
I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  johnrussell  •  6 years ago  •  169 comments

I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes

I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!


jrDiscussion - desc
The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
1  The Magic 8 Ball    6 years ago

trump smells blood in the water... LOL

people will be going to jail.

Cheers :)

Sophomore Participates
1.1  Skrekk  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @1    6 years ago
trump smells blood in the water... LOL

He must have cut himself.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
1.1.1  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Skrekk @1.1    6 years ago
He must have cut himself.

did he eat the pain like obama and podesta do?



Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.2  Greg Jones  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @1    6 years ago

trump smells blood in the water... LOL

people will be going to jail.

Cheers :)

Yep, all kinds of left-wing, progressive, Democrat, people! I'm so excited!

Professor Quiet
1.3  cjcold  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @1    6 years ago

Fox says it and Trump runs with the lie.

Professor Principal
2  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago
people will be going to jail.

Yeah, he will. Trump continues to INTENTIONALLY mislead the American people. I think he should be impeached on that basis alone. 

Not only is he lying in an out of control way, he is mentally abusing his gullible followers. 

Professor Participates
2.1  bugsy  replied to  JohnRussell @2    6 years ago

Most rational people know that what he is mentally abusing are the disturbed left that have him on their mind day in and day out. Some people are so out of touch with reality that they post several seeds on a blog, all with an "I hate Trump" story line, or some sort of accusation that the seeder is unable to back any of the accusations up with anything that has ever come true, even after being called out to do it several times.

Our President is driving these left wing loonies absolutely batshit crazy because they know he will be their President for the next 6.5 years, and their feeble, sensitive minds can't handle it.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
2.2  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  JohnRussell @2    6 years ago

LOL  you are funny.

trump is not going to jail. he will be re-elected and then remembered as a great president.

just curious here...

everything you ever predicted or stood ground on has been wrong... what makes you think today is any different?

Professor Quiet
2.2.1  sixpick  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @2.2    6 years ago

Surf's Up...... Except for his mouth.  He's doing a good job with some things and not so good a job with others, but all I have to do is think of the alternative and it puts a big smile on my face.


The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
2.2.2  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  sixpick @2.2.1    6 years ago
Except for his mouth.

people did not elect trump expecting him to change and suddenly speak like a politician.

we elected him to flip DC on its head and he is doing just that.

Cheers :)

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
2.2.3  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @2.2.2    6 years ago
we elected him to flip DC on its head and

people tend to forget the second part of this statement it goes a little like this: 

we elected him to flip DC on its head and rebuild America in his own way.

I say good luck with following one man and putting him in charge of America's future. cause, I'd call that a dictatorship and I want no part of it.

But I doubt anyone will admit to agreeing with the second part, that's why that part is forgotten by most. Ya cant tear down a country and not rebuild it, and many americans it seems have given one man ...trump that mandate, I find that scarry.

Well I guess we better all hope trump rebuilds America the way WE want it. 

lol... Not likely.

ya cant satisfy all of the people all of the time. 

Good luck America lining up behind one man, I hope he leads you well and never turns against you.

also not likely

remember the pied piper story ? .......... I do.


The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
2.2.4  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @2.2.3    6 years ago
Ya cant tear down a country and not rebuild it

ya got that right....

  •  obama was the one who tried to tear us down and fundamentally change our country
  • trump is now rebuilding our country.

Cheers :)

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2.2.5  Greg Jones  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @2.2.3    6 years ago
remember the pied piper story ? .......... I do

He can do nothing without the support of Congress and Constitutional decisions by the Supreme Court. At least half the country supports what he is trying to accomplish and that number is growing.

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
2.2.6  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @2.2.4    6 years ago
trump is rebuilding, not tearing down.

BS:  trump is tearing apart the current united states government in many ways in order to "rebuild" his "Great America."

Many of trumps appointees worked against the same governmental departments in the past that they now control.

the one thing trump appointees all do seem to have in common is their idolical agreement to and loyalty to president trump himself.

When trump promised "The Best of the Best" I assumed he was talking about the best appointees for Americans not appointees who were the best for the president and the easiest to be controlled in the future by him. 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
2.2.7  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @2.2.6    6 years ago
trump is tearing apart the current united states government

holding people accountable for their crimes while in government only strengthens our current government.

but hey no worries... they are all innocent right? they have nothing to fear do they?

when they are found to be innocent? trump will be a laughing stock right?

it will all work out in the end :)

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
2.2.8  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  Greg Jones @2.2.5    6 years ago
He can do nothing without the support of Congress and Constitutional decisions by the Supreme Court.

true No Major changes could take place without the cooperation of many. Watch as trump continues to do all he can to help put people in power that will be loyal to him and his agenda. While all politicians do this trump especially wants yes men who are loyal to him and his agenda it makes what he wants much easier and quicker to accomplish. It also diminishes the influence others have on the direction America goes.

Professor Guide
2.2.9  MrFrost  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @2.2.4    6 years ago
obama was the one who tried to tear us down

He created 15 million jobs, got us out of the republican recession....Heck with it, look for yourself.

dow-obama-trump.jpg IMG_20170220_092412.jpg

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
2.2.10  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @2.2.7    6 years ago
holding people accountable for their crimes while in government only strengthens our current government.

I agree. When suspected it should be investigated. When and where there is criminal activity in our government it should be weeded out and punished.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2.4  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @2    6 years ago
Not only is he lying in an out of control way, he is mentally abusing his gullible followers.

So says the one who was admonished to "get a grip". Seriously JR, you're the one who seems to be out of control.

Professor Principal
3  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago

Matthew Miller Retweeted Donald J. Trump

There it is. He has finally crossed the red line and ordered up a DOJ investigation of his political opponents, as well as career law enforcement agents. Moment of truth for Rosenstein and Sessions and moment of danger for the country.

Professor Participates
3.1  bugsy  replied to  JohnRussell @3    6 years ago

Wrong.....yet again.

