set on fire! And-- now they're transferring it again.
Yet I keep reading that there's a blockade of Gaza! (Could those allegations of an Israeli "b;ockade" merely be "alternative facts"?
Palestinian rioters sabotaged the crossing, the only one for the transfer of goods from Israel to Gaza, on three different occasions over the past two weeks.
In the latest incident on Monday evening, fuel pipelines and the quarry materials depot were damaged. Before that on Friday, a fuel complex and a conveyor belt were vandalized. On the Friday before that, rioters sabotaged gas and fuel pipelines. The damage from the first two attacks alone was estimated at over $9 million.
There is no real blockade, just the imaginary one cooked up by Hamas, the killer of kids, women, and the old and infirm