He is ordering an investigation into whether the past administration tried to interfere in his campaign in order to get who they wanted in the White House. He was not running against Obama, so he is not investigating his political opponent.

Whoever Matthew Miller is, he is an idiot.

You're welcome.

Professor Quiet
3.2  sixpick  replied to  JohnRussell @3    6 years ago
danger for the country

Probably something to do with National Security, I bet.  They like to use that one.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @3    6 years ago
e has finally crossed the red line and ordered up a DOJ investigation of his political opponents

So you are saying he's pulling an Obama?

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
3.4  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  JohnRussell @3    6 years ago
There it is. He has finally crossed the red line

luckily obama has shown us that the liberals "red line" is more of a rainbow and it actually means nothing when crossed.

Professor Guide
4  MrFrost    6 years ago

I thought it was pretty damn funny that rudy was saying the investigation will be over soon because, "trump being under investigation would unfairly influence voters...". Is he fucking serious? Like announcing that a candidate is under FBI investigation, twice, just before a presidential election? Or like asking wiki-leaks to post damaging emails right up to the day of the same election? Could rudy be any more of a retarded hypocritical lying partisan POS? Nope. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  MrFrost @4    6 years ago
damn funny that rudy was saying the investigation will be over soon because, "trump being under investigation would unfairly influence voters.

That's actually why Comey didn't want to announce Trump was under investigation during the campaign, (although they did make it public). Playing politics, Comey thought announcing the investigation would help Trump because it would feed the narrative that Trump was claiming a rigged election. 

So Comey's already admitted the FBI didn't announce the previous investigation because he thought it might help Trump. Since the dOJ already has admitted it makes decisions based on who it will help politically, Rudy's just playing the game the DOJ has been playing. 

Professor Guide
4.1.1  MrFrost  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.1    6 years ago
That's actually why Comey didn't want to announce Trump was under investigation during the campaign, (although they did make it public).

But he had no problems saying that clinton was under investigation....twice. No mention of trump. But rudy wants to make sure trump doesn't get the same treatment? Like I said, partisan hack hypocrite. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
4.1.2  Raven Wing   replied to  MrFrost @4.1.1    6 years ago

I think it is really funny that Guilliani says that the Mueller investigation is over, when there has been no indication or statement from Mueller or his team stating any such thing. Wishful thinking on Guilliani and Trumps part maybe? 

Professor Principal
4.1.3  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.1    6 years ago

Trump, the suspect of having committed the crime, now wants to have the cops who are investigating him harassed. It sounds like something from an organized crime plot for a book or movie.

If you use his logic, there could be NO investigation into Russian meddling with the election, while the election was going on, since the ones ordering the investigation worked at the time for an 'opposition' administration.  Trump wants a free get out of jail card for the entire year of 2016.

The fact is that the people in charge of the FBI were not partisans, they went where the inquiry and the leads took them.

Today Trump doesn't like where those leads went, so he is lashing out trying to shift attention. And his legion of deplorables is right behind him.  

Professor Guide
4.1.4  MrFrost  replied to  Raven Wing @4.1.2    6 years ago

According to trumps people the investigation ended last December.. Rudy is either senile or stupid. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
4.1.5  Raven Wing   replied to  MrFrost @4.1.4    6 years ago
Rudy is either senile or stupid.

I'd vote for both. It is not surprising that Guilliani does not seem to know what the heck he is talking about from day to day, just like Trump. I can't help but winder just how long Rudy will last when he keeps running his mouth with total lunacy. He tends to let his mouth overload his azz to much, and I don't think Trump finds it helpful. Guilliani is too into himself and and how smart he thinks he is, and how secure he is in his job. And that is how much he under estimates Trump, and will soon find himself kicked to the curb as well. Then I wonder how arrogant and self assured he will be.  $%^)@%(^

Professor Guide
4.1.7  MrFrost  replied to  dennis smith @4.1.6    6 years ago
The Mueller investigation is incompetent. Going on for over a year and cost millions of dollars.

4 years, 500 million dollars, 9 investigations... If trumpy can spend 100 million taxpayer dollars a year on golf, we can damn sure afford to use the same funds to expose him for the criminal he is. And incompetent? 5 guilty pleas, one prison sentence and 19 indictments.... Doesn't sound incompetent to me. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
4.1.8  Raven Wing   replied to  MrFrost @4.1.7    6 years ago
4 years, 500 million dollars, 9 investigations...

Notice how they choose to forget that? A true convenient lapse of memory, eh? At least Mueller has some arrests and guilty pleas out his investigations so far, which is more than can be said of the Benghazi and Clinton investigations after all these years, and how many millions of taxpayers money wasted, that could have been put to far better use to help those who need it. 

Professor Guide
4.1.9  MrFrost  replied to  Raven Wing @4.1.8    6 years ago

Exactly right. 

Hillary: 72 months of investigations - 0 indictments.

Trump: 14 months of investigations -19 indictments, 5 guilty pleas, one prison sentence.. 

But the right wants to shut this investigation down, and reopen more Hillary investigations? LMFAO! 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
4.1.10  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  MrFrost @4.1.9    6 years ago
Trump: 14 months of investigations -19 indictments, 5 guilty pleas, one prison sentence.

none of which have anything to do with trump.

Hillary: 72 months of investigations - 0 indictments

well then... she can handle 12 more months no worries.

something tells me her current record will not stand the strain

Cheers :)

Sophomore Silent
5  nightwalker    6 years ago

(yawn) yet another thrilling investigation summoned forth at supposed threat or minor irritation to the king. It'll provide great propaganda hay for a couple months through the midterms and then dry up and blow away, except for those that see conspiracies...everywhere.

I think I'll blame it on daytime soaps, people think that they need that drama and intrigue or conspiracies or their not living a full, real life.


Professor Participates
5.1  bugsy  replied to  nightwalker @5    6 years ago
except for those that see conspiracies...everywhere.

You mean like "Russian collusion"?

Sophomore Silent
5.1.1  nightwalker  replied to  bugsy @5.1    6 years ago

No, I mean how EVERYBODY is out to get poor, poor trump and all the other poor innocent hard liners.

How's the investigation into Clinton's charity goin'? Still more nothing?

When are the fearless P.I.s that trump sent to Hawaii to get the goods on Obama doing? Probably still sitting on the beach drinking on trump's dime, except they never existed.

And weren't you going to arrest Obama and set him before a federal judge and then sent him and Clinton to prison forever JUST as soon as he left office?

I won't bother to list the rest, it'd just roll off you head like water off a duck anyway.


Professor Quiet
5.1.2  sixpick  replied to  bugsy @5.1    6 years ago
except for those that see conspiracies...everywhere.

You mean like "Russian collusion"?

Yea, didn't you know that Trump snuck in the DNC and stole their hard drive.  Then he called his buddy Putin to send a KGB agent to pick it up and carry it to Wikileaks with instructions on what to release and when to do. 

Trump construction worker with hard drive.jpg

Professor Participates
5.1.3  bugsy  replied to  nightwalker @5.1.1    6 years ago

No, you meant "Russian collusion"...

Sophomore Silent
5.2  nightwalker  replied to  nightwalker @5    6 years ago

* THEY'RE not living a full, real life.

Maybe people act like this because their own lives are boring, just sittin' around watching fux all day.

Professor Principal
6  JBB    6 years ago

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" - Galatians 4:19 - Thus The Blunderer in Chief demanded his own downfall...

Masters Quiet
7  PJ    6 years ago

I find this whole Presidency disturbing but I'm more sick over how so many people could throw aside our laws and Constitution.  

Sophomore Silent
7.1  nightwalker  replied to  PJ @7    6 years ago

Me too, PJ. How many times have we been warned, from the founding fathers on about how easy it is to loose the freedoms that others have fought and died for?

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
7.1.1  Raven Wing   replied to  nightwalker @7.1    6 years ago

Me three.

Masters Quiet
7.1.2  PJ  replied to  nightwalker @7.1    6 years ago

Yes, these supporters are so blinded by (fill in the blank) that they refuse to see beyond their own desires whether it is driven by greed, entitlement, racism, or simply fear of change.   I've never seen this form of extreme devotion before.  I think we can look back in history and see examples of this extremism that led to devastating results but I never thought I'd witness it first hand in my lifetime.  It's horrifying and fascinating at the same time.  Kinda like a train wreck.  You don't want to see the results but it's too gripping to turn away.

Sophomore Silent
7.1.3  nightwalker  replied to  PJ @7.1.2    6 years ago

I used to wonder how Hitler who first tried to overthrow the German government by violence (and went to prison for it to write "Mine Kampf" ) who first came to power by a 39% vote could get SO many to join in his insane hatred and lust for world conquest, but NOW I can see how it works in this country. I hope it's not time for WWIII with the U.S. playing the Nazi this time.

Masters Quiet
7.1.4  PJ  replied to  nightwalker @7.1.3    6 years ago
I used to wonder how Hitler who first tried to overthrow the German government by violence (and went to prison for it to write "Mine Kampf" ) who first came to power by a 39% vote could get SO many to join in his insane hatred and lust for world conquest

We're witnessing how hatred can be far more powerful than truth.  It's interesting to witness this first hand.  We should have expected this type of rise up after the country's first black president.  It's the pendulum swinging.  

Professor Guide
7.1.6  MrFrost  replied to  dennis smith @7.1.5    6 years ago
Exactly correct, the left hatred is more powerful than the truth.

Our entire government is run by republicans. Mueller is a republican, appointed by a republican by a republican president. Your right to blame the left is long gone. Own it. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
7.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  PJ @7    6 years ago
so many people could throw aside our laws and Constitution.

What do you imagine is happening to support that hyperbole? 

Masters Quiet
7.2.1  PJ  replied to  Sean Treacy @7.2    6 years ago

Sean - I accept that you and other members here are avid supporters of this President.  There's nothing I can say that will have any impact on how you look at the actions of this President, his Administration or the Republican led Congress and Senate.  You will continue to defend him no matter what and that is your right.  It will be interesting to see how history will reflect on this President, his supporters and his critics.   

Sophomore Silent
7.2.2  nightwalker  replied to  PJ @7.2.1    6 years ago

Would vote you up twice for that comment if I could.

Professor Silent
7.2.3  Cerenkov  replied to  PJ @7.2.1    6 years ago

"There's nothing I can say that will have any impact on how you look at the actions of this President..."

At least no shrill emotional rants...

Masters Quiet
7.2.4  PJ  replied to  Cerenkov @7.2.3    6 years ago

What's the point of your comment other than to be mean?   

Professor Silent
7.2.5  Cerenkov  replied to  PJ @7.2.4    6 years ago

The point is to suggest you try reason and facts rather than hysterical hyperbole. Any meanness is just a bonus.

Masters Quiet
7.2.6  PJ  replied to  Cerenkov @7.2.5    6 years ago

okay.......so you're intentionally trying to be mean to me?  Too weird.  

Professor Silent
7.2.7  Cerenkov  replied to  PJ @7.2.6    6 years ago

So... you think bonus and intentional are the same? I suggest more effort on parsing comments. As for meanness, your hypocrisy is stunning.

Masters Quiet
7.2.8  PJ  replied to  Cerenkov @7.2.7    6 years ago

Good to see you again Cerenkov.   Ciao

Sophomore Silent
7.2.9  nightwalker  replied to  PJ @7.2.6    6 years ago

It's in the GOP/Fascist handbook, "when in doubt, strike out." Intimidate or insult.

Professor Quiet
7.2.10  sixpick  replied to  Sean Treacy @7.2    6 years ago
so many people could throw aside our laws and Constitution.

What do you imagine is happening to support that hyperbole? 

It beats me.  I think it's his mouth that has a grip on them.  He has followed the Constitution to the letter.  The Liberal court told him he couldn't ban anyone, so he stopped immediately, unlike Obama did many things outside the Constitution.  For one, he changed Obamacare numerous times.  He didn't have the power to do that.  To make the changes it was supposed to be done through our Legislature, but that didn't stop him and the Republican Congress were afraid they would be called Racist if they pursued any actions against him.  He broke the law by performing action that weren't within his power.  In other words, he acted outside the Constitution.

Now, tell me what Trump has done outside the law PJ.or any of the rest of you tell me.  Nothing.  He runs his mouth, but he is nowhere near the government Obama was running when he was President.  The IRS thing.  Lois Lerna failed to be fair with any conservative groups, talked, pleaded the 5th, took her retirement and went home.

The government you complain about existed under Obama, not Trump.  The government is working more like it should now that checks and balances are being used and the different branches are doing their jobs better, not working for the President as they were during Obama's Administration. 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
7.2.11  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  sixpick @7.2.10    6 years ago
He has followed the Constitution to the letter.

and will finish with a better record than obama had at the supreme court as well.

Professor Principal
8  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago

Rosenstein has evidently asked the Inspector General for the Dept. of Justice to look into the President*'s concerns. 

Most of what I am seeing suggests that Rosenstein is trying to give Trump a shiny object to make him a happy toddler. 

Professor Guide
9  MrFrost    6 years ago

Could someone please tell Grandpa that there is a reason the executive branch is SEPARATE from the judicial branch? Thanks! 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
9.1  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  MrFrost @9    6 years ago
Could someone please tell Grandpa that there is a reason the executive branch is SEPARATE from the judicial branch?

nothing doing grandpa...

the DOJ is part of executive branch   

 you are welcome anyway. 

note: if session's does not produce? he will be fired.

cheers :)

Masters Quiet
9.1.1  PJ  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.1    6 years ago

Ah....the new talking point to try and justify the executive branches overreach.  Beware - you and other President Trump supporters are setting a precedence.  

What goes up comes down.

Professor Guide
9.1.2  MrFrost  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.1    6 years ago

You are confused. The DOJ is not the presidents personal lawyer. He would need someone like....Cohe.......oh wait. 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
9.1.3  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  PJ @9.1.1    6 years ago
the executive branches overreach

pay attention and read all the words this time...

the DOJ is part of executive branch    

there is no overreach.

Cheers :)

Professor Guide
9.1.4  MrFrost  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.1.3    6 years ago

Swing and a miss......

The SCOTUS is at the top of the judicial branch, and not even the POTUS can fire a chief justice. And before you scream that it's a conservative SCOTUS? They aren't going to break the law to save donny. Our constitution will decide and by the looks of things? Donny is in for a rough ride... LOL

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
9.1.5  Raven Wing   replied to  MrFrost @9.1.4    6 years ago

And the great thing is, the new Republican appointee to the SCOTUS who they think will be sure to vote for their side in all things, did not follow that pattern or political loyalty, he followed the Constitution in his first ruling, which went against the GOP. So I think the GOP needs to rethink their reliance on him as their ace in the hole. 

Masters Quiet
9.1.6  PJ  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.1.3    6 years ago

Dude - I think I'm quite capable of reading all the words.  As I said earlier..... you and your friends are allowing a precedence to be set.  Remember this going forward when there's a President you don't like in the WH.  

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
9.1.7  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  MrFrost @9.1.4    6 years ago
The SCOTUS is at the top of the judicial branch


and the president is the top of the executive branch and the doj is part of the executive branch

scroll down = the dept of justice is clearly listed.

Professor Silent
9.1.8  Cerenkov  replied to  PJ @9.1.6    6 years ago

Funny that's what we said when the dem clowns invoked the nuclear option and when Obama relied exclusively on executive orders. Funny stuff.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
9.1.9  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  PJ @9.1.6    6 years ago
Remember this going forward when there's a President you don't like in the WH.

we have already seen it with an outgoing president. and this is the result you should have warned them about.

  obama, hillary, lynch, and crew,  are going to be needing criminal attorneys.

Masters Quiet
9.1.10  PJ  replied to  Cerenkov @9.1.8    6 years ago

I agree.  And it bit them on the ass.  It will not fair well for this group in power later either.  

Masters Quiet
9.1.11  PJ  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.1.9    6 years ago

Dude - I think you've either been in the sun too long or out in the cold too long.   Take a break. 

I know some of you are desperate to have someone go to jail from the previous leadership but I don't think that's going to happen.  Of course I could be wrong.  

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
9.1.12  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  PJ @9.1.11    6 years ago
Of course I could be wrong.

seriously... if anyone else was elected beside trump I would agree with you.. no one goes to jail

but I have to say something has changed. the criminals that have been selling us out have their backs to the wall in broad day light... this will not simply "go away"

if an adminsitration is allowed to spy on, set up, and then try to prosecute or undermine an incoming president based on manufactured evidence??   that is the end of our country.

someone has to go to jail or the doj and fbi will never be trusted again.

the only real question is simple.

will the first to fall land on their swords for those at the top of the administration? 

Sophomore Silent
9.1.13  nightwalker  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.1.9    6 years ago

WHEN!?! The conservatives have been threatening them for YEARS now, but they can't seem to find any actual wrong-doing and have yet to produce anything like...evidence except in fux world.

Is this called "bully politics", where the idea is to threaten and try to intimidate people into total obedience, or is it they just started down a long, long road that they can't get off of without admitting it was all hot air to con you into line?

LOL Looks like we've reached the point where we have to beware, lest the not-so-secret police in the form of the DOJ "will get you if you don't watch out?"  Sorta like the S.S.

Masters Quiet
9.1.14  PJ  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.1.12    6 years ago

Much of what you posted is speculation.  You continue to assume the accusations are true without waiting for anything to be proven.  Based on your formula for conviction you can't cry foul against those who have done the same thing against this President.  

Professor Guide
9.1.15  MrFrost  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.1.9    6 years ago
obama, hillary, lynch, and crew,  are going to be needing criminal attorneys.

Sure, if you say so. And Clinton? 9 investigations and you want more? We are not even through ONE investigation into trumps crimes and the right is already crying? LMFAO!!!!


The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
9.1.16  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  MrFrost @9.1.15    6 years ago
Sure, if you say so. And Clinton? 9 investigations

she got a walk by the currupt doj and fbi under obama.  ya know.. the same people who are now in the spotlight for outright corruption.

now?  that whole admin under obama is going to have a lot of good fun over the next yr or so. their testimony will be hilarious... I bet they plead the fifth...  lol

but back to your point.... do ya think 10 is clintons lucky number?

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
9.1.17  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  PJ @9.1.14    6 years ago
Much of what you posted is speculation.

I have been watching the criminals in dc for well over 30yrs and have never been wrong about such things.

every election (obama and trump included) and every supreme court case I had interest in I predicted the result accurately even if I did not like the result of that prediction.  

speculation you say?     you do not know me.

when I am found to be wrong... be sure to bring it up then. but for now, my speculations are still batting 1000

cheers :)

Professor Guide
9.1.18  MrFrost  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.1.16    6 years ago

Do you really think that all 9 investigations were done by ONE person? Seriously? They were done by literally HUNDREDS of people, are you now going to tell us that they were ALL corrupt? Did you forget about Trey Gowdy? Do you really think that if all of these investigations, (and he was in on ALL of them), were corrupt, he wouldn't say anything? These investigations are done by both parties. Save me the, "well, Obama's FBI.....blah blah blah..." bullshit. Congress spent over 800 days investigating...they found NOTHING...

What's that the right is always saying?

"She won, you lost."

Got it?


The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
9.1.19  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  MrFrost @9.1.18    6 years ago

the upcoming year is going to be a long year for you huh?

Professor Guide
9.1.20  MrFrost  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.1.16    6 years ago

Would you complain if trump were investigated 9 times for the exact same thing? Pretty sure there would be a tiny bit of outrage from the right....but yet another for clinton? Of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

SMH laughing dude

Masters Quiet
9.1.21  PJ  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.1.17    6 years ago

That could certainly be the case.  You're right I do not know you but that doesn't change the fact that currently what you're suggesting is speculation.  I don't mean that in a smartass way, just matter of factly.

Sophomore Silent
9.1.22  nightwalker  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.1.12    6 years ago

I missed that. What "manufactured" evidence did they put up? ALSO, if there is ANYBODY I want watched, it a Presidential Candidate.

Why do ultra-conservatives want to work in the dark so much, with no prying eyes? Why do they cry so hard at ANY investigation of any Conservative actions but can't get enough investigations of their "enemies",  (Real or imagined.)

Something about how evil hates the light of day, perhaps?

Professor Guide
9.1.24  MrFrost  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.1.19    6 years ago

Newp! It's going to be a long year from trump and his supporters. 

Professor Quiet
9.1.25  sixpick  replied to  PJ @9.1.1    6 years ago
executive branches overreach.

You mean like these?

A lack of congressional acquiescence didn’t stop this president. Even in Obama’s first term, the administration launched a “We Can’t Wait” initiative, with senior aide Dan Pfeiffer explaining that “when Congress won’t act, this president will.” And when the reelected President Obama announced his second-term economic plans, he said that “I will not allow gridlock, or inaction, or willful indifference to get in our way.”

But no matter how much you hold it up to the light—and no matter what textual penumbras you induce—there’s no “gridlock clause” in the Constitution by which the president’s power increases to the extent Congress doesn’t support him. Indeed, gridlock is a feature of our system, not a bug, meant to check executive abuse and majoritarian populism both.

Now tell me what Trump has done that wasn't within the powers of his office as President?  If none of you can think of anything, you need to wake up, you've been duped by Obama for 8 years.  His Political Correctness didn't mean he wasn't breaking the law one time after another.  His administration was far more a dictatorship with his FBI, DOJ and all the rest of the Establishment who have been working in Washington doing whatever they wanted.  A law didn't pass, they'd make a regulation that was equal to the failed law. 

Masters Quiet
9.1.26  PJ  replied to  sixpick @9.1.25    6 years ago

Read ALL my comments..

Professor Principal
9.1.27  Tessylo  replied to  MrFrost @9.1.4    6 years ago

Skirting the CoC [ph] 

Sophomore Participates
9.1.28  Skrekk  replied to  dennis smith @9.1.23    6 years ago
Big difference between Hillary and Trump. Comparing her to Trump is nonsense

I agree - not only is she incredibly talented but she's not a thug or a con artist, much less a racist moron.

Sophomore Quiet
9.1.29  lennylynx  replied to  Tessylo @9.1.27    6 years ago

Yes, Captain Oblivious is here, but have you seen Secret Agent Man lately?

Professor Principal
9.1.30  Tessylo  replied to  lennylynx @9.1.29    6 years ago
'Yes, Captain Oblivious is here, but have you seen Secret Agent Man lately?'

Yeah I have but he asked me to stop calling him that.  I didn't know people who worked for the CIA were so easily provoked.  'Stop calling me that or I'll report you for taunting.'  Bad ass!

Sophomore Quiet
9.1.31  lennylynx  replied to  Tessylo @9.1.30    6 years ago

Be nice to him, Tessy, it must be tough when they give you a number and take away your name!

Professor Silent
9.2  Cerenkov  replied to  MrFrost @9    6 years ago

That's really really wrong. The DOJ works for the POTUS. 

Professor Guide
9.2.1  MrFrost  replied to  Cerenkov @9.2    6 years ago
The DOJ works for the POTUS.

Um, no, they work for the American people. Nice try though. 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
9.2.2  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  MrFrost @9.2.1    6 years ago


so the doj is part of the peoples branch of government?

you seriously crack me up :)

Sophomore Silent
9.2.3  nightwalker  replied to  MrFrost @9.2.1    6 years ago

Actually, ALL those people and departments are supposed to be working for the good of the citizens of the U.S. and make the country safe and free and be responsible TO the citizens of the U.S., or George Washington and the rest of the founding fathers wouldn't have gone through all that effort to set up a democratic republic, Washington would have just declared himself dictator after the Revolutionary war and if the other founding fathers objected he could have had them shot for insurrection (and because they had served their purpose) as was the common method in Europe at the time.

Lincoln, the Liberal, also thought that way. "Of the people, by the people, for the people" or whichever order that statement is in. Wonder when that changed?

Sophomore Participates
9.2.4  Skrekk  replied to  Cerenkov @9.2    6 years ago
The DOJ works for the POTUS.

Not exactly.   Perhaps you should have Richard Nixon explain the issue to you?

Professor Guide
9.2.5  MrFrost  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @9.2.2    6 years ago
so the doj is part of the peoples branch of government?

Yep, the same people that pay taxes, which pays these turds their wages, and they vote. By all means, show me where it says that the DOJ doesn't work for the American people, and works solely for the POTUS...

We'll wait. 

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
9.2.6  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  nightwalker @9.2.3    6 years ago
Wonder when that changed?

I suspect to a degree long ago when money stated buying elections. 

Professor Silent
9.2.7  Cerenkov  replied to  MrFrost @9.2.5    6 years ago

Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]

Professor Guide
10  MrFrost    6 years ago

Are trumps actions those that an innocent man would engage in? Nope. Not even close. Trump and his crime syndicate are getting desperate, they are grasping at straws and trying to find any way they can to discredit or stop the investigation. A few months back he got fox fake news to engage in a smear campaign against Mueller, it went on daily for about a month, and when it had no effect? It suddenly stopped. One thing I think the right keeps forgetting is that this investigation is being done by republicans. And spare me the "RINO" BS. Now they are manufacturing a story about a spy in place by the FBI in the trump campaign? Wait....who is this spy? Do they have any proof at all? There was no spy. This is just yet another sad and ridiculous attempt to cast doubt and divert attention. Sadly, Mueller could not care less, he just keeps working and letting trumpy and his incompetent staff run their filthy sewers. 

Besides...if this investigation fails....Dems can pick it up and investigate it again...in fact....7 more times before the right can start complaining... I mean, fair is fair right? laughing dude  And when will trump be questioned on live tv for 11 hours? *crickets*

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
10.1  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  MrFrost @10    6 years ago
Are trumps actions those that an innocent man would engage in?

an innocent man will always defend himself without shame. (write that down it will be on the test)


Professor Silent
10.1.1  Cerenkov  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @10.1    6 years ago

The better hope for a curve...

Professor Guide
10.1.2  MrFrost  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @10.1    6 years ago

An innocent man would shut up and let the investigation run it's course. If trump is truly innocent, he has nothing to hide and trump actions alone scream out that he is guilty as hell. The best part? Even if Sessions and Mueller are fired? The investigation will continue. There is literally nothing donny can do to stop it. 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
10.1.3  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  MrFrost @10.1.2    6 years ago
An innocent man would shut up and let the investigation run it's course.

complete BS  manufactured by the left in their world where innocent people plead the fifth and guilty people speak out against their accusers... too damn funny for words.

better buy a new spin, that one aint going to fly

cheers :)

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
10.1.4  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  MrFrost @10.1.2    6 years ago
An innocent man would shut up and let the investigation run it's course.

want to bet obama's and hillary's lawyers tell them to shut up?  ( not talk about the case )

Professor Guide
10.1.5  MrFrost  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @10.1.3    6 years ago
manufactured by the left in their world where innocent people plead the fifth and guilty people speak out against their accusers

So you are saying that Cohen is guilty then? I agree. So does trump apparently.. LOL

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
10.1.6  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  MrFrost @10.1.5    6 years ago
So you are saying

sorry... I did not say and I do not play those sliding conversation games.

play with your imagination elsewhere.

Cheers :)

Professor Guide
10.1.7  MrFrost  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @10.1.4    6 years ago
want to bet obama's and hillary's lawyers tell them to shut up?  ( not talk about the case )

Because there is no case.... duh! 

Professor Quiet
10.1.8  bbl-1  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @10.1.4    6 years ago

Still waiting for the Trump to reveal the results of his Hawaiian Investigation about Obama's birth status.

And still waiting to see the Trump's taxes even after he publicly said at least four times that he would show them. 

And still waiting to see the Trump's 'big and beautiful' healthcare plan.

Basically, a year and a half into the Trump thing and the wait continues.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
10.1.9  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  MrFrost @10.1.7    6 years ago


you run with that... have fun.

Cheers :)

Professor Guide
10.1.10  MrFrost  replied to  bbl-1 @10.1.8    6 years ago
Still waiting for the Trump to reveal the results of his Hawaiian Investigation about Obama's birth status.

Yep...more of his, "unnamed sources" are working on it...


Professor Guide
10.1.11  MrFrost  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @10.1.9    6 years ago
you run with that... have fun.

I will... Have they even been CHARGED? No. You have been after clinton for 20 years and you have never even CHARGED her with a crime... Sad. And Obama? The only people saying he is guilty of ANYTHING are the far right wing fake news sites... Is trumps FBI going after Obama? No. Why not? Because there is nothing to go after him FOR... 

Sophomore Silent
10.1.13  nightwalker  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @10.1.4    6 years ago

WOW! Do you really imagine that either one lays awake nights worrying over that ultra-conservative fertilizer?

If so, I really admire the way Obama worries, he's having a ball and still has more influence in other countries than trump does. What a life he has. The worrying is just killing him on his jet skis or whatever he's playing with this week, you can tell by those big smiles!

Sophomore Silent
10.1.14  nightwalker  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @10.1.6    6 years ago

That's right, Surf, stick to the script or you could get yourself in trouble.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
10.1.15  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  nightwalker @10.1.14    6 years ago
you could get yourself in trouble.

I was born trouble.

cheers :)

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
10.1.16  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @10.1    6 years ago
an innocent man will always defend himself without

A truly innocent man will defend himself without attacking his accusers.

Professor Quiet
10.1.17  arkpdx  replied to  nightwalker @10.1.13    6 years ago
has more influence in other countries

The other countries can have him. Want to start a fund to send him? 

Professor Principal
10.1.18  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  MrFrost @10.1.11    6 years ago

A few months ago Trump wanted Jeff Sessions, a Trump lackey, to investigate the same thing that Trump is now calling again for from Rosenstein, and Sessions said no. This time Trump has ramped up his desperation some more, ranting in unhinged tweets. The situation on the ground is the same as when Sessions said no - the FBI did nothing wrong in it's investigation of the Trump campaign. They are doing their job. 

This gaslighting has to stop before the country is destroyed by right wing deceit. 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
10.1.19  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  JohnRussell @10.1.18    6 years ago
This gaslighting has to stop

the is reality is simple... the gaslighting stopped the day trump took office.  at this point, you are just gassing your self.

although some might say "perception is reality"   nothing you say can change that reality.

Cheers :)

Professor Participates
10.1.20  bugsy  replied to  MrFrost @10.1.10    6 years ago

That's easy......Because being a US citizen is a requirement laid out in the Constitution to be President, showing your taxes is not.

Professor Participates
10.1.21  bugsy  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @10.1.16    6 years ago

So you agree that Comey, Hilary, Brennan, Yates and others are all guilty, because every one of them have attacked the President n more ways than one, and none with any evidence.

Professor Quiet
11  bbl-1    6 years ago

1.  The president with this new 'proclamation' is---------------under estimating his lack of standing.

2.  Trump claims 'there is no Russian collusion.'  The I assume the same could be said for the Rosenberg's.

3.  During The Patriot Act discussions the conservatives cried, "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear."  If the Trump is so innocent why does he protest so much?  A thorough and complete investigation would prove his innocence.  Unless of course, there is more to 'the Russia thing' than simply the Russians. 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
12  The Magic 8 Ball    6 years ago

  they would have gotten away with it had they not pushed the BS russian collusion narrative.

Masters Quiet
13  PJ    6 years ago

It seems this site is incapable of discussing the issue without throwing in partisan politics.  Everything is a personal attack and mean spirited comments.

Its so tiresome.  I should probably take another hiaitis.  

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
13.1  Greg Jones  replied to  PJ @13    6 years ago

Comment removed sweeping generalizations [ph]

Professor Principal
13.1.1  JBB  replied to  Greg Jones @13.1    6 years ago
removed for context

Don't you give a damn for your own credibility? Who we gonna believe? Our own lyin eyes, or you?

Masters Quiet
13.1.3  PJ  replied to  Greg Jones @13.1    6 years ago

Greg - Thank you for being the the poster child for my comment.   There's nothing really more to say except to point to your comment as proof.

Professor Principal
13.1.4  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Greg Jones @13.1    6 years ago

The only one responsible for Trump's problems is Trump himself.  In a nutshell, he doesn't know how to shut the fuck up. 

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email - POLITICO

https:// www.politico.com /story/2016/07/ trump -putin-no-relationship...

Donald Trump invited Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails on Wednesday, asking one of America’s longstanding geopolitical adversaries to find “the 30,000 emails that are missing” from the personal server she used during her time as secretary of state.

That was on July 27 of 2016.  The FBI investigation of the Trump campaign commenced sometime after that, I believe. 

We also heard that Donald Trump personally concocted a cover up excuse for the Trump Tower meeting, instructing his people to all say that the meeting was entirely about "adoption" when he knew by that time that his son used the meeting to seek political dirt on Hillary Clinton. 

IN THEMSELVES these two items should have and did draw attention of investigators toward Trump and his campaign.  The only thing he is victim of is his own arrogance and stupidity. 

I am very confident that Mueller will report misdoings on Trump's part and on his campaign's part. Whether they will rise to removable offenses in terms of his presidency remains to be seen. 

As far as him being the victim of a "witch hunt"? That is laughable. 

Professor Principal
13.2  JBB  replied to  PJ @13    6 years ago

It is discouraging just how few participate in good faith and just how many are here only to stir shit...

Social media was going to advance mankind's understanding then unintended consequences ensued. 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
13.2.1  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  JBB @13.2    6 years ago
Social media was going to advance mankind's understanding

whoever said that should have talked to me first...

the idea that social media would make people smarter is simply ludicrous from the word go.

the idea that our opinions and therefore our actions (our vote) could be controlled via social media?  backfired as well.

Cheers :)

Sophomore Participates
13.3  Skrekk  replied to  PJ @13    6 years ago

I'm feeling the same way, PJ.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
13.3.1  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Skrekk @13.3    6 years ago

If you are not flagging personal attacks we can't do anything about it. Please flag.. the mods are doing their best to keep the site clean of insults. 

Sophomore Participates
13.3.2  Skrekk  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @13.3.1    6 years ago

I guess it's not so much the insults that are the issue for me (which I why I virtually never flag) but the complete lack of intellectually substantive commentary by the right wingers here.    There's probably just a few who spoil it for everyone else but since the time I joined it seems the site has devolved into endless seeds based on RW conspiracy theories or similar bogus issues devoid of content.     I do come here for a debate not an echo chamber, but I've been feeling that something is missing for me.    I'm not sure that's something you or the other mods can easily fix.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
13.3.3  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Skrekk @13.3.2    6 years ago


If you are not finding the kinds of discussions that you are looking for, please feel free to seed the types and be in control of content. There are good people here who want to debate.. and we have a new publisher soon coming which will make seeding much more easy. 

Please feel free to contact me with any other thoughts. 

Professor Participates
13.3.4  bugsy  replied to  Skrekk @13.3.2    6 years ago
I guess it's not so much the insults that are the issue for me

Just a bit of friendly advice for you. If you stop accusing everyone that does not agree with you as racist or bigot, maybe the insults towards you will stop.

Professor Participates
13.3.5  bugsy  replied to  bugsy @13.3.4    6 years ago

or white supremist

Sophomore Quiet
13.3.6  lennylynx  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @13.3.3    6 years ago

Nobody in their right mind supports Donald Trump, and it's painfully obvious that he's neck deep in scandal.  The White House is a total gong show, also obvious, and Donald Trump is the most dangerous, corrupt, lawless, and mentally unbalanced person to ever hold office, obvious again.  Trump diminishes America with each day he spends in office, and left/right politics have NOTHING to do with it.

Trump supporters are simply not worth taking seriously, and debating Trump's value is ridiculous.

Junior Participates
13.3.7  KDMichigan  replied to  lennylynx @13.3.6    6 years ago
Trump supporters are simply not worth taking seriously, and debating Trump's value is ridiculous.

Well I'll take President Trump over that brain damaged corrupt booze hag Hillaryious Hillary any day.

Tell us how did President Trump hurt you?

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
13.3.8  Raven Wing   replied to  lennylynx @13.3.6    6 years ago
Trump supporters are simply not worth taking seriously, and debating Trump's value is ridiculous.

Totally agree. Thumbs Up 2

Sophomore Quiet
13.3.9  magnoliaave  replied to  lennylynx @13.3.6    6 years ago

Oh, come on, Leno, you know that I am!

Sophomore Quiet
13.3.10  magnoliaave  replied to  bugsy @13.3.4    6 years ago

For a fact. It is constant. 

Sophomore Quiet
13.3.11  magnoliaave  replied to  Raven Wing @13.3.8    6 years ago

Bless your heart!

Sophomore Participates
13.3.12  Skrekk  replied to  bugsy @13.3.4    6 years ago
Just a bit of friendly advice for you. If you stop accusing everyone that does not agree with you as racist or bigot, maybe the insults towards you will stop.

Hmmm......as my comment upthread noted I'm not at all concerned about insults.    But if you or other right wingers don't want to be called out as bigots then perhaps you should stop acting that way?   Or at least learn the definition of English words.....in another thread one of your buddies is arguing that racism and homophobia aren't forms of prejudice.    Just a bit of friendly advice for you.

Sophomore Quiet
13.3.13  lennylynx  replied to  magnoliaave @13.3.9    6 years ago

I love you to bits Mango!

Sophomore Quiet
13.3.14  magnoliaave  replied to  lennylynx @13.3.13    6 years ago

You be the main man!

Professor Quiet
13.3.15  arkpdx  replied to  lennylynx @13.3.6    6 years ago
Trump supporters are simply not worth taking seriously, and debating Trump's value is ridiculous.

Keep thinking that way and liberals/democrats will be out of power for ever. What do you think gave us President Trump? 

Sophomore Quiet
13.3.16  magnoliaave  replied to  bugsy @13.3.4    6 years ago

You know, that's the thing.  Every post, it seems is caustic. 

Professor Participates
13.3.17  bugsy  replied to  Skrekk @13.3.12    6 years ago
But if you or other right wingers don't want to be called out as bigots then perhaps you should stop acting that way?

Exactly what is "acting that way"? Is it not toeing your idea of what a bigot or racist is? Is it not falling in line with the liberal line of thought? I don't know who "my friend" is, as I speak for myself.

BTW, racism and homophobia are not forms of prejudice. They are more in line with bigotry. Honestly, I'm surprised you did not know that, as you tend to label alot of people on here all of these terms, simply because they disagree with you.

Maybe this will help you change your train of thought.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
13.3.18  Raven Wing   replied to  magnoliaave @13.3.11    6 years ago

Thank you, and Bless you heart as well. 

Sophomore Quiet
13.3.19  magnoliaave  replied to  arkpdx @13.3.15    6 years ago

IMO.....the middle class stopped being heard by both Parties and they had enough.  Trump told us what we needed to hear.  That we were worth something.   Then, Hillary the bitch, pranced in and told the minorities what they wanted to hear.  We barely made it out of the trenches.     Obama winning second term almost seems like a set up with McCain and Palin.  Why In the hell Palin?  Nothing wrong with the lady, but for VP?  

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
13.3.20  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  arkpdx @13.3.15    6 years ago
What do you think gave us President Trump?

Extremely gullible country mice who believed everything their supposed Billionaire cousin City Mouse told them about how rich he was (though they never demanded to see his tax returns) and how he was going to make all of them rich too by defeating the "City rats" who he claimed had been keeping the mice down. He told them how the "City rats" took all the mouse jobs and how dirty and virulent the lifestyles the rats lead are. City Mouse also promised the country mice he'd bring back their jobs mining for dirty cheese even though solar cheese was now available, he told them he'd build a wall so none of the criminal and rapist rats could get into the country, he appealed to their country mouse natures and told them they were special white mice who shouldn't be ashamed of their fur, that they should be proud of their heritage. City mouse was even able to stir up a whole mob of country mice who brandished their "No Rats" signs and marched while chanting "Rats will not replace us!". It was on this false rhetoric that City Mouse was able to ride the tide of gullible lied to country mice into power. The only thing left to do is for the big city mouse to reveal he was the real rat all along and made a mint selling off our country, mice and all, to the highest foreign bidder. "You knew damn well I was a rat before you took me in...".

Sophomore Participates
13.3.21  Skrekk  replied to  arkpdx @13.3.15    6 years ago
What do you think gave us President Trump?

He's probably due to a genetic defect defect during conception, either an extra chromosome or a missing one.    Or he could be due to some flaw during fetal development.    But regardless of the specific origin it's clear that sociopathy is innate.    I'm sure his parents knew something was seriously wrong by the time he was a toddler.

Professor Principal
13.3.24  Tessylo  replied to  magnoliaave @13.3.19    6 years ago
'Trump told us what we needed to hear.  That we were worth something.'

You are nothing to Donald Rump,  nothing.  The only one who is worth something to Donald Rump is Donald Rump.  

Professor Principal
14  Tessylo    6 years ago

Demand all you want you dumb turd donald rump but the investigation is going to continue.  


